Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fuck (hair)

Why do women cut their hair and shave their heads in acts of defiance? We all do it. At one time or another rebel man's idea of beauty. Cut off our hair. Try forcing the world to see her self perceived inner worth upon first glance. 

I did it. Again. Two years ago this month. I cut off over 3 feet of hair. Bam. Gone. Blog. December 2015 Luckily it all worked out in the end. And for a little while back in 2015 lesbians were nice to me. Remember?

Sometimes acts of defiance works out.

Sometimes it doesn't. 

In Red Cross First Aid training they teach you to NEVER rush into a scene of an accident. Instead assess your surroundings. Survey possible dangers. Make sure you're safe. Make certain the area is safe. Then proceed with caution. All things Rose McGowan did not do. Instead she ran into this bloody 50,000 car pile up (which she helped cause) with nothing but raw emotions, gasoline, matches and (seemingly) a death wish. At reportedly 44 years of age, McGowan should know better. 

Women my age don't survive on our own, all these years, without learning a thing or two. Meryl Streep could write a Bible on how to survive Hollywood. 

And in response to Rose McGowan attacking her on twitter, Meryl Streep did the smartest, classiest thing a woman of her high caliber could do. 

Page 2.

Streep extended a hand to the woman who publicly insulted and attacked her. Streep gave her attacker her home phone number and said, "Lets talk. Lets understand each other." Streep waited day and night into the following day by her phone. And when Streep's attacker didn't accept her invite, Streep penned a very thoughtful letter in hopes her attacker might then reconsider the unprovoked stand against her.

In other words McGowan got bitch slapped. Repeatedly. Hard. But with love.


That's how you do it. 

Take notes.  


And, presently, Rose McGowan's time in Hollywood will be remembered as: The woman who wrongly attacked Meryl Streep. 

Crackerjack job on your women's movement on... on... what was it about again?? 

See. This. Right here. This is why you stay out of the media. Because you might get emotional and say stupid shit like this which people will remember forever. 

Originally I was going to post what McGowan said in her tweet against Streep. No need. You saw it. We all did.

And I can't help but to wonder what might happen... next.  

What are the five stages of grieving?

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance 

I'm going to say somewhere between 3 and 4. Maybe?

Perhaps someone should keep an eye on McGowan. 

I cannot think of a sane reason to randomly attack one of the biggest name women in your industry, ironically in a movement against abuse on women in Hollywood, unless you really were... you know.

All's fair in love and war? Even with yourself?

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