Monday, December 4, 2017

business up front, party in the back!

I took that FB visual test. Spot on. Right down to the description. Then again that's all writers.

The 80's

The 80's was good times! Even in small town Minnesota. I was a kid then but still good times. And then 1989 rolled around. I moved to San Francisco, to be an adult. Got arrested. Turns out he was only 17. His parents loved me though. Wanted me to marry him. Sorry but I had already fallen madly in love with someone else. Six months later that guy ripped my heart into a million pieces. So that was fun. Be that as it may, I kicked around the bay area until January 1992. Still heartbroken I left San Francisco for Los Angeles, where I made home for the next 25 years. 

But before all that there was the 80's.

When musicians could sing songs about hooking up with minors and no one cared. You know the "rumors".

When people saw through the age-game insurance money making scheme/hypocrisy. 16 to drive a motorized vehicle on the road. 18 to die for your country. (Then) 19 to legally buy alcohol. 18 to consent to sex. 16 to fly solo in an aircraft. And the only age limit they upped was buying alcohol to 21 years of age. You can still fly an aircraft and drive a car solo at 16. The country deems you responsible at 16 to drive a 4,000 pound cauldron of metal filled with gasoline among other motorists and their families, just not responsible enough to consent to sex. For that you have wait two years. 

Alrighty then.

John Hughes movies
White Castle
Root beer floats (someone explain to California and Nevada what those are)

I really miss drive-ins. Nevada has a drive in... somewhere.

Rock you like a hurricane! 
Rock an' roll all night!
Rockin' like... 


10 year olds are committing suicide here in the U.S. if that's any indication how this country is doing. Reportedly 5,000 suicides from children ages 5-13. Granted, some of those suicides are accidental suicides (crackerjack job there, parents) but many of these kids are killing themselves intentionally. 

10 year old girls are knowingly killing themselves and leaving suicide letters. There's a reason why superheros are making a huge comeback from when they originated in the (what?) 1930's? We need a superhero. We need Superman, now more than ever. And if we can't find one or breed one, then perhaps... we should make one.

I'm all for science. The big bang theory. You got a better idea other than sweet mother Mary and Joseph? As I blogged about it here in HEY KID. April 2014 kids could do much worse than being raised by artificial intelligence. 

At the end of 2017, about a week or two ago, I started doing something I never thought I would do, I sleep off being horny. It's late, I get horny, now I just go to bed, sleep it off. I can no longer intellectually find good enough reason to be horny. 

Remember that 1977 movie DEMON SEED? Who knew 40 years later that sci-fi movie would in fact be a documentary. 

Ask your class this question: What would make the most beneficial recreation of super intelligence between mankind and artificial intelligence? A type of Superman, as were. 

A) A woman's live reproductive organs and AI


B) Cloned DNA and AI? 

Can AI truly adapt human emotions without an organic source and natural growth procedure? Perhaps we'll find out. It was just a hypothetical question. Or was it?

One of Melissa's gorgeous male friends who currently lives in Hawaii wants to connect with me here in Vegas. You can join all the sex sites on the internet, I seem to only get laid off Facebook. I've known Missy since 7th grade and he's her friend.  That fact alone is good enough reason for me to meet this guy. Any friend of Missy's is a friend of mine. BUT it would now just be a waste of time for both of us. He really is handsome. Too bad. Being handsome, just not enough anymore.  

The 80's. HUGE crush on Scott Olson. Boy from my geography class. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Scandanavian. Naturally. I'm from Minnesota, eh. All the boys had blonde hair and blue eyes. 

When I moved to San Francisco, I fell madly in love with a man half Native American, half French. He was beautiful. Our kids would have been devilishly bewitching. Probably a good thing we didn't have kids. Those kids would have definitely used their powers for evil.

He was new. Different. Exciting. It took YEARS to get over him. You never forget your firsts. Never.

That one you'll never have. (My nom de plume)
That one that got away.
That one that ripped your heart out.

My interest in redheads? Continuity I suppose. Blonde. Brunette. Red head. 

Natural progression


Something more?

Something... incomparable.



I KNEW there had to be a reason for ardent feelings towards male redheads! BLOG November 28 Ken Bek and I could have bred a superhero! A SUPERHERO!! Through artificial insemination, of course. I mean lets not get crazy.

1. I just assume Ken Bek is smart. He's not American. 

That was always my number one prerequisite on my list of conditions for breeding. He had to have a Marvel IQ. A MARVEL IQ. Not above average. I'm talking a divine act of previous exceptional intellectual breeding. Or bitten by a top secret laboratory AI spider. Whatever I'm not picky. At the very least he had to know the difference between Calculus and Trig. I mean c'mon.

2. Look at our hair. We both have superhero hair!

3. We both have big round expressive eyes. Even when we're squinty our eyes still seem big. That's definitely a Superhero prerequisite.


4. We both have awesome skin. I'm going to be 49 years old next month. I still get carded to buy alcohol even with grey hair. It's unnatural. Freaky weird. But totally SUPER!!

5. I don't know about you Ken Bek, but I'm freaky strong. I have crazy upper back, leg, and upper arm strength, I can lift heavy, hit hard, and run for about 8-10 miles sober before collapsing. Sober, mind you. 

6. Look at our chins! Our babies would have chins made out of titanium bone! Male superheros MUST HAVE a strong chin. Look at you!


Our babies would have just been outrageously beautiful. We both have a really good skeletal structure. "Hey baby, I like your facial bone structure."  

Our babies would have been brilliant, strong, beautiful superheros.

Your light features, my dark features, our combined other qualities, at the very WORST our babies would turn out to be... Aaaawwwwww!

Now we're going to have make our babies 100% artificially. I'm old. And even though I still get my menstrual cycle (because there is no god) I'm too old to have children. 

And as you and I both know, robots are well on their way to replacing procreation all together. Stepford Wives? Sure. Why not? WIll it solve the human overpopulation problem? Perfect! 

Hey robotic citizen Sophia! Heeeeyyyy!

Hey animatronic stripper! Heeeeeyyyy!

Hey sex robot! You look just like a woman I know. She refuses to give her husband anal and blowjobs so YAY for you!

* Aramis we were closer than we thought C+ blog. May 2015

Hey preggo Bot! Be mixing some DNA in your tummy soon!

Hi Jibo!

Likewise, Jibo! Do you know the lyrics to DON'T YOU?

"Love's strange so real in the dark. Think of the tender things that we were working on..."

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