Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pedophile P.E.D.O (wait lemme check)

Apparently social media has decided the best way to address sexual assault is with verbal assault. 

Good job. Well done. 

Now onto my solution for over-population, cannibalism. If the only thing I manage to accomplish in my senior diplomatic pilgrimage is getting people seriously talking about cannibalism then fuck world peace. I'm old. I've got (maybe) 15 years left before the beginnings of senility or some awful incurable age related disease puts me in the ground. 

I'm just kidding... 

I'll let you decide which part.

Back to verbal assault. 


verbal assault, hysterics, and threats, is apparently how adults now choose to handle conflict. In the beginning it was kind of awesome. People were being creative with their insults, but now it's just boring.  

Hollywood, is it's own bubble. Their line of thinking is so horribly askew, it doesn't matter their politics, or gender, or nationality, or anything tangible, they just want everyone to agree with them the moment they decide to tweet something regardless of evidence, or facts, or reason, or LAW. You know, the law, the thing many men and women willingly educate, defend, and die for. 

No wonder...

After a while some nutty southern blonde chick, drinking 3 buck chuck, armed with a musket, telling Chelsea Handler to go fuck herself, is the best human thing on the internet. I'm talking about BACKWOODS RILEY, dontcha know! Are we friends on FB? Check out her latest video. It's not on youtube. I looked. 

I never thought Chelsea Handler had any talent worth warranting the fact I know who she is. She's not funny, or interesting, or smart, or attractive, or charming, or talented. Why do I know who she is? I shouldn't. But Handler apparently talked shit about Texas and guns, and that made BACKWOODS RILEY mad, rightfully so!

For the record, I love Texas, second to New York, tied with Miami!   

I love BR's rant video regarding democrats and Chelsea Handler, but the best part of that video is the antique shotgun she pulls out at the end! Awesome! Girrrrrrrl, Fort Sumter, called. They want their musket and gun powder back! Talk about an ancient shotgun.

The video is awesome.     

Of all the Hollywood people screaming about guns, how many of them  have actually been shot? No one?? Nobody??

Wanna see my bullet hole? 

It's in my leg. I was a little girl when I got shot. I got shot by a neighbor boy.

I blog about here August 5, 2015

Sure I'd like to never see another gun ever, EVER again, but for as long as it's legal to have guns, it is what is. I'm not going to fight the constitution, or the NRA. It's not MY fight. Pick your battles. I've got what, maybe 15 good years of life left? We already went over this. If YOU have kids...     

Speaking of pedophiles...

One night I was working a local Vegas event, 80's night kind of thing, and a couple came up and started talking me. Beautiful couple. She was an attractive curvy blonde woman with hair in a messy pile a foot off her head but it looked good. She was dressed nice, tons of blingy jewelry, and a killer white pair of Manolo Blahnik, with toe glitter. He was a pretty black man (think Prince, 1989) in an amazing white suit, tons of finger bling, and every hair on his head in perfect place. He was more than pretty, he was gorgeous.

So I'm talking with this couple, old school hip-hop playing in the background, Run DMC, actually, and I don't know what exactly made me admit this but somewhere in my conversation with this couple I said, "Can I tell you guys something? There's a group I really like, actually it's their videos I really like, but they're a young J-pop group."

I've never told anyone about my secret J-pop group. Those of you who hacked into my iphone know who the group is, but I've never (personally) told anyone before. 

"We're totally in K-pop!" they tell me. 

And I'm like, "Really??" (sick-o's!)

In part, the reason why I never told anyone about my J-pop group, is because in some of their earlier videos they look like they're under 18 years old. Under 15 years old. I feel like a dirty old lady. A disgusting dirty, dirty old lady. 

And then this couple tells me, "We love K-pop!" and proceeds to list off a bunch of all-girl and all-guy groups I've never heard of. And then they ask me, "What's the name of the J-pop group you like?"

And so... 

I like seeing men dance who KNOW HOW to dance. It's an ocular turn on. Guys who can dance, that's just cool. In Channing Tatum's case, it's just HOT.     

And even though I'm not the least bit sexually attracted to this J-pop group, I would still never watch their videos in public. I like some of their dance style, I like some of the art direction in a few of their videos, but I'd NEVER youtube their videos in public. 

There's a HUGE sexual double standard when it comes to 15 year old girls and 49 year old male teachers, as opposed to 15 year old boys and 49 year old female teachers. Both are crimes, but lets be honest, we cringe harder when it's the 49 year old male teachers.   

Hollywood was so fast to crucify their own actors, it looked like even Ellen, didn't want to hug her own guests anymore. It's a witch hunt, why, because they want to crucify politicians without looking like hypocrites.     

First of all, WHY is no one talking about these kids parents??

I think that's a legit question. 


I would NEVER defend a rapist, but there are laws in effect that cannot be over turned simply because you don't like them today, or ousting your own actors/comics. 

Child brides. THIS IS NOTHING NEW.

Jerry Lee Lewis married his second cousin and she was 14? or 13?

Ted Nugent got legal custody over a 17 year old girl (with her parents approval) so he could have sex with  her.

Woody Allen (and that's all I need to say)

But Hollywood can't look like a group of hypocrites. If this Republican official, who they all hated before the rape charges (because he's a Republican) is now presumably committing statutory rape, Hollywood will throw their own under a bus to seem fair in their condemnation. WTF is wrong with you, Hollywood??  

And yes I say presumably because there are LAWS. Actual real life judicial laws. 


And you guys still love working with Woody Allen, so...

But because this mess is going on with Hollywood vs Republicans, I feel even creepier watching this J-pop's group's videos. 

You have to ask questions. The only people who will stop you from asking questions, are those who don't want you to know the real truth. The world does not revolve around Hollywood, no matter how hard they try to convince themselves. I'm SO grateful I got out when I did. Hollywood, is a TRAINWRECK of a town. 

Hollywood, only looks out for itself.

Then again what do you expect? Hollywood made a movie about Hollywood saving the world from ultimate terrorism, and then Hollywood tried giving themselves an Oscar for it. Come on! 

I don't care if you HATE republicans. Good for you. You're entitled to your opinion. But you can do it with a little more intellect and sophistication. I wouldn't DARE ask Hollywood to be bipartisan, or educated.

That's right, sarcasm. You guys are acting like dicks. 

Look, creepy old men gawking and playing touchy-feely with young teenage girls, is a matter that needs to be taken up with THAT girl, THAT girl's parents, THAT girl's male relatives and their baseball bats (because according to dems using guns today is a no-no), so maybe law enforcement. Just like when a man goes on national television and looks the nation in the eye and defends, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." I have no idea why he did that, totally stupid and unnecessary, his handlers should have gotten fired, BUT AGAIN it was between HIM and his WIFE, and whatever legal response was needed, regardless if the female he cigar-jammed was 14 or 24. 

Me personally, I just want to be happy.

Trump, pedophiles, guns, none of these things are my fight. I care more about stopping the cruelty of animals.

Pick your battles. 

Who a man fucks... not my teenage daughter... then not my fight. 

Hollywood wants everyone out of their bedrooms, BUT THEN draws as much attention INTO their bedrooms with their politics. Not a very smart group. Way to out George Takei! If you get dirt on Tom Hanks, it's all over.

Hollywood screaming at the top of their lungs... christ almighty... you guys just look like unstable nutjobs.

I don't want unstable nutjobs running this country either! 

If some 13 year old girl's parents approve her marrying a 55 year old man, in the name of the lord, and her parents gives them both their creepy-ass marital blessings... I really couldn't give a shit.


Why do you?      

No really, why do you?

If I dye my hair black again, I'll go back looking like I'm 12 years old.

Will it score me a date with Anthony Weiner?

What?? He's in jail?? I'll wait for you Anthony!!! (I totally made myself laugh just now.)

*I'm 46 years old in this picture.*

There you go professor. A blog for your class. 

p.s. Don't forget the cannibal part. My heart's really into that one. Get it?! Cannibal. Heart. My heart's really into... 

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