Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday blog with pictures

I have a bed. I just don't sleep in it. I think I've slept in it three times in the past 2 months?

I like sleeping on my couch. Alone. It's weird I know. I've always been like that though. Even in dating/serious relationships I like sleeping on the couch. Not initially. Initially I'll fall asleep with him in bed, but at some point I'll probably get up in the middle of the night, go to the other room, click on the TV and fall asleep on the couch. Also, because I've been sleeping on the couch for so long, I sleep better alone. Even if I get married or live with another guy again, I'm keeping my place. And in our house, I need my own room. Not a bedroom. A work room with a TV and couch.

The lease at the house I'm currently renting ends next month (December). I need a new place come January. Hey real estate friends, heeeeyyyyy.

The homeowner wants me to sign another (6 month) lease if I want to stay but I'm not doing that. This house is too big. I like all my stuff nearby. I want to be able to walk to the fridge, the TV, my art stuff, my computer stuff, the bathroom, and the front door, without having to hike down a long hallway, turn down a corridor, another corridor, through the glass doors, past the pool... 

The ambiance at this house is great though. I thought I might get some writing done but I'm just too busy. I don't know how swingers do it. I don't know how they go out every weekend and party. I'm single with no kids, and I have zero time. I had the past 3 days off, and I STILL couldn't catch up on my sleep. In fact, after I post this I'm taking a nap! 

I was going to scoop leaves out of the pool, but nah. Fuck it. It's November.


I have a new thing I'm really into, hot guys drinking coffee out of vintage tea/coffee cups. (sigh) I've literally run out of things to be turned on by. So now I'm turned on by 40's style vintage coffee cups. I'm also into 40's style vintage whisky sets. I don't drink whisky but it's a turn on seeing handsome men drinking out of old fashioned crystal. 

Ok sure, it's Channing Tatum... but look at that coffee cup. It's a cool little cup. None of these pictures would be the same without THAT classic vintage coffee cup & saucer. 

Me: "Hi. Whatcha doing? Interested coming over and having a drink? Mind if I just sit here, and... you know... watch?"

You've been warned, guys. 

Maybe it's a mouth/oral thing. Many, many years ago I was dating a guy, named Ken, of course, who had this incredibly handsome face. Well sculpted.  His eyes were perfectly juxtaposed to his nose and cheek bones, and he had the sexiest mouth. I loved watching him eat, drink and chew, Fucking weird, but I was into it. Only with him, though. It hasn't happened since... until now. 

Only now it's vintage coffee/tea cups... and... men. 


This hot naked French girl drinking coffee in Paris. Every word in that last sentence is AWESOME. 


More death. New York. Colorado. And a social media storm of criticism for good thoughts and prayers. Please DO keep sending good thoughts and prayers. Don't stop. Because if having goodness in your heart is the best you can do, that means at the very least you're not out committing murder. Having goodness in your heart is doing far more than those who shout criticism. Angry people scare me. In times of need, be helpful, not critical. 

I don't walk around angry, but yesterday, out on the strip, I encountered a CRAZY toothless, strung out, old black woman. And I happened to have my phone charger in my hand coiled up (it's like a 3 foot long phone charger) and as this NUTJOB was screaming at me, in my face, about nothing in particular, a flash went through my head of cracking the phone charger into the air like a whip to uncoil it, and strangling this insane woman with my phone charger. OF COURSE I didn't strangle her. She backed down once she saw I can do crazy too. I was pumped with adrenaline and just screamed back at her... something about "take your meds" and then threatening to push her into traffic if she doesn't get out of my face. I'm sure I could have handled that better. She was obviously a mentally ill junkie . 


I can usually let stuff like that crazy woman screaming in my face, go, but some people carry it with them forever, always. Just picking up more and more things that make them mad without letting ANY of it go. FALLING DOWN. I need to watch that movie again. We all need a release. I write. Make art. Watch mobies. Drink wine. If praying is your release, then by all means please pray. It's harmless. You're not hurting anyone. And in this day and age, not hurting anyone is what's important.       

I'm not doing anything tonight. No plans. I mean, no plans other than working on my wine stuff.

The Masters Of Somms, don't recognize any schools here in Vegas. So I'm going to have to Hang out in Utah, maybe 3 days a week to go to school for the next 15 months, and then attempt a startup wine consulting gig here in Vegas. I'm licensed to buy/sell booze in vegas, so...

Anyone else? 

Are you tired yet working for other people??

Hi. My name is (Simone Gordon) where are you getting your wine from? 

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