Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pay her!

HR Giger, may he rest in peace, wrote in one of his art books that beautiful women should get paid for being beautiful, paid to have sex, otherwise she's just cheating herself. Agreed.

I've yet to meet a man in the past seven (plus) years who didn't feel owed a blowjob upon meeting him.

Men feel entitled to do as they please regardless how wrong it is. They feel entitled to send unwanted dick pics, unwanted attention, and my all time favorite, "my dick is hard" rando text message at 3am.

That's the tradeoff. I'll tolerate you being a moron but first you have to compensate me. Since the dawn of time that's the tradeoff between men and women. But today there's so much entitlement there's no room for kindness or sincerity between the sexes. Therefor make them pay. This for that. It's fair.

My mind is blown every time a man texts or emails 100 messages asking if I'm into him. Ego and stupidity. Thats like when someone calls you just to yell at you for not calling them. Crazy. 100 times. If you have to ask her more than once if she's into you, she's not. At all. Stop. Just stop. Walk away.

This for that



But no



If men behave like they're entitled, make them pay. Make them pay anyway. Fuck it. Men today are lazy. They make zero effort. Zero. None. Nada. They expect. They assume. They act like pigs. I blame women who allowed them to get away with being slobs. If I had a dime for every married guy trying to cheat on his wife with me, I could afford to take Miso stray cat and I to a gorgeous remote island out in the middle of the Mediterranean. We'd spend the rest of our days in peace and quiet.

Men never say things like, "You're beautiful" or "I was just thinking about you" or even cook dinner. Thoughtless brutes. So yeah, pay me if you want my attention. I'm not the one pursuing you.

You know that scene in A Bronx Tale, where Calogero waits to see if Jane will unlock his car door for him, I have my own Jane-test. If I've been chatting with a guy for a day or two before meeting him, I'll text him something like, "I was just thinking about you" and if his reply is something selfish, something self gratifying, or if he ignores the comment all together, then he failed the Jane-test and our association from that day on has changed in my mind.

Aramis is the only man I get along with. He understands the importance of traditional gender roles. He gives his long time live in girlfriend $3,000 a month allowance and she doesn't ask him for anything more. She doesn't bitch, nag, or complain. He pays for her car, clothes, their mortgage, European vacations, bills, cruises, everything. He just wants to come home to peace, quiet, and a pretty girl. That's all he asks for. Peace, quiet, and a pretty girl. They've been together since 2011. Then again, Aramis and I are from the midwest. Time moves much slower there. Tradition remains. Even among gay couples, men are men, women are women. Each knows their acknowledged gender role in the relationship. No conflict. No drama. Peace and quiet. Tradition.

One day I'm just going to publish my emails. It's amazing how no one today knows how to begin corresponding with one another. What happened to propriety? Civility? Common sense? Decency?

"I'm gonna be in town (five months from now) let's hook up."

What? Seriously? Thats how you greet and introduce yourself to a woman? Why would she want to hook up with you? Because you're so awesome? Piss off.

Entitlement is so off the charts there's no room for sincerity or consideration between the sexes. If you want to send me rando text messages at 3am just to tell me your dick is hard, put some cash in my bank account first.

I recently watched (movie) Side Effects. Great. Loved it. Rooney Mara, is fast becoming my favorite actress.

Reminder watch: He Won't Get Far On Foot.

Sunday funday? I'd like to but no. I'm going to finish my drawing instead. Some photos I shot didn't turn out the way I wanted but I like them for drawings.


Some married guy on IG asked how my drawing was coming along. I replied, "I got the outline done. Just working on detailing interior pieces" to which he replied, "Sounds like oral sex."


Delete and block.

He's married?

Who the hell is she?

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