Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Libidinous interruptus

Dreaming. I was in bed with (an ex-porn) guy, cozy, half asleep. He was naked laying partly on top of me. I ran my hand across his shoulder and down his back. His skin was smooth, cool. And as I caressed him, he fully woke up and kissed me twice. Amazing kiss. Long. Lingering. Full lips. Its been years. I could have kissed him like that for hours. Then the dream just got weird. There was a skateboard, a giant gold fish, a whale in a swimming pool, and I was mad at my brother for not fixing my surf board. I hate when hot dreams unexpectedly twist.

At 4am this morning, after watching two hours of Sex and the City, I made up my bed and actually slept in it until 8am this morning. I’ll go back to sleep around noon or 1pm until 5pm, wake up and start my night. Go to work. 

I need to start sleeping in the bed. Get off the couch. Practice. Two people won’t sleep comfortably on my couch.


How big is your couch?

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