Monday, December 30, 2019

I can hear the sounds of violins

Long before it begins. Make me thrill as only you know how. Sway me smooth, sway me now.

G'aaaaaaaah! I'm horrified!

When I was a kid, there was this really super nice old couple who lived kitty-corner from my house. Mr. & Mrs. White. Sweetest old couple in the world. Their grandkids became friends with the kids in the neighborhood. We all became friends. I'm still friends with them. All the kids in the neighborhold wanted to help this sweet old couple out with yard work, housework, and shoveling snow, just because they were so nice. No need to pay us. We just wanted to help them. They did of course pay us, because they insisted, but we would have all done it for free. My dad always gifted me with a new watch every Christmas, I don't know why but he just did, and one day the battery died in my watch and Mr. White noticed I wasn't wearing it, and he was like bring it over I'll put a new battery in. They were that kind of nice old people. Never underestimate the power of sincere kindness. I've worked in hospitality a long ridiculous stupid ass time. If you're just nice, patient, communicative, and not a creep, most everyone will bend over backwards to get you whatever you want. But these day...

Forget about it.

Both my grandpas died young. I only ever knew one grandpa in a hospital bed at home, dying, tubes everywhere hooked up to a machine until he died. I think I was maybe seven or eight years old when he died. And my other grandpa lived in Utah and died suddenly when I was like ten or twelve. To this day have no idea what he died of. So the only grandpa figure I ever really knew was Mr White. Sweetest man in the world. 60 or 70 years old then.

Now that I'm almost 51 years old, in eight days, I'm two different people. I'm going through "the change" and more often than not I feel like grandma though I have no children and not a huge fan of other peoples' kids. The other side of me is the girl who just blasted Mr Tinkertrain by Ozzy Osbourne, in my kitchen.

When it comes to men, I'm looking for a guy my own age, up to 20 years older, as I always have, who might know the lyrics to Mr Tinkertrain, but definitely is not Mr Tinketrain himself. Make sense?

I'm surrounded by 60 to 70 year old men who don't know the lyrics to Mr Tinkertrain, they just are Mr Tinkertrain, and I'm fucking horrified.

You're old! You don't even have your own teeth! What the serious fuck are you doing with cock and pussy shots on your phone! And why the fuck are you showing me?? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Dick pics never turned me on to begin with, and I'm in NO hurry to see your 60 year old haggard wrinkly disgusting dick! Yuck!

It's just...

I'm going to look young forever. Why? I don't know? Its creepy, sad, I must have made a deal with Satan sometime ago. It's not cool. It just isn't! No one wants to be a kid forever! Nonetheless I'm stuck in the body. With this face. Nothing I can do. Withal, I'm still 51 years old. Women mature faster then men. So I'm about 70 years old now in intellectual years. Put your gall-damn haggard old man dick pics away!

Just be a nice sweet old man. Help me Mr. White! Keep the filth in the barber shops or wherever haggard old men talk sex. Blaaaaaaah!

It's so sad hearing a 62 year old man say "pussy". That's not language you use in your out loud voice with women, mister! Not when you're that old.

Its just... sad.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Don't be a dick

Want to know how he does it? Same way I do it. Before the internet, I used models, and I owned a giant stack of anatomy books. He uses paints, neutral colors and primaries, whereas I use B pencils HB - 8B, and just like applying eyeliner and mascara, I practice, practice, practice every day.

Oooooh big reveal.

What a dick.

You have the internet. WE ALL USE REFERENCE SHOTS. All of us. I can keep an image in my head for a very long time, but to say every visual, every detail, comes solely from your head cannot physically be true after the age of 5.

They're just mad when artists like me collage my work. And teach.

Want to know how he got a painting to look like that? Ask Google or YouTube. And then practice. Keep practicing. I practice every day. 40 years later, still practicing.

I don't understand artists who are afraid. What are you afraid of? Someone might be better than you? Newsflash, there's artists better than you. A whole lot of them! New artists coming every day. Thank god. 

More artists. Less politicians.


Imagine if The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, had actually accepted his entrance exam rather than failing him.

Whatever your opinion of Tom Cruise, after he told students of The Actors Studio, something along the lines of, "Direct me. Guide me. As an actor I want to share your vision." To me, that's the coolest thing you can say in his position.

Visual artists are ridiculous.

Teach others along the way.

Slicing my wrists. Here we go.

I hate listening to artists talk. So much bullshit.

"I don't use reference photos. It's all original ideas from my head."

Bullshit. There are no original ideas.

"I don't show my art in the works. It just looks like a collage. It takes away from the magic."

Unless you're pulling a bunny rabbit out of your painting, art isn't magical.

Fuck. So much ego.

You want to be magical? David Copperfield has magic kits for sale at MGM magic shop. Knock yourself out.

No. Really. knock yourself out.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

This is the way

My candy jam is red licorice. Twizzlers. But if I see them blue gummy sharks, oh yep! My Swedish ex husband turned me on to those. At least he turned me on, to something. Hey-o! (I miss Jay.)

Eriq, I see a pilgrimage to Santa Barbara in the near future. We need some Jay!

I just gave Miso a little bath. Not happy kitty! He's trying to lick the bath off him. Nope! Lick all you want kitty. You're still clean.

So I finally learned who did the paintings in Velvet Buzzsaw. Artist, Saxon Brice. His work is amazing in that movie. His website is not mobile friendly or I'd link it.

I know my Mythosaur skull doesnt look like much right now, it never does in the begining but trust me, it'll get better. It always does. You can see where I'm going though right?

"This is the way."

Baby Yoda!!!!

(Click photo to enlarge)

Just remember, Dolly started like this

 But ended up like this. 

David Coverdale just taught me via social media that avacado translates to testicle. And guacamole translates to testicle sauce. Man, have I had an embarrassing amount of testicle sauce in my lifetime.😳

Ok. Drawing. 

"Mew. Zzzzzzzz"

Friday, December 20, 2019

Year of the cock. 1969.

The Mythosaur skull I'm working on has a little H.R. Giger (early years), a little steampunk, a little goth Chinese new year rooster, because that's my Chinese zodiac symbol, year of the rooster. Year of the cock. I know what you're thinking. Ha. No. I'm drawing a rooster. I promise. Not even the younger me would do such a thing.

It is so much easier for men to find women after 50 years of age, then it is for women to find men. I'll be 51 years old in eighteen days and all I can say is, my wants in life have never changed. I just want to make my art, have a few cats, maybe a small dog, a house by some water, and hang out with my friends. But this is never enough for men. It's never enough. Not that I blame them. Men always want what I can't give them.

I'm going to be one of those scrawny super skinny little old ladies. Old people either get super fat or super skinny. I'm going to be super skinny. On the plus side I didn't get my period this month. Hooray. For the past three years I have not gotten my period in the month of December. Only December. Strange. Four more years and I should stop getting my period all together. Hooray! Finally! Of course I'll die the following day.

The 1990 movie, Vincent & Theo, is me and Aramis. Great movie. I love Tim Roth. He needs to be in more movies.

Aramis is the only man I talk art with who doesn't bore me or drive me crazy. He's more of a brother to me than my own brothers who I decisively no longer speak to. Not since our dad died.

Even trying to find a NYE date, for the past three months, is useless. I knew it would be. It's really easy for me to get turned off. All he has to do is say something I find annoying and I'm done. Out.

God bless the internet. David Coverdale is my new favorite person to follow on Twitter. He has that English charm. I'm rather certain he's much fun to hang out with. So much fun.

Miso stray cat does not come around that much anymore. He found a new home to Netflix and chill at in an apartment across the street. They're feeding him very well too, something he likes better than my wet/dry cat food because he is now ten pounds fatter pleasantly plump. A whole lotta fluff! But that's good. I don't have to worry about him in the middle of the night when it's below freezing out. I know he's safe.


Back to drawing. 

No matter how much I draw my artist friends are kicking my ass. But I can't stop. Won't stop. Challenge accepted!

I should go out this weekend. Be social. But I know I won't. I have drawings to make. Text me. I'm around.

Yay hockey season! I'm back in. L.A. Kings! It's funny to me how much these Las Vegas shitkicker locals, you know who I'm talking about, they hate Californians, but love the Vegas Golden Knights, with such loyalty, buuuuut none of their hockey players are from Las Vegas, many of them aren't even American. D'oh!

Know why?


Because Vegas is in the fucking desert.

I love educating Vegas locals on the history of Vegas. You know, not many people were actually born and raised here.

Know why?


Because it's the fucking desert!

Until casinos came very, very few people even lived out here. Never mind born and raised. Mostly fugitives wanted for murder, or so I'm guessing!

So much internet drama with hockey and TROS 😂 My Star Wars shirt is vintage. I've had it for a while now. At this point my tee shirt is worth more money than my art. True story, Aramis. Or should I say Theo.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Just me, the cat, Dolly, and madness


That's what it takes.

Sacrifice. Your soul. And your sanity.

How is it whenever artist friends post pictures of their work areas you can clearly tell an artist lives there. Me on the other hand, after a week of drawing nonstop my apartment just looks like raccoons live here.

I finished Dolly last night around midnight. Miso kitty spent the night out of the rain and kept me company. After texting Aramis a photo of my finished Dolly, both Miso and I fell asleep around 12:30am. Neither one of us woke up again until 6:30 this morning. It's not easy being an artist cat.

Miso handles all the packaging. 

Ladies and gentlemen

Dolly Parton

(Click photo to enlarge) 

Legend. Queen of country. Her start in the music industry is fascinating. Like Johnny Cash. Jerry Lee Lewis. Two of them came from dirt poor families and look what they made of themselves. Respect.

A few things...

I changed Dolly's bustier from the reference photo to something more modern. I spent at least 5 agonizing hours drawing her breasts. Sizing them. Shaping them. Shading them. Resizing them. Reshaping them. Re-shading them. 5 hours. Now finished I'm showing them off!

Regarding Dolly's hair, I am a huge fan, as in I absolutely love renaissance sculptures. Particularly Bernini.

Here's a Bernini website you can muse over

Bernini sexuality in marble

Additionally, I love medieval to renaissance stained glass. You will always see illuminations of both arts in all my drawings. When drawing Dolly, I saw her as a marble sculpture and came stained glass.

Also, I did not draw nipples or areola in this drawing. If you see either its because that's what your mind sees.

Furthermore, there are subtleties in my Dolly drawing that bear specifics of my personality. I think its sexy when thin, C cup (plus) busty women wear bustiers. I think its sexy when there's a little boob jiggle over the sides of the bustier or what's the point? I draw these subtleties not to offend anyone, but as the old saying goes - No matter who he paints, the painter always paints himself.

Nothing compares to seeing art in person. There is not a lense on earth that can replace or capture the wonders caught by the human eye except those rare transcendent storytellers.

I was going to draw Farrah, but I think I'm going to back burner her for now. I have other ideas.

Dolly took 12 days and over 50 hours to make.

Instagram @ 2_stray_cats

I hope you like my drawing.

On to the next.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Miso. Dolly. Anton LaVey. Chucky

Why are polar bear babies so small? Giant ass bear. Tiny little toe nubs for babies. Like baby pandas. Wee little toe nubs! Big ass Panda bear.

Miso's not a wee little toe nub are you, Miso?

"I is an opossum."

Dolly Parton. Wip, day 11.

(Click picture to enlarge) 

Aramis, God bless him, talks me down from the ledge every other day, to every day since I started this drawing. In 11 days I've gotten drunk more times than I've eaten and showered combined from the stress of this drawing. I've gone a little mad. Madder. 

I don't like drawing boobs. Nope. No sir. Don't like it. First of all I'm straight. So right there I'm not into it. Second, I'm hyper picky what I think is sexy on a woman. Hyper picky. I love big hair. Lots of hair. I love big lips. I love high cheek bones. And I love bustiers with big boobs. I think its sexy when a little boob jiggles over the sides of the bustier. Isn't that the point? And I love these things about women because I love drawing them. Well, sans boobs. I draw men for their bodies, women for their face. But it's my love for Dolly that I'm making this two foot drawing of her... and then I'll have Aramis commit me. Just admit me to a loony bin that accepts cats.

And speaking of cats...

A little backstory

I live in Las Vegas, where men whip street donuts at high speed in their SUV's from midnight to 2:00am because that's what reasonable men do apparently. 

Just like some asshole broke an empty Hennessy bottle on the sidewalk at 3:30am, because that's how reasonable people dispose of empty glass containers for the neighborhood cat to cut his feet on. 

Myself and another neighbor have been tending to Miso's furry little toe since it happened. It looks much, much better today.

Miso loves to sit on my drawing paper. You could put 100 cushy things in front of him, and he'll still sit on my drawing paper. Last night, early this morning, when I heard Miso crying in pain, I ran outside and brought him up into my apartment where I could tend to his foot. And like always, he immediately sat on some drawing paper while I got together a clothespan of soap and water.

I was going to throw the paper out, but no. I'm going to draw on it. I don't know what yet. But it's going to be with Miso's blood. Velvet Buzzsaw! 

Do I read from Anton LaVey, while drawing in Miso's blood? Isn't that kind of how Chucky came to life in 1988?

That's two sheets of paper with Miso's blood on it.

I better chose what I draw carefully, eh?

Happy Friday the 13th!

"I is on the mend."

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Drawing boobs is hard!

Seriously. What the F!

(Click photo to enlarge)


I don't normally draw boobs so of course I had to pick a woman with the motherload bra size. I tried drawing Dolly's breasts to hang naturally but I'm not even sure if they're natural in this reference photo I'm using? Dolly's much younger here. Plus she's wearing a bustier. Why is Dolly wearing a bustier? Just how boob greedy are you men?! Rhetorical question. Artistically speaking, in this reference photo I'm using, one of Dolly's breasts is the circumference of her face. One. Do we know what's going on with Dolly's magnificent breasts? They were rather ginormous once upon a time.

Dolly, behind me, is two feet tall. A foot and half wide. I've put in roughly 40 hours of draw-time. Parts and labor. Let's say $950 out the door. Unless you're outside the US in which case you're paying $950 plus postage. Otherwise $950 out the door.

You can reach me on Instagram. Click the link below.


Or Instagram @ 2_stray_cats


I considered Ebay'ing Dolly to her fans but then I saw paintings on Ebay of grass, just stems of grass, as in lawn, for $8,500. I'm sorry but if you're paying $8,500 for an 8x12 watercolor of someone's lawn, I can't let you have Dolly. No.

Velvet Buzzsaw!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Who's drawing boobs tonight?

This girl!

My rendition of Dolly Parton is way the F more challenging than I originally thought it would be. I got the first quarter section of Dolly's hair knocked out in a few hours. Therefor it was reasonable to guesstimate, knowing how I work, that I could get Dolly finished within 30 hours. But no. I got stuck a few times. Severely stuck another few more times. Almost quit. Then did quit. Wept. Got drunk. Wept again. Came back the next day. Barrelled through. And here we are 7 days after I first started.

Dolly is not my best work but she's the most loved. She's a hard earned C. Plus. C+. I'll draw another Dolly for sure.

Do you have Instagram? If you want to see what she looks like now I just post an update on my IG Story and Highlight. Click the link below.


Or go to Instagram @ 2_stray_cats

Dolly, wip 12.8

I'll shoot a better photo of Dolly when she's done, but as always nothing compares to seeing artwork in person.

I'm conflicted as to what I should do with her. I can sell this drawing easily to a Dolly Parton fan. Someone who will love her as much as I do. Or I could exhibit Dolly somewhere but in truth the only way I would want to exhibit Dolly is if I did it Banksy style as a clever three hour pop-up display complete with Dolly drag queens. But let's be honest, I'm nowhere near as clever as Banksy.

Tonight I draw Dolly's fabulous bust. We'll see if boobs are as fun to draw as my fellow male artists say they are.

Ok. Back to work.

Mom wonders why I don't drive back in that big fine car I own
The truth is I don't have a car and I'm ashamed to go back home
A pair of false eye lashes and a tube of cheap lipstick
A pair of worn out high heel shoes and a dress doesn't fit
These are all my possessions all I have to my name
And a record played in my home town is my only claim to fame

-- False Eyelashes, Dolly Parton

Sunday, December 8, 2019

I will always love you

Are you on Instagram? Yes? My Dolly Parton drawing is about 70% finished. I'll be working all through the night.

You can see Dolly Parton updates on my IG STORY/HIGHLIGHT. Click the link.



Instagram @ 2_stray_cats

Here's Dolly singing her song I Will Always Love You. Whitney Houston covered it in 1992 for (movie) The Bodyguard with Kevin Costner.

Elvis wanted to cover this song but Dolly said no.

When I'm finished with Dolly, I'll start right away on my next drawing. Farrah.

Before Charlie's Angels

Before the red bathing suit

Before  the iconic feathered hair

That's the Farrah I'm drawing.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

She's a beauty

Dolly drawing update on Instagram just now.

@2_stray_cats INSTAGRAMB5yRUlQAIAi


I should be done with Dolly by tomorrow night. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too. I'm really going to hate parting with this drawing. Maybe I'll auction it off on Ebay for Dolly Parton fans?

Miso's excited.

"snozzzz... mewmewmewmewmewmewmew
snozzz... mewmewmewmewmewmewmew"

Friday, December 6, 2019


"Hair on the buttocks and you, I do not like." -- Bevalaqua, (film) Illuminata 

Around the time Hollywood #metoo stir was brewing, groups of feminists started attacking artists who made adult/erotic art. Those artists being primarily made up of heterosexual men. And when posed with the question, "Why do you paint women with exposed big breasts?" The popular reply, "because they're fun to paint" obviously did not go over well.

I really don't like talking to people about art anymore. Especially with other artists. Long dull technical art speak. Whenever I'm at an opening or part of an opening, I'm in and out as fast possible. Most artists are such boring egotistical human beings at art openings, I just want to kill myself.

Example: "You should come by some time and watch me paint."

Yeah. No. That's almost as bad as, "Want to go for a ride in my Porshe?" Actually it's more like, "Want to go for a ride in my Por..." Aaand just like that I've slit my wrists.

I have artist friends. Several. We hardly ever talk art. Maybe swap wips. That's it. If we talk art it's about other artists we like. Not ourselves. We talk about movies, music, and comics more than anything.

But when feminist groups started hassling artists for painting women with big exposed breasts, suddenly calling it porn, perverse, misogyny, to further their #metoo agenda, it reminded me of a conversation I had, repeatedly, with a guy, a musician, someone I had a brief fling with circa 2001-2002. At the time I was drawing nude men. Very hot in shape muscular nude men. Nudity and art have gone hand in hand since Christ. No kidding. Pencil artists tend to prefer nude men for their muscle structure. There's more to draw.

Even though it was a brief fling I had a lot of respect for this guy up until then and so when he criticized my art subjects by saying, "Why dont you ever draw ugly people? Fat out of shape ugly people." My only thought to that was, who wants to draw fat ugly people?

"Your models dont have to be perfect." He would say. And it really bothered me when he said it. Here was a guy, a famous musician, toured the world, well read, sophisticated, groupies galore, and he didn't understand beautiful art? At first I thought he was jealous of the male models. But again, here was a guy, a famous musician, toured the world...

He reminded me of those irritating feminists. Which is ironic because he's a Republican with a deep dislike for feminists.

Men like him are annoying.

If educated, well read, well traveled, artists of other genres even, don't understand beautiful art, how can we expect judgemental feminists or anyone else to understand it?

What happened? Michelangelo can sculpt David, intact, and yet somehow that's different from what we're doing? Settle down. No one's comparing themselves to Michelangelo. He's a master. You know what I'm saying. I don't want to draw people I don't find interesting. Who's going to hang a large drawing in their livingroom of someone the artist didn't find interesting?

I can only say it this way...

It's art if he sees it with his eyes or with his mind and then renders it entirely with his bare hands and a chisel, brush, or pencil. That's a skill. That's art. Fine art. I may not like or respect your art if it reeks of intended prejudice or cruelty towards other living things, and I may not like your genre of art, but its still art. Furthermore, if you're an adult who doesn't know the difference between art and pornography, you're viewing at least one of them entirely wrong.

I chose to draw Dolly Parton in her formative years because I think she's smoking hot in this one picture I saw of her. It's that simple. I love her big hair, big lips, big boobs, dark eye makeup, she's just hot, then and now.

Dolly Parton said in this interview clip how she got her iconic look. When done right, like how Dolly does it, I couldn't agree more.

Before Metallica there was

The criticism from that musician guy and what he said about how I never draw ugly people...

His wife is absolutely gorgeous by the way.

Why didn't he marry someone he thinks is fat and ugly? That way he could look at fat and ugly for the rest of his life instead of criticizing others for what they find beautiful.

Even my cell phone's a critic. Look how it organized my photos. It picked its own gallery cover photos. I didn't do that. My cell phone did. Rude!

Year's not over yet, cell phone!

I'm not in the habit of drawing famous people but as I get older, 51 years old in twenty plus days (what the fuu ?) ... obscure images, to vintage, retro, anything that reminds me of simple days gone by turn me on. It reminds me of home. It's my way of going back I suppose. Going home again before I die. To the only home I know.

I'm told they don't teach cursive handwriting in school anymore.


Cursive handwriting is an art. An introduction to calligraphy. Simone made beautiful calligraphy art. Everything she wrote was in calligraphy. Remember? Now aggro social media soapboxing is their art.

(deep sigh)

My dear Betty White, how far we've come. How far we have yet to go. Every new generation of women lays down more arduous tracks without end to travel.

Art takes practice, patience, devotion, desire, sacrifice, oh the sacrifice, willingness, all skills that make life beautiful and worth living. It takes real courage to get from there to here.

This country needs more courage.

One day Miso stray cat, you, me, and the Mediterranean.

One day.

"Mew. Treats."

It seems nothing is going on tonight so I'll be home drawing Dolly. Text me if ya'll get bored.

When you have things to do and he's all...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We were all once Pussycats

Greetings from the barren wasteland.

Life inmate 80942. From BLOG: I'm alive?

This is my rendition of a legend in her formative years. Her country songs didn't resonate with me until after I was 40 and had grown up a little.

It's a large scale graphite drawing 18x24. I wish Instagram would allow sizing. This is just the top half of her. A drawing wip update of my country singer, diva, legend.


And can I just say to all those people who criticized the Pussycat Dolls for their choice of wardrobe when performing the announcement of their reunion tour, calling the costumes misogynistic and S&M gear, first if all you don't know what S&M is do you? Secondly, that pretty much sums up my entire wardrobe from 1989-2003. Misogyny be damned. I looked hot. So do they. Jealous?

Deep sigh...

It's not that I don't believe Virginia Roberts, it's that she came forward, as so many of them curiously do, years later, more than fifteen years later and starts throwing around accusations. How about some evidence? Proof? And again, why are the parents, or whoever was responsible, never actually responsible whenever a minor is reportedly involved in a sex crime like trafficking? My parents were neglectful selfish awful parents too at times but I was never trafficked out for sex. Little Asian girl. Hairless body. Obvious choice. I mean, c'mon. If I could avoid the Epsteins of the world so could Roberts with even bare minimum parenting. Even if she was a runaway, even if she was a drug addict, even if she was deemed unruly, parents still need to be held equally responsible. Just my opinion. Whatever. Now let's have some proof.

My dear Betty White, how far we've come. How far we have yet to go. Every new generation of women lays down more arduous tracks without end to travel.

Take me JG!

I'm ready


Let's go

Monday, December 2, 2019


In the art world (possibly elsewhere) wip means work in progress.

I started drawing a self portrait but as per usual I wasn't digging it. So I started drawing her instead.

Any guesses?


18x24 graphite

Remember kids, Christmas and Valentines Day are coming. I'm accepting commissions but bear in mind my drawing style. If you like the way another artist draws please commission them. I draw like me. Awesome. Thanks. DM me on Instagram.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pay her!

HR Giger, may he rest in peace, wrote in one of his art books that beautiful women should get paid for being beautiful, paid to have sex, otherwise she's just cheating herself. Agreed.

I've yet to meet a man in the past seven (plus) years who didn't feel owed a blowjob upon meeting him.

Men feel entitled to do as they please regardless how wrong it is. They feel entitled to send unwanted dick pics, unwanted attention, and my all time favorite, "my dick is hard" rando text message at 3am.

That's the tradeoff. I'll tolerate you being a moron but first you have to compensate me. Since the dawn of time that's the tradeoff between men and women. But today there's so much entitlement there's no room for kindness or sincerity between the sexes. Therefor make them pay. This for that. It's fair.

My mind is blown every time a man texts or emails 100 messages asking if I'm into him. Ego and stupidity. Thats like when someone calls you just to yell at you for not calling them. Crazy. 100 times. If you have to ask her more than once if she's into you, she's not. At all. Stop. Just stop. Walk away.

This for that



But no



If men behave like they're entitled, make them pay. Make them pay anyway. Fuck it. Men today are lazy. They make zero effort. Zero. None. Nada. They expect. They assume. They act like pigs. I blame women who allowed them to get away with being slobs. If I had a dime for every married guy trying to cheat on his wife with me, I could afford to take Miso stray cat and I to a gorgeous remote island out in the middle of the Mediterranean. We'd spend the rest of our days in peace and quiet.

Men never say things like, "You're beautiful" or "I was just thinking about you" or even cook dinner. Thoughtless brutes. So yeah, pay me if you want my attention. I'm not the one pursuing you.

You know that scene in A Bronx Tale, where Calogero waits to see if Jane will unlock his car door for him, I have my own Jane-test. If I've been chatting with a guy for a day or two before meeting him, I'll text him something like, "I was just thinking about you" and if his reply is something selfish, something self gratifying, or if he ignores the comment all together, then he failed the Jane-test and our association from that day on has changed in my mind.

Aramis is the only man I get along with. He understands the importance of traditional gender roles. He gives his long time live in girlfriend $3,000 a month allowance and she doesn't ask him for anything more. She doesn't bitch, nag, or complain. He pays for her car, clothes, their mortgage, European vacations, bills, cruises, everything. He just wants to come home to peace, quiet, and a pretty girl. That's all he asks for. Peace, quiet, and a pretty girl. They've been together since 2011. Then again, Aramis and I are from the midwest. Time moves much slower there. Tradition remains. Even among gay couples, men are men, women are women. Each knows their acknowledged gender role in the relationship. No conflict. No drama. Peace and quiet. Tradition.

One day I'm just going to publish my emails. It's amazing how no one today knows how to begin corresponding with one another. What happened to propriety? Civility? Common sense? Decency?

"I'm gonna be in town (five months from now) let's hook up."

What? Seriously? Thats how you greet and introduce yourself to a woman? Why would she want to hook up with you? Because you're so awesome? Piss off.

Entitlement is so off the charts there's no room for sincerity or consideration between the sexes. If you want to send me rando text messages at 3am just to tell me your dick is hard, put some cash in my bank account first.

I recently watched (movie) Side Effects. Great. Loved it. Rooney Mara, is fast becoming my favorite actress.

Reminder watch: He Won't Get Far On Foot.

Sunday funday? I'd like to but no. I'm going to finish my drawing instead. Some photos I shot didn't turn out the way I wanted but I like them for drawings.


Some married guy on IG asked how my drawing was coming along. I replied, "I got the outline done. Just working on detailing interior pieces" to which he replied, "Sounds like oral sex."


Delete and block.

He's married?

Who the hell is she?