Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Democrats vs 🇺🇸

“Please god don’t make me chase nobody today.” 

Regardless where you work that is the prayer you will say at least once a day. It does not matter where you work. If you have a legit job in Las Vegas, you will come to say that prayer at least once a day. “Please god don’t make me chase nobody today.” 

Theft is such a huge crime in Vegas, and it’s not even a crime really in that the thief has to be caught and held accountable for it to count. 

Democrats, in their high walls, privately secured mansions, cannot, will not, wrap their brains around the most obvious fact, humans don’t like each other. I’ll dare take it a step further and say humans couldn’t care less about each other. Humans couldn’t care less what happens to their own family members. Look how many throwaway family members are roaming the streets homeless, sick, mentally ill, addicted to drugs or alcohol. 

Paul and I have known each other since 1992. We both had just moved to LA. Me from a two year stint in San Francisco. Paul from New Jersey. Paul and I have dated off and on for 27 years. And when I moved to Venice in 2015 after my divorce I learned Paul had bought a house mere blocks away from me a few years prior. Fate? On paper Paul and I seem ideal for each other. More than that when we walked around the neighborhood as the sun was setting, hand in hand, as we often did, I felt like I was home. 


Paul’s younger brother, since 15 years of age, is a lifelong drug addict. After Paul’s parents broke themselves with constant lawyers and rehab for his younger brother, Paul broke himself taking over the financial burden of not only his brother, but now his parents as well. 2019 his brother is still a drug addict. A drug addict with all the never ending additional problems that come with a drug addict. And Paul continues to take financial care of them. All of them. For the rest of their lives. What’s the alternative? 

Paul never married. No kids. We’re the same age. And he’s a great guy. Great guy. Any woman would be lucky to have him - if it were not for his family. 

Paul recently informed me he’s moving back to Jersey. It’s more affordable. I truly hope he finds a way to live his own life. A life all his own. He would make such an amazing husband and father. I sincerely want that for him. I know he desires it too.

I’m a selfish person. I wanted Paul. Only Paul. Not his drug addict brother and financially ruined parents. So it’s not that I don’t understand throwaway family members, everyone has a breaking point, but the homeless weren’t always this severe in number roaming the streets, lost and desolate, on drugs, doing anything for money. Robbing. Breaking into homes. 

You know how many prank phone calls I get at work every night? At least five a night. Every night. They call asking if we can deliver “pussy salad”. Etc. Morons. All adults with a working knowledge of a telephone. I can’t walk 7 blocks to the bank at 10am wearing jeans, tee-shirt, a baseball cap, and tennis shoes, without a half dozen cars pulling over assuming I’m a hooker. This is the world we live in, Democrats.

Crazy homeless and/or junkies are constantly trying to break into me and my neighbor’s security gate. Nutjobs. And I’m supposed to what, Democrats, defend myself with a fork? 

That waitress who threw down the guy for grabbing her ass, obviously doesn’t work for a multi million dollar corporation. I do. If I throw down a guy like that after he grabs my ass at work I’m not getting a congratulatory phone call from my boss. I’d get suspended, investigated, quite possibly fired, and then probably sued by the creep who grabbed my ass. 

I moved to Southern California in 1992. The homeless population was nothing (nothing) near what it became in 2017. And in Las Vegas, forget about it. Summerlin. Henderson. All Las Vegas suburbs have a considerable amount of homeless people. You can “relocate” the homeless all you want but they have nothing to lose, and nothing but time to just keep coming back.

Nothing can be done now. It’s too late. 

The only areas with little to no homeless people are states where the temperatures drop below freezing at least half the year. 

Bill Burr, is my Jesus. 

Polar bears or crazies? Hell yeah, polar bears. 

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