Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Stupid is as stupid D’oh!

“Well my stupidity isn’t as stupid as his stupidity so my stupidity is forgivable and kinda cute.”

No. No it’s not. How about finding presidential candidates who aren’t stupid. How about that? How about raising the bar. How about demanding them to be better.

Cory Booker
Kamala Harris
Elizabeth Warren


So what you’re saying is, you want to lose the election. Because if these your best Democratic Party presidential nominees...

You’re gonna lose. 

Americans outside of CA hate these people. And I’m pretty sure I can find Americans residing in CA who hate these people also. No media coverage necessary. All Americans have to do is watch these idiots speak and tweet.


It’s going to be fun watching these three morons duke it out. 

I hope Elizabeth Warren wins the nomination because watching her stress out on camera is pure gold. Apparently no one in the Democratic Party nowadays knows how to speak on camera, or debate, or interview with so much as a grain of plausible educated guessing. 

The only candidate who truly has a shot with Democrat and Independent voters is Bernie Sanders. Just like last time. Only Hillary wasn’t having none of that, and...

Well you know how it turned out. 😉

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