Thursday, September 20, 2018

New girl in town

I was awoken in the middle of the night by an evil charley horse (muscle cramp) in my left calf muscle. How rude. Good lord it was painful. Apparently I stretched my leg and my calf muscle just wasn’t having it. Nope. It cramped up in an awful way and turned me into a little whimpering human ball of rheumatic convulsions. Sexy. Two minutes later the pierce excruciating pain in my leg subsided. I cursed the day and went back to sleep. 

An artist I once casually referred to as a friend back in 2009, went crazy or so I recently learned when he lost his vision in 2015. Honestly I didn’t know him very well back in 2009. I only knew him as an artist, a fellow tradesman in the LA circuit. I didn’t know him as a person. Was he mad before he lost his vision? I don’t know? Aren’t we all? Isn’t the madness of an artist a personality portrayed? No matter who he paints the painter always paints himself. Be that, whether he was or wasn’t crazy before losing his vision, losing your vision is among the worst things for an artist I can only imagine having to suffer and endure. And yet, according to philosophy and psychology scholars, your wiring is predisposed prior to adulthood and therefor only matures for as long as you shall live. Some adults are simply prone to accept defeat. 

A leopard unable able to change his spots.

Fuck that.

A few days ago I met the most remarkable man. His name is Christopher. He’s from Germany. I estimate his age to be in his 50’s. He’s deaf and walks with crutches. His legs don’t seem to move at all on their own. And I wondered why Christopher preferred the struggle of using crutches over a wheelchair. Perhaps using crutches is all he’s ever known? Perhaps a wheelchair would be even more of a struggle? Perhaps his crutches aren’t a struggle for him at all? And even though he’s deaf he can still read lips and have a basic conversation in English. This amazing man traveled from Germany to America on holiday, alone. 

Whenever I meet someone this interesting I have so many questions, but unfortunately due to circumstance my curiosity will have to yet again go unanswered. 

All I am left with is a visual description

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 

Make it happen.

There’s so much work to be done in this new apartment of mine. After I finished putting together my tv stand, I noticed a low beam on the ceiling facing the other side of my kitchen counter and pondered putting up a velvet curtain. 

But that will have to wait.

I’ve been the new girl in the Art District for two weeks and have yet made my presence known. 

Time to make some introductions.

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