Monday, January 30, 2017


I'm a woman of color. It's pisses me off MORE when people of color throw temper tantrums to get awards and attention rather than earning it. Life isn't fair. Not everyone gets a ribbon. It's not about fairness. You rather get a pity award? Blocking traffic and jamming airports is stupid. Brainless monkeys can do that. Where's your self respect? You have four years to groom a person you like, GO DO IT. You're not grooming anyone by being human herds at an airport. You're just wasting time. It's called an election. Find a guy (or girl) you actually like, and make him or her the next president. I see marches and airport protests and all I think is, wow look at all that time and energy being wasted instead of finding someone to believe in, and supporting THAT person. Common sense.

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