Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Can you make it even harder?


Thought so.

They wrote me back in 2012 or maybe 2013. They were visiting L.A., staying just up the street from me actually, and wanted to meet for a drink or two. I was totally into it. BUT they only had like an hour window one day, which happened to be while I was at work, and they had an hour window the next day, also while I was at work. Therefor we were unable to connect.

Then they moved to Southern California, in 2015 but during that time my dad was fighting cancer again, eventually losing that fight and died.

August or September last year (4 months ago) I wrote them inquiring if they wanted to (at last) meet for that drink, but they never replied. I understand. A lot of time has past. Things change.

Only NOW, randomly, they want to link up in VEGAS during AVN, to finally meet for that drink even though both they, and I, still live in Southern California.

I'm not in the porn industry, or trying to break in to the porn industry, at my age I'm more likely to break a hip, so I'm actually not attending AVN. I do however have January 18, 19, 20, and 21 off, a coincidental mini vaca, and available to meet up with (whoever). I'm just not attending AVN.

I have friends in Southern California, who are professional musicians who invite me to NAMM, music convention in Anaheim, every year, same weekend as AVN, but I'm not a musician or trying to break into the music industry, so I politely decline their offer. I just don't have any interest going. Real friends understand there are 361 other days during the year we can, and do, hang out.

Point I'm trying to make is, in the span of 365 days a year, if three Southern California, residents, two of which live together, can only find time to meet me within a four day window OUT OF STATE I'm thinking it's really not meant to be.😏

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