Monday, February 29, 2016

I absolutely cannot WAIT

For Obama, to get OUT of the White House. I hate Trump, Clinton, Rubio, fuck the Bern, and can't stand Cruz, or Kasich. I'm with my friends and probably won't vote.

I wish English wasn't my first language. Maybe then I too could be delusional over how bad it truly is, and will continue to be, regardless of the next wrecking ball to sit in the White House.

I wish I had the heart to write something beautiful, inspiring and profound, but we're talking about a nation of people who in the past month, for Idiocracy, poisoned more than a half dozen Bald Eagles, just to watch them die, killed a dolphin for selfies, dry humped a shark for Facebook likes, and continue to murder each other and their children at schools, work, or wherever.

Right. The dolphin thing didn't happen in this country, but...

This is how we live now. Our nation. The one we (American kids) pledged allegiance to every morning after the bell rang. This is how we live.

I fight alongside Apple, protecting our rights, while most people in this country think it's ok to throw their litter all over (our) beaches, because they don't live here. Garbage cans everywhere and still I see families from the valley or downtown come to the beach and throw their fucking garbage wherever they want, just not in the cans. And they wonder why they pay $30-$40 for parking?

I love watching people get fined for doing shit signs everywhere tell you NOT to do. I love listening to them complain afterwards.

My life is awesome... I've worked hard for it... And YOU will not fuck it up for me.

My pen will always be mightier than your "sword".

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