Monday, October 26, 2015

BAD words with friends!

Soooo..... then Aramis types "rail" and then I type "lunt" (which is an actual word, honey!) to which Aramis refuted, so I text him and explained what "lunt" means, and he replies...


AND in response to my word "lunt" Aramis plays the word "ha" (which is even less of a word than "lunt"!!) Then I play the word "tet" (means Vietnamese New Year) and he plays "fake"...

Then I played the word "pout", thus concluding the game for the night!!
 I'm not sure if you're aware of this BUT you can play words like "shit" and "chink" and "homo" and "tits"... its all in there! Doesn't even have to be English!
My Vegas friend played "hoe" in response to something I wrote earlier (in my blog!!)
AND some chick in Australia played the word "hag" after my last word received 23 points! AND she's beating me by 38 points!
This is a tough game.
Tough goddamn game! 
I love it!!

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