Friday, July 3, 2015

Three straights on a gay website (part III)

If a starving child was fed a cheeseburger for every time I heard someone declare, "You'll regret not meeting me!" the world would see nothing but fat beautiful children.

I've never regret not meeting someone. I don't get cock, pussy, money, gifts and prizes, thrown at me (every) day, but enough, where not meeting yet another self centered Hollywood phony, isn't going to destroy my world.

Back in 2007/2008, when my ex and I were on the rocks, I met this guy. We hung out for about 3 weeks, did our thing, then went separate ways. After "mister three-weeks" and I split, he met a Japanese girl who had a male roommate from France...

Every time "mister three-weeks" thought he was texting/emailing with the Japanese girl, turns out he was texting/emailing the Japanese girl AND her French male roommate. The Japanese girl was uncomfortable with her English, the French guy speaks fluent Japanese and English, and so the French guy would translate for her, and she would tell the French guy what to write back...

Resulting with the French guy telling the Japanese girl roommate, not to date "mister three-weeks", based on the sexual comments "mister three-weeks" thought he was saying (just) to just the Japanese girl...

The French guy soon afterwards found me on Facebook, back when my account was activated, and by chance friend requested me. While 1:1 with the French guy, I learned of the entanglement between he, the Japanese girl, and "mister three-weeks".


Because Evan and Kelly refused to chat with any of the men on the gay website, it was all me. Every word. When men thought they were chatting with Evan, they were chatting with me. When men thought they were chatting with Kelly, they were chatting with me. I typed every single word...

I invested so much time, before, during, and after, our performances, when I was exhausted and in a horrible mood, I got to verbally assault some poor sub bottom who thought he was being verbally dominated by Evan.

"Are you the bitch in the relationship? ... Does your boyfriend fuck you like a whore? All bitches need good whore fuckings. Tell me about it. Now."

Yup that was me!

Just call me the Cyrano De Bergerac, of live nude (not so) homosexual porn.

See you in Hell.

I've never actually heard Evan say those exact words, but I have heard Evan tell girls they're beautiful mouths would look amazing wrapped around his dick, just before he and the girls disappeared into the parking lot for 20 minutes.

I was beyond resentful when Kelly and Evan left it entirely up to me to find other male performers.

"You're the one fucking him." They reasoned. And while entirely correct, Kelly and Evan, were going to be naked with them too sometimes. GB's sell, in this particular scene, on this particular website, the more erections in the shows, the better. But Kelly and Evan, couldn't pick up the phone and make a few phone calls, or be bothered to send off a few emails. Seriously, guys. Copy and paste. Not hard.

And while straight men don't want want to have sex with other men, I don't think they mind one bit if you admire longingly at their pumped medieval battering ram erections. Both guys, would individually just stand in front of one cam after pumping for 25 minutes. I worried the audience would get bored but no, people enjoy physical anomalies, especially naked ones...

That clip of the brunette chick giving a horse a 15 minute blowjob to completion. Need I say more?

I've been in the company of a dozen guys who pump, and I'm still in awe.

Out of sheer excitement of the moment Kelly would yell back at me, "I'm getting you a pussy pump!"

Like hell.

First of all, wrong audience, honey.

Second, those things are awful.

I've see women pump their vaginas, and it just looks like they stuffed a hornets nest in there. I was in pain watching some poor guy trying to perform oral on a beat up hornet stung vagina nest!

Not sexy.

More amazing were/are the number of self proclaimed sexual sophisticates, who had no clue you could profit from live sex shows, had no clue what live sex shows are, had no clue where you could see them, and therefore wholly unable to actually perform live sex shows themselves. Sophisticates, indeed.

The better your show, the better the profits. Obviously. In this case, the more guys, the better your show.

I checked out shows from solo male performers who were listed as straight. I figured any straight guy jerking off for a gay audience, was at least smart enough to figure that part out. You don't go posing for Playgirl thinking women are keeping that rag in subscriptions. If I thought we were a match with these solo guys, I shot off a standard introduction, copy and paste, inviting the solo guys to see our shows, etc, and so forth.

Truthfully, I hate talking to solo guys. I really do. Their egos are like snowflakes, individually complicated.

"Why did it take you a year to call me?" has got to be the most annoying question solo males ask, and the most frequently asked.

Because I've been busy, that's why!

It seems they don't like that answer so much. Unfortunately I don't have a better one.

And it was more of the same talking to these solo male performers.

"What about my show did you like?" many would write back. And in doing so, ended my interest with them.

Facts. Simple. Who. What. Where. When. How. The "why" part is self explanatory or you're too stupid for me to talk to. And if there's one thing I absolutely hate, it's having to repeat myself. You have the email, re-read it!

You have to send off 20 messages to meet 5 guys, of whom, you connect with maybe 1 guy if you're lucky.

Once a year I check out who I have in my cell phone contacts...

Smartphone call-block has got to be the most genius thing ever invented.

Thank you. Truly.

MIT guys are hot!

That's my type.

Smart, hot, pervy, nerdy geniuses!

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