Wednesday, October 8, 2014

bonne journee

I have a new nephew, John Michael. I would post a photo of the awesome little guy, but Google is telling me to download an app onto my phone I've already downloaded.

I see my French tutor tomorrow. Had the day off yesterday and poured over 5 lessons of homework, breaking only to do laundry, and for sushi.

The French word is "fille" but you don't pronounce the "L" ... either one. So then why are there two of the same letters you don't pronoun.... ??

I'm reminded of a comedy bit by Eddie Izzard, back when he was a transvestite (is he still?) He observed the pronunciation of "herb" and how he pronounces the word "H-erb, because it had a bloody H in front if it!!"

I'm learning about housing lingo at the:

I love the brutal honesty of my tutor. The lesson says it's appropriate to say "merci" at the post office, "But we don't say merci at the post office. You Americans say thank you for - everything. We don't mail a package at the post office and say thank you. We mail the package and leave."

Which got me thinking,

HH the Dalai Lama, wrote about over extending meaningless gratitude, especially in intimate relationships. To say, "Thank you. I appreciate you. I'm fortunate to have you in my life " is an expression of love that is unwise to be said as often as "hello" and "goodbye".

If we say "thank you" for everything, then we're saying "thank you" for nothing.


I'm going to bring back the word "sympathique". It's a beautiful word.

There's a certain "video clip" I can't get enough of. It's corrupt my once ideal man. I don't know who the European male actor in it is, but that's part of the attraction. He could be the guy next door. I'm big time into that lately. Natural. Girl next door. Older guy next door. Amateur.

I'm so eager to visit Paris... Be a stranger in a strange land... I can't even tell you.

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