Thursday, February 20, 2014

Two Beverly Blvd. toddler moms

Today I went for a little walk to the grocery store on Beverly Blvd. Coming down the sidewalk in the opposite direction were two toddler moms, both pushing strollers, one toddler mom walking directly behind the other.

Both moms looked amazing; perfect hair, perfect make up, perfect nails, both moms were extremely fit, wearing matching skin tight high fashion designer work-out clothes, designer shoes, and both moms were pushing the Bentley of luxury baby strollers. I don't know the ages of "toddlers" but both babies looked no older than perhaps 5 months old...

And so, maybe because I've been watching Olympic hockey, I just assumed these two moms were friends. They were both perfectly quaffed alike. Their kids were about the same age. They were dressed alike, pushing the same strollers...

The mom in front had her head down texting as she was pushing her stroller, and the mom behind her was window shopping, straining her neck to look at the window exhibits as she was pushing her stroller. When the mom texting came to a dead stop, the mom window shopping behind her didn't notice until the very last second, and quickly veered her baby stroller to the side, so not to collide her baby and stroller into the mom ahead of her...

But the front wheel of her baby stroller clipped the back heel of the mom that was texting, which then sparked the most awkward moment, and the realization that these two moms are definitely not friends!

Mom texting yelled, "Excuse me, I was here first!"
Mom window shopping replied, "You suddenly stopped!"
Mom texting yelled, "Because it's a sidewalk!"

Aside from the fact what they were saying to each other didn't make sense, I was still stuck on the "Excuse me, I was here first!" part. Just where exactly was she first? First on the sidewalk? First in the chain of two moms pushing strollers on the sidewalk? First in the city of Beverly Hills? First, where, exactly?

It was awkward.

Luckily after a few more huffs and puffs, it blew over on its own.


In my mind I could already hear myself saying, "Well officer, see what happened was..."

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