Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Good ho’ing (Update May 12)

May 12

There's a group of 30-40 something year olds who gather next door, outside, every day. They hang out for at least 12 hours a day just partying, smoking (a lot) of pot and talking, talking, talking... talking. 

They must make pot differently nowadays. When I was a teenager all I wanted to do after getting high was listen to music, laugh with my friends, zone out, and eat a Zantigo jumbo beef burrito supreme.

How do these stoned people have so much to talk about? I can't think of anyone I want to talk to for 12 hours a day, every day, I don't care how good the drugs are. 

Trump tweeted Asian Americans are mad at China. 

Um. No. 

Wrong as usual. I don't expect China's government to look after my best interest. I expect my president to. Well not Trump, he's an imbecile. I mean a real president. 

My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

Because Bitch McConnell, no sitting president has ever been this stupid.

Trump walked out on his own press briefing yesterday because he didn't like the tough questions ladies of the press were asking him. That's not even remotely cool when rockstars do it.


Not to rub it in every Republican's face right now but...

I TOLD YOU SO. I told you so. Woooo! I fucking told you so. 

And it only took 26 days. 

Back in the day when my my dad ran for local union president, back when union delegates wore heavy leather jackets and every office had mini bars the size of three star hotel refrigerators, no man, no real man would walk out on a woman asking him how he's going to make things better, sure as hell not in front of a camera, especially at his own damn press briefing. 

Women everywhere, all over the globe are laughing at Trump, and you for supporting him.

How does that feel?

May 11

Trump's a POS. I know it. You know it. Changes nothing. 

People need to wear masks outside of their homes. I know it. You know it. Changes nothing. People will do what they want. Wear a mask. Not wear a mask.

All's I'm saying is, there has to be forward progress. 2 months later and the death toll keeps rising. The number infected keep rising. 

It's like the flat earthers, everyone else knows the earth is round, there's pictorial evidence the earth is round. And still they're going to fight it. Same with this virus. We know it's there. We know it's killing people. But people are going to fight it. 

That's all I'm saying. 

I went out for a little exercise and ran some errands this evening before the sun set. Out of every 10 people, only two or three people were wearing masks including myself. I saw parents out with their kids in groups, no one wearing masks. No social distancing. People are tired of wearing masks. They're tired of social distancing. They're tired of being shut in. 

If you have an underline medical condition, you have to stay inside. You just have to. Or be willing to risk exposure. It's not fair but people are going to do what they do. 

Survival of the fittest now.

End of days. 

It was "lickspittle" 

We got you at "lickspittle" 


I appreciate your 30 day optimism but I'm going to YouTube your "What I like about you" lists per clip. 

First clip will be your list of actors. Why only 28 names? And I'm guessing whoever made this list of actors is under 35 years old. Amiright? 

May 10 

I love it when white bitch Trump supporters eyeball me as I walk past them, but they're the ones NOT WEARING MASKS. 

Granted, I was carrying 3 large bags of ice and a roll of duct tape, but...


For the love of Starbucks, spell "y'all" correctly or 15-25 year olds everywhere will lose their minds faster than motorists in the no left turn lane!

May 8

Mine too. Many people in my age group aren't staying home. They're not wearing masks. I've been back in L.A. for eight weeks. Have not seen the ocean yet. Meanwhile several people I know are posting photos of themselves at the beach, downtown, at the parks and popular hiking trails, no masks.

What do you want me to do about it?

I wish they wore masks.

I wish they took free testing more seriously.

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala!

The people wearing masks in cars by they oneself are most likely Lyft, Uber, etc., Grubhub drivers. It's easier to keep it on.

I wear a mask when I go out for run/walk for among other obvious reasons I just like wearing a bandana now. I get you OG 1984. I get you! Gonna find me a horse, name her Greta, and go mining for diamonds and gold. Hoo-wee.

Gold flows through these veins.

Diamonds flow through these veins.

Cheese dip and tetracycline flow through these veins!


I miss Cincinnati style chili.

What're we talking about again?


People giving not one fuck.

That's not anything new. People have not given a fuck for yeeeears. That's why there WERE precautionary measures in place because of those people, and then yet one more person didn't give a fuck, the current president.

Of all the lessons learned regarding this pandemic, the one lesson that sticks out for me above all others is, older white people will lose their goddamm minds.

Every day during a pandemic is Holy Shit Day with white people over the age of 65. 

THIS IS HOW to pandemic over 65


Holy Shit Day is not just for old white people, wealthy white people too.

If you're white and wealthy, and insist on naming your newborn child something that sounds like it should only belong in prescription drugs, that kid better be made entirely out of valium... and heroin.

Of all the old white dudes in America, this one does not scare me in the least. 

This one gives me hope.


Sure, it's politics.

Common sense is on you. That's your responsibility.

THE WORLD IS NOT ENDING chicken little. Calm the fuck down.

Test if you can - sympathetic to those who cannot make it to testing centers

Wear a mask around others
Don't touch your face
Wash your hands
Avoid large crowds
Don't be a dick

Jesus fucking christ

Old white people


"How did Triscuits stay in business with just the original flavor?"
-- Aramis

WHA... WHAT?! What did you say?! Way to interrupt my meditation! Triscuits are fucking amazing!


"Goldfish are amazing."
-- Aramis

Ok. Yes. I forgive you. Goldfish are amazing. I accept your apology.


We're talking about the crackers right?

My generation may be hooked on caffeine, drugs, and alcohol, but I rely on friendships from my generation to keep me sane from the hyper sensative scream-o's with zero ability to cope, who want you to lack coping skills with them, and are completely clueless beyond a two block radius.

I am 100% on board with friends under 65 without underline medical conditions, without any symptoms of illness, hanging out together in someone's private home. So long as...

Test if you can -- sympathetic to those who cannot make it to testing centers.

Wear a mask around others
Don't touch your face
Wash your hands
Avoid large crowds (especially if you're over 65)

Don't be a dick. 

Don't be a dick, saves more lives than medicine. She said basing that entirely on opinion. 

May 6

Thank you for being a friend; Traveled down a road and back again; Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant...

Remember back in 2014 when we joked about cannibalism? 






Yeah. I'm thinking we shouldn't do that anymore.

And once again, not to beat a dead POV further, but who needs the political drama of human wet markets?

We are FAR FROM OVER coronavirus.

The YouTube clip of Japanese honey bees killing a HORNET with body heat is four years old. 

What you should be watching is the Nat Geo YouTube clip of Japanese honey bees killing a hornet. Because even though that clip is thirteen years old, nothing beats hearing the narrator dramatically ending that segment by saying, "And the secret of the honey bees location dies with her." Adding a visual of the dead hornet, fetal position, cooked alive. Followed by...

The upbeat Nat Geo theme song "Dun dun dun du da!...."

MURDER HORNET does not like!


May 5

When the other Klan children won’t play with you...

“One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one

It's the loneliest number since the number one

No, is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know..”

MURDER HORNET does not like!


Cinco de Mayo!

I have no idea why you're fighting getting tested for coronavirus. 

The faster people test negative, the faster the state can fully reopen without the threat of a relapse in October. Which, by the way, could very well happen thanks to all these rebels not social distancing, not getting tested, and not wearing face masks. 

Common sense. And the test is free. What's the problem?

Get tested. Schedule a free test. 

(Click the link)


Save a life.

May 4

The IRS said whatnow?

May the 4th be with you!!!

Hey gang! So tomorrow we're getting free coronavirus testing! Yay!

Remember when we used to get together for wine, charcuterie, and good times?

No. No. This is waaaaay more funner.

Everyone absolutely must get tested regardless if you're symptomatic.

My friends and I don't have symptoms but we're getting tested anyway because it's the responsible thing to do!

Of course we'll all test negative because MURDER HORNETS!

EVERYONE GET TESTED. IT'S FREE. Thanks to Governor Newsom, doing what that useless pathetic excuse of a president refused to do!!!

Thank you Governor Newsom!!! ❤

Make your appointment today!!!!

(Click the link)

What Trump tried to rally...

What Trump got...

He doesn't know who Lincoln was, Mister Walsh. Trump is the dumbest white orange man on the planet.

See you at the testing!

May 3

It’s embarrassing watching Jeanine try so hard to be a pretty blonde white girl. Her parents are Lebanese, right?   

Anytime these twats need to see video of their fearless “Just grab ‘em by the pussy!” leader, I’m CERTAIN it can be arranged. And I call them twats because they don’t mind. “Grab ‘em by the pussy!” Is a compliment for them. They love being called twats, bitches, whores, dogs, that’s what Trump calls women, so...

Look at these two nasty bitch dogs! 



Keep reposting this. If you support Trump, don't complain about money. You must obviously be wealthy.

May 2

Day drinking. Friday evening story telling.

That time we all watched TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, and EVIL DEAD, and I almost lost my eye! 


We all hate Kayleigh McEnany, right? Apparently she doesn't know we have Twitter screengrabs, and video of Trump talking in press briefings since day 1 of his batshit crazy presidency. Oh well. Her problem.

Let's go put her in the shit storm.

May 1

You think my loved one with a heart condition should die, so you can go to the beach? 


What she said.

April 30

Tara Reade, no one believes you. The alleged assault supposedly took place in 1993. Hello? 1993. No filed complaint. Ever. And you're just now coming out with your story during a presidential election year? 


Attention seeking ho. Get therapy. 

April 29

“I’m a ho, but I’m a good ho, because I know what I am. And my objective was to get to the point where I can pimp myself.”



(Click the link)


I look like a crazy serial killer here. Geez. SNAPPED here comes grandma! I only wear them when I read. I prefer to not be able to see rest of the time. Makes life more livable.

Hey! 👋🏻 good news boys and girls, looks like we’re getting the F out of this shut-in sooner than later! Hooray!  

Until then here’s some extremely mild entertainment for you. Otherwise known as a video chat with an old woman in bed who just talks about nonsense things, not letting you get a word in. 

I would make more effort to be entertaining but I was always under the impression that really old women half in the bag were already entertaining all by their onesie. 

(Click the links) 

Sorry animals. We gave you back your planet for a few weeks but, humans are coming back to fuck it all up again. My apologies. I really wish you guys had thumbs.

Pablo Neruda. (Swoon!)


My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

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