Saturday, April 11, 2020

Bill who? (Update April 15)

April 15

Cattle bovine leukemia
Swine influenza
Bird flu (like every other year)

I get that they're taking the "19" part way too seriously but don't act like animal flu is a new thing. Contaminated meat isn't new. Coronavirus isn't new. Just the strain.

People are dirty diseased infested slobs of mutated evolution to begin with. Combine that with something like swine flu and a moron who thinks Captain Bligh was the hero on the Bounty, and...

Here we are.

PS. Ask Trump where he thinks Tahiti, is.

April 14

No Wuhan for you! Trump went back to calling it the Coronavirus.

It's China's fault
It's the Democrat's fault
It's the media's fault
It's the mean people's fault
It's the impeachment's fault
It's the past administration's fault
It's Yamiche Alcindor's fault
It's Weijia Jiang's fault.
It's Dr Fauci's fault
It's Paula Reid's fault
It's the WHO's fault

"I'm cutting funding for the WHO."

(World Health Organization)

Crackerjack idea in the middle of a pandemic. Like that time Trump disbanded the one team of people who could have contained this virus back in January. 

I'm sorry. The Wuhan whatnow?

Trump has officially lost his shit with a black female news reporter, an Asian female news reporter, and today with a white female news reporter, in three seperate press conferences.

Yamiche Alcindor
Weijia Jiang
And today...
Paula Reid

Any guesses who the Hispanic female news reporter will be?

The first lady is never anywhere to be found. Ever. I so wish she would just haul off and bitch-slap her husband on camera JUST ONCE.

You gotta love a failed president who shows a delusional reel of what he thinks his accomplishments are during a press conference. Worst video profile ever!

"I have complete authority!"

No. You don't. Welcome to reality. 

Trump got so worked up over coronavirus he fumbled hard spitting out "Wuhan Virus" and was (this close) to saying something unmistakingly racist. We all heard it. We all saw it. You gotta get Weijia Jiang back in there. Trump won't be able to control himself, not with her.

I wonder if Dr Fauci remembers this interview in 2005?

(Click the link)


I have yet to hear Trump send his condolences to the families of the 23,000 dead from this pandemic virus. This virus he could have prevented from spreading back in January had he not fired the pandemic team two years ago to build his broken wall. Had the government done their jobs.

What moron would give this useless man their vote?

April 12

There's intellectual cat people, and then...


If the uninformed are left to assume this virus can only start in China, then you are pandering to ignorance and racism by calling it the Chinese virus.


You would be WRONG.

Remember way back four months ago when Americans couldn't eat eggs because they were contaminated with Lysteria, and we couldn't eat romaine lettuce due to an E. Coli outbreak? 

Two fine examples of American superiority right there. We managed to fuck up eggs and lettuce. 

It's not even COVID-19, anymore. It's SARS-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - something, something. Which is probably what it should have been called from day 1, she said with zero medical background.

How many Coronavirus are there? Is it a mystery? Like Van Halen album 1984. Their best album was before then but they kept pounding CD's long after. Who knows why they chose 1984 as the year to time stamp? They should have time stamped their self titled album 1978. Everyone knows that's their best record. The rest are all weaker strains of their former selves.

And still we have to tell people to wash their hands. Don't touch your face.

No more bats Ozzy! No more bats! Sure, in your day you could bite the head off a bat and not contract coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS-CoV... or did you? 🤨

And that's how rumors get started.

Shoot, back in the day kids ate crayons. Eggs were ok to eat, then not ok, then just egg whites, twice a week, five days a week, and milk was ok to drink, then not ok, then 2% was ok, then skim milk, then almond milk whatever that is, then pork was the other white meat whatever the fuck that meant...

I can't imagine ever eating a cat or dog. The thought alone makes me cry. But then again, there are some people right here in these United States who refuse to eat pork. Rightfully so. While the rest of America loves pork so much we wrap it around desserts while others plunk a fat slice of bacon into their Old Fashion bourbon cocktails. (Eeeesh)

Point being Americans are no more sophisticated in their eating habits. Right, Bill?

April 11


Oh. Right. That guy.

I don't take offense to the term "Chinese virus" because I'm certain it didn't come from China. That's not it, and you know it. I'm not a medical professional, or a scientist, or a member of a (foolishly disbanded) pandemic team. I do however listen to those people when they talk because they're the professionals and I just write a blog. So when medical/science professionals call the so-called "Chinese virus" Covid-19, hey guess what, I'm calling it Covid-19, too. They're all smart n shit. Went to school. Got degrees.

WTF. Why do you seemingly have a difficult time understanding this?


When medical professionals validate my point regarding why calling Covid-19 the "Chinese virus" as a danger to the health of society, being as how China is by far not the only country with wet markets, perhaps you too can agree it leaves the uninformed to make the assumption that this virus cannot come from elsewhere when science has already confirmed it clearly can, and quite possibly already has, hence then name Covid-19.


As in


There were 18 before this one?

If the uninformed are left to assume this virus can only start in China, then you are pandering to ignorance and racism by calling it the Chinese virus.


You would be wrong.



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