Thursday, April 23, 2020

Drunk on camera. Again. (Update April 24)


I post a clip on IG. Of course the clip got cut off. šŸ™„ Too big. You know how it is. 

(Click the link)

Hey YOUTUBE, I’m 51 years old and so have wine!

I'm way nicer after I drink a bottle of wine. I know I said it wasn't going to be fancy but there's eight video clips, 14 plus minutes. It's gonna be a little fancy in addition to what I record today sober.

I just wanted to eat nachos and cheese. Who doesn't like watching people eat nachos and cheese? But oh no. Not good enough for you snobs. 


California doesn't make cheese curds, or so I've never seen any. The only reason you like eating those things is for the squeak they make against your teeth. Pervert. 

Logged on Twitter. Logged off. I don't understand moms bringing their babies to large crowds but then again I don't understand 8 month pregnant strippers on the pole. Unlike OUR PARENTS who raised us via post-it notes. 

(How are we still alive?)


And by a few glasses of wine I obviously meant the entire bottle.



I have opinions. You know this. I spew those opinions here and on social media so's not to spew them during inappropriate times... like in front of your mom who thought I was adorable until I said people over 50 are terribly dull unless they're intoxicated. Would you like a glass of wine? 

I'm still drawing. Not enough. 

Like you I've been sheltering in place during this pandemic for the past six weeks, also putting my life back together from living in that shithole called Vegas for the last two and half years. Just been too busy/distracted. That, and starting a new drawing is always difficult for me anyway. 

To break the silence of these four walls I'm doing what all the old women my age are doing, YouTube! 

Something simple. Nothing fancy. Just a few glasses of wine, read some cool stuff I found online. Some things long forgotten. Some things that shouldn't be forgotten. Some things no one probably cares about but me. Withal, I'm recording my first video tonight. Of course I'm currently experiencing technical difficulty. Meh. It’s only rock ‘n roll but...

I showered. Put on makeup. Blew out my hair. Not wearing pants though. I draw the line at pants. 

No filters. That dead skin color remains. 

A loved one who knows me quite well said don’t just read your depressing moody broody stuff. Welp, the two historical speeches I found are both rather depressing (fuck!) but I’ll be drinking while I do this so... 

Who knows what will be recorded? 

(One stray cat)

Please refrain from emailing porn. I’m 100 years old. Haven’t had intercourse since September 2017. I would just critique hair, makeup, and camera angles at this point.

My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

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