Wednesday, August 2, 2023



2 New Youtube reels:



Aw! Where do I meet a guy like this?


Social media explaining it to me so that even I can understand. 😏


Oh boy. I mean, he's old. Term limits y'all. 


23 more days until Fall. Can I make it through the entire Las Vegas summer without running screaming for my life to cooler climate?

Keanu Reeves. My first movie star love, and only, until Pedro Pascal. What can I say, when I'm in love I'm devoted.



The last writers strike gave the people the Kardashians. This writers strike is giving the people AI. 

I’m not hating it to be honest. Some of it is pretty goshdarn sexy.

AI could make me young again.


Eating steamed white rice and drinking big cups of hot water are great for tummy rumbles like food poisoning. Or maybe I was just having sympathy pains for my little nephew who was not feeling good. 

It’s been a hot minute. Sorry. So much is going on. Aside from work, Youtube channel, promoting on social media, cell phone dying, and bus drivers quitting their jobs at 4am with passengers on board (including me) I have been busy.  

My work schedule is all over the place. Technically my line of work, food prep, is performed from 5am-11am or noon. When I started working for my boss again who I have been working for since 2017, at her new place, places actually as she now has two locations, I started at 6am. Very quickly however I got into fights with the (then) main morning cook on shift, bitch, tempers flared, we all have knives back there, so I opted the move to graveyard shift, which is better for me now anyway as a pedestrian when it’s 115 stupid degrees outside in the summer months. I can pretty much go to work at any time really. I prep for the day ahead. But for now I usually get off work between 4am-5am. There’s one bus that goes at that hour but it’s a long haul around the desert opposed to the shorter route I take from 6am-10pm. Not a problem. I can catch up on my online stuff during the ride. Just grateful there are bus drivers at all as there is a wicked shortage of them on account of drivers all leaving for rideshare jobs. On this one particular morning however, the new lady bus driver was “having a serious moment” and mentally broke down - in the middle of the desert - in the middle of the night. Long story short, she decided to quit her job and take the bus back to the terminal and left me out in the middle of the desert at 4:30am. In the middle of literally nowhere!! Just me and the scorpions. Fortunately there was ONE gas station on the road some 1 ⁄ 2 mile from where I was let out - and I called an Uber. The most expensive Uber ride ever. Whatever. 

So that happened. 

Then my trusty beloved call phone died. Just up and died. (sigh) Now I have this new Android and - it’s so big it literally hurts my wrists. And it reacts like a needy dog. “What do you need, boss? This app? This app? That app? Want to download tiktok? Are you sure? C’mon boss, download ticktok, you might like it. No? Okay, I’ll just ask you again in five minutes, and every five minutes after that. So what are you thinking right now? Want to download tiktok?” Oy. I could have gotten another Iphone, which is what visual creators want, but I didn’t want to make the payments on another $1,000 (plus!) cell phone. I like all my stuff paid in full out the door. So Android it is. It is what it is. I’m working on it. 

As the summer months come to pass, the temperature finally gets down to double digits again. Hooray. I can start going into work earlier. Just a small fact about the restaurant world. Cooks, all of them, will inevitably get on each other's nerves and fight. The evening cook and I got into it big time recently because he kept stealing my quota I had just prepped for the day ahead. He would take home all my work to feed his family and friends. But, a few weeks have gone by since then and things have finally cooled down between us. 

I’ve been applying for a second job but only at places I like eating at, like Ikea. I want to work where I can get home cooked meals - as in my childhood home, Minnesota, home cooked meals: Meatloaf, meatballs, apple sausage, fruit tarts, fruit pies, mashed potatoes, cream corn, coleslaw (anything cabbage), etc. I like Ikea's food. I was married to a Swede after all. And Christmas is coming. Scoff all you want but Ikea has some pretty awesome holiday food. 


Christmas decorations? Seriously? Are we soooo over summer that we’re already putting up Christmas decorations in August? I’m ready for the winter hikes. Snakes and scorpions go into their deep sleep until April and I can go climb around on the big rocks, play in the woods, splash in the marshes and wetlands, the way god intended this Minnesota Capricorn fish-goat to do! - If you believe in that kind of thing.   



One of my absolute favorite Youtube channels.



All last night and this morning battling a small buot of food poisoning. Ugh. The worst feeling in the world. I bought some chicken and... I'll be getting some rice before heading into work. Going in early to get delivery out of the way. 


I hate my new phone. Fucking hate it. It's way too big and heavy. I literally cannot hold it in my hand for more than 1 minute at a time. Who needs a cell phone that goddamn big?! AND it's more jumpy than a ten year old on speed. Calm the fuck down. Don't anticipate what you think I want. Just stay on the app I clicked on, that's where I want to be, that's why I clicked on it. 

Go back to making phones smaller and dumb please. Thank you.



Okay (sigh) time for some X-files, maybe eat something, ponder my next youtube reel, see what's going on the world, etc. Good night or good morning depending on what side of the clock you live on.

Just remember, behind this innocent smile is ten years of this god forsaken blog.

The hair is growing out nicely though, eh? 


DeSantis reportedly declares state of emergency for half of Florida. I wish I could feel bad for your state but I don't. Your residents vote for dick laws, the state has a dick governor, the hurricane is called Hilary (HA!) and the only thing that stands out about any of this "news" story is the fact DeSantis sews his name onto most of his clothes like he's at camp! The un-rockstar. 



I miss my old cell phone. (sigh) 

This new cell phone is too big, heavy, and clunky. It's difficult for me to maneuver quickly. I don't want to carry around a mini television. You need to bring back small cell phone options please and thank you! 

And while I'm grumping, I don't know which is worse, that annoying picture of the Covid molecule, or Trump's annoying mugshot! Trump looks like the poster boy for To Catch a Predator.

It looks like Bootsie DeSantis is doing coke these days. Public teeth grinding is not a good look on anyone, sir. I'm sure some election adviser told him to lose weight for the debates and his doctors prescribed him amphetamine or Phentermine. Just stay off the hard street dope. The Rogers and Jebs of politics are designated for younger sibs only.

2024 presidential election is going to be another dumpster fire. And because of it, prepare for President Newsom in 2028. Not that I'm complaining really. It's all just one giant poopshow. At least we'll have someone handsome to look at.



How Bob Barker lived to almost 100 years of age.

Handsome devil. #restinpeace


I'm still learning my way around my new phone. It's not an Iphone which makes adding music to my Youtube reels a royal pain. Only iphones extend the 15 second youtube music to 60 seconds automatically after uploading the reel.  


Good morning, Starshine.



Good day, eh. 



Way to go Wells Fargo, screwing up our Zelle deposits again! Not like any of us have lives to live or anything! Life today is just one giant stress test, isn't it?


I'm all in for AI. Bring us back Brandon Lee.

Today via AI.

So handsome.





Question: And what did we learn from this? 

Answer: Men are dumb. Dumb as rocks.


When a couple is in a pool together taking a selfie, and the woman is kissing him on the cheek, and the man is staring straight ahead into the camera not even acknowledging the woman with a smile (god forbid look at her) that man couldn't care less about her. He's just using her. And that boys and girls, is not okay.


People who say, “Take the money” have absolutely no soul. You have no soul. It’s painful to me. Understand? It’s painful. Like when a hospital fucks up and murders your loved one, and then you sue that hospital for millions and win, and then go on all the news channels and say the one thing all lawsuit winners say, “It’s not about the money.” We’re all sitting at home thinking that’s right, it won’t bring your loved one back, so why sue if it’s not about the money? Don’t think you’re hurting a hospital by suing them. They have lawsuit insurance money put aside because they expect to be sued and they fully prepare to lose on occasion. You're also not hurting a doctor. I mean unless he was six sheets to the wind and took out a kidney when you went in for a hernia operation, you’re not hurting that doctor's reputation or career because, as we already covered, hospitals expect to be sued. Doctors expect to be sued. America is the lawsuit capital continent of the world. But it’s not about the money… right? Rii-iight. 😒

My brother, the one we put in charge of her money, wrote me a really nice email. I’ve read it three times now. He understands my not wanting her money. He knows his mother was crazy. He knows what she put me through and we’re not blood related. Not that being blood related makes it any better, or makes any sense. What she put him through was a crime, and pure evil, although in evil’s defense, he could have walked away at any time. Her sons could have simply walked away like I did. They were her personal chauffeurs, personal chefs, personal finance advisors, personal errand boys, personal fix-it guys, personal housekeepers, all by the time they each turned sixteen This brother, the one in charge of her estate handlings, was devoted to his mom up until maybe two years ago when he just fucking snapped and gave up. I’m impressed by his pain threshold. By the time I was like fourteen I straight up told her, “Bye!” Of course it took a few times. Horror movie villains never die on the first death. My dad put me in therapy because of her when I was twelve. Maybe that therapy helped me to get out by any means possible a few years later when my dad was so naive he couldn’t possibly imagine a grown adult woman would punch a six year old child in the face.

“Take her money.” they say.

According to my brother and the estate attorney I have no choice. It’s more legal cost to opt out of a probate decision when there is no Will, and there’s no guarantee the courthouse would even accept it, let alone a judge. And the “funny” part of all this is, she told her sons her only concern about her estate was that I would hire an attorney and fight for money, not that I would FFS, and my brothers know it, but if she was so concerned she could have signed the paper dissolving her parental rights to me back when I was seventeen AND/OR made a fucking Will. But she did neither. Which was completely expected. “I’m so worried I’m going to do absolutely nothing about it!” I seriously considered walking in front of traffic twice since this whole inheritance bullshit started. I literally cannot stop the memories of each nightmare she put me through running through my head. Like the first time she punched me in the face and gave me a bloody nose - I was like six at the time. Then she threw me in the shower, grabbed a handful of hair,  and forced my face upward towards the shower stream, because she didn’t know any other way to stop a nosebleed.  By the time I was twelve Vickie knew I would grab the heaviest thing I could lift and beat her to death with it if she even tried to hit me again, and then the REAL madness started. You know those people who can make an innocent phone call and get the answering machine, so they call again an hour later but get the answering machine again, so they call again a half hour after that but continue getting the answering machine, so then they start leaving “concerned messages” on the answering machine, and by the 10th message “concern” turns to anger until shit snowballs so hard they’re now in their cars driving to that person’s house? Well that was Vickie, all the time, for everything. My dad got himself girlfriends and was never home, and his solution for us kids was to go to a relative, neighbor, or friend's house. No kidding. That was his solution. So that’s what we did. I went to her mom’s house, who I called grandma, loved as a grandma, and Vickie threatened to kill her. She threatened to murder her own mother for caring for me. Threatened to murder her mother, and her mother’s dog. Swung a fist at her own mother and everything, just for caring about me. For her safety, the two women barely spoke to each other again after that. That was just the beginning! And for years I was mad at my dad like, “Did you not know where babies come from?!” That was his sole reason for marrying her, he got her pregnant (a few times!)   
My dad got many women pregnant. He didn’t marry them FFS. He just married the crazy one. But you know what they say, crazy out of bed - crazy in. 

Men make horrible decisions and others suffer for it since the dawn of time. 

Super tired. Super stressed. None of which are good for me and my medical issues. 

And, then my cell phone died. But on the plus side... 😂




I feel your pain, Ken! I feel it, girl! Maybe we should join Eharmony? There's other Barbies in the sea! 



Woke up just now to, "We had an earthquake."

5.0. I remember my last 5.0. (sigh)


Just posted a new Youtube reel of my visit to Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort. 

I'll just copy and paste the description here because as we already know, I'm a lazy self promoter.


Yesterday's 3.4 mile walk was to Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort. I've been wanting to go here for a while now but as a pedestrian the journey is long, about three hours round trip by Metro from where I'm staying but well worth it! It was cloudy and cool in Las Vegas yesterday as we wait to see what Hurricane Hillary will do. It added atmosphere to the Fort which was amazing to walk around in. The park charges $3 and be sure to donate to the turtle box. It feeds the turtles! The historic vibe is just incredible. For moments you actually feel like you were there. Because of the location of the Old Fort just be mindful of your surroundings coming and going. Growing up in small town Minnesota, I'm all too familiar with a pioneer spirit. My dad grew up in Utah, Mormon, and is (I forget what percent) Ute Native American. Every piece of history in this regard is of course dear to me. That flag by the fort doors is a replica. The original was made from soldiers uniforms! And yes, I did try to video the resident bunny but alas bunny was too fast for me. Next time. :) 



Hey boys and girls, did you see my new walk reel? I used Youtube's suggested music against my better judgement. Next time I'll use my music choice.

I go walking with the Mormons today. Wish me luck.



Sorry bro, but you won’t hit “daddy” status for another like 15 years. 


If only Kid Rock would come back “with a little more love”.🤭

Yes, Kid. I assure you people do in fact get what they deserve. 


I made a new Youtube walk reel. I've been having some horrible problems with my legs and feet lately. No idea why. I finally got my heart rate up, stress probably. Allowing the men in my life to stress me out. I live a minimal lifestyle, I have medical conditions with my heart and blood pressure, and when alone I am much calmer than obviously the men in my life. The moment I talk to any of my male friends, who happen to be older than me, I get super stressed out and exhausted. After talking to Bob on the phone yesterday morning I was so exhausted and stressed out, I slept for nine hours. NINE! I'm like what on earth are you doing that you're so angry all the time? The older (so many!) single white men get, the angrier and inflicted with uncontrollable rage they seem to have. WTF is going on, fellas? Bob says "Manic depression runs in my family! How many times do I have to tell you!" And I'm like, therapy and medication. Do both! But, just like my brothers mom, Bob refuses. He, just like Vickie (my brothers mom), insist medication and therapy do not work. Vicki didn't believe cigarettes cause cancer, meanwhile she smoked two pack a day and died of lung cancer. 

I thought studies showed single elderly men don't live long. Bob turns 70 in September. I guess evil truly doesn't die. 

I made a new walk reel: DAY WALK REEL 8.17.23  

For once youtube and I agreed on a main image. 

These two are my favorite images in the reel. Both are made with lense manipulation. Both trails in each image are the actual size for a Leggo person. I used the trees, shrubs, lens angle, and shadows to make the trails seem bigger.




Bob spent an hour being a screaming dick on the phone when I tried to help him with his 38 year old second hand laptop, Windows 1.0. 🙄 Just buy a computer FFS. How did I have a stroke but that asshole doesn’t get a heart attack screaming like a fucktard nutjob?

Save me Pedro Pascal!



I worked the hot line. I worked the cold line. I still like the cold line but I’m happiest working prep. Until someone from the FOH comes back and… breathes. If you want to keep breathing GTFO!!


Who can I complain about and then sue to make MY 1.2 million dollars, like Riley Gaines?

Life's not fair! Okay, money now please. 1.2 million.


I'm contemplating a part-time job, two days a week at Nellis Air Force base. I'm also looking into working for the LVPD. I can't (just) find a nice man, I want to make money while I'm doing it. 😂



Trump has until August 25 to surrender. Tick-tock.


There were many reasons I did not want to live in a house of women. Three women, one bathroom, and/or most assuredly (at least) one crazy AF white woman. Sure enough! Crazy AF white woman. Let me explain for your amusement.

After lurking me two nights ago, following me around the house as I was getting ready to leave for work, little Miss Heil Hitler, all honky zero tonk, anywhere else I would have easily mistook her for a homeless person, went from stranger-danger to passive aggressive in .03 “I want to speak to the manager!” seconds ala Karen.

*Hitler walked up to me and just blurted out, "What's your name?" Okay look, the pillar of sophistication Heil Hitler isn't, but the proper way to make an introduction is, "Hello. My name is Hitler. What's your name?"

The other night, from the moment she stalked me to the trash bins, the bathroom, the front door even, Heil Hitler went legit scary-Mary. The homeowner said, “After you shower can you leave the shower curtain closed so the water dries off it and not mildew?” Yeah. Totally. Of course. But when I do that, Heil Hitler immediately goes into the bathroom and yanks the shower curtain open. Maybe the shower scene in PSYCHO triggers her? And then she immediately put a disgusting green towel next to the sink to mark her sink-territory. WTF? Also, and I wouldn’t expect any less from Hitler, she has no idea what a toilet seat lid is for. When you flush the toilet, you put the toilet seat down so debris from the toilet doesn't splash out when you flush. Yeah, that lid serves a purpose. There was a news story about how far fecal matter can travel in a house, short answer is, it travels everywhere. In the kitchen, in every bedroom, everywhere. Toilet debris travels on your clothes like bedbugs. But Miss Hitler immediately goes into the bathroom and lifts the toilet lid. For a while she had her bedroom door open when I used the bathroom just to spy. The bathroom is across the hall from her bedroom. Now, I use the bathroom across from Hitler’s bedroom when I shower. There’s a toilet and sink ½ bath downstairs. I use that.

Christ Almighty, what happens to some of you white bitches after you turn 40? And don't say menopause because I'm going through menopause and have never felt the urge to follow anyone around or spy on anyone. And it, whatever "it" is, doesn't seem to affect all white women, but man, there's a lot of you affected.




Why does Bootsie DeSantis hate Shakespeare? I'd love to hear his argument. 😂




Me replying to Ms 50-something blonde white Loony Toons from down the hall.


Asian women after a certain age, my age, we just hate everyone equally. We're like cats. We don't want anyone around us until we're in the mood to be pet or fed. "Six feet back motherfucker! Oh. You have tacos? Um. What kind?"

Whereas, white women after certain age, y'all got be in everyone's business, all the time, always, in case there's something for you to be mad about, you definitely don't want to miss out! Just like your male counterpart. Old white men over 65 scare the fuck out of me. I see old white men on the street, I'm crossing over to the other side!

Funny how we grow old.


Why are crazy old white women drawn to me?! This woman who rents a room down the hall from me followed me around last night, to the bathroom, the patio, the trash cans… Seriously WTF!



Youtubers saying Youtube things.

Aaand what country do you think Alaska is in?


I would love to see Florida be it's own country ONLY IF you Truman-ize it like in the film Truman, and give those cameras 100% live stream public access. Make Florida the only non-registered firearm state with secure boarder patrol around the entire state to keep Floridians in, and let the cameras roll. Lets see how well Bootsie DeSantis does then. OMG that would be the most epic reality-TV ever. Make it so!


$120 for a 23 And Me kit. Is it worth it?



This is great! 😂


Whenever I need a laugh and smile. 🥹


Yesterday I received a letter from my brothers’ mom’s estate attorney who wrote that I, being an inheritor of their mom’s estate, was now available to start receiving my portion of assets that had cleared from probate. As I said before I have no interest in that crazy woman’s money. If you follow this blog then you know just how mentally ill this woman was, additionally she refused therapy and medication. This woman had zero coping or social skills. None. Completely void of being able to care for herself beyond what she learned as a child. She never matured psychologically beyond maybe twelve or thirteen years of age. Unfortunately she was now in an adult body that could make babies and wield knives and hammers. And for whatever reason, this crazy woman was obsessed with me. When my dad threw her out of the house, he had lawyers draw up papers removing her as a legal guardian of mine but as it turns out she never signed those papers, thus I’m now in the middle of legal bullshit regarding her estate. We made one brother her executor (or whatever it’s called) to be in control of her money which I then thought would be the end of it, but no. That brother wants to talk to me about her estate, estate lawyers want to talk to me about her estate. I’m so over this. It does not surprise me one bit that this woman didn’t leave a Will. She wouldn’t know how or who to call regarding one. Not even with a goddamn computer search engine. No clue what to even search for. I booted this woman out of my life when I was like 15 years old and I’m still dealing with her!

I need more joy in my life. I need puppies and kitties. Make it so, universe! If you wont bring me to a sweet, charming, cute, loving, kind, adventurous man, then bring me to where the puppies and kitties are!


It’s adorable how my coffee pot totals “5 cups of coffee” yet fills my coffee mug only once.



Facts. The worst flights I ever had. Flew it once shame on you. Flew it twice… I didn’t pay for that ticket.



Every now and then something truly wonderful happens on Twitter.


More union bah humbuggery...

So it takes paying a union delegate from each of your paychecks every week to walk off the job with picket signs unless paid more money? Like, y'all couldn't do that by yourselves? You couldn't gather your fellow food workers at T-Mobile and be like, "Las Vegas Golden Knights just won the Stanley Cup, now's the perfect time to ask for more money." Instead you rather pay an outsider to do what, the exact same thing y'all couldn't just do yourselves? To quote the 80's, "Bitch, please!'


Nevada has sand. Lots and lots of sand.


Just finished watching (film) Living, on Netflix. What a beautiful movie. I recommend seeing this one alone. Be with yourself. No distractions.


You don't have to believe. You don't have to believe in god, or heaven, or aliens, or karma, or reincarnation - but I do. Not all of it a 100% but I do believe a little in all of it. I like reading the Bible. There. I said it. It's a good book full of interesting stories. I joke about Christianity a lot because if you knew me for the first 20 years of my life, and then the following 20 years of my life, you would probably laugh and be like, "What... the fuck... happened?" Or at least that's what I question pretty much every day now. It's pretty messed up that people like me can't go out in public like a park somewhere or a Starbucks, read the Bible, mind my own business, without some attention seeker getting in my face about it. It's a book. Get over it. That said, I also believe we are not alone in the universe. Don't you ever just look at society and think, "Really? This? Us? What? Seriously?" That's why movies, that's why music, that's why dancing, because none of this makes any sense otherwise.

I shot this yesterday on my way back to my room. You cannot look at this and then tell me, "Yep, that's normal."

I'm obsessed with the clouds in Nevada. New Mexico, too.

Shot this yesterday also. When it's really cloudy out like this I could watch the clouds all day like when I was a kid.

My resting heart rate is on the lower end. 64 BPM. Under 60 and I have to go back to the doctors and get another heart monitor put on. 60-100 that's where your resting heart BPM should be. My heart does it's own weird thing since my stroke which I have monitored whenever I feel it being off. Not a fan of the monitor. It's depressing because I know why I'm wearing it, and it's not because I'm an athlete.

Whenever I need a good cry strangely this does it for me. I listen to this song on loop until I feel better. I listened to this song on loop last night for about an hour. Good cry. Good song.

"When the lights go down it's just an empty stage."



I'm beside myself at how little everyone I know cares about what goes on in our skies! Beside myself! How do you people not care?! "Meh clouds. Meh sunrises. Meh sunsets. Meh lights in the sky. Meh."

Why do I know you people at all?


WHERE do I even begin?! 

SO… last night on my way to work I saw some lights in the sky. I was texting with my brother at the time who said they were most likely drones. I could (I can) accept that line of reasoning but, where were the owners of the drones standing? Behind that building, where the lights were hovering above, is an empty dug up sandlot. Yet another construction thing where the earth was kinda dug up and then abandoned. The empty sandlot has been in that wrecked state for over 6 months. Keep in mind this happened last night around 8:30pm. And while Las Vegas never gets truly dark out, there’s at least an acre of dug up sandlot with no lights anywhere. When I say “dug up sandlot” I mean big sudden holes three to seven feet deep. As in, big shovels began to dig and then something happened and the construction was abandoned as per usual. Sure you could have flashlights but you better be surefoot as fuck or you will get really, really messed up out there should you misstep just once. 

Here’s the link to the video. Please watch all 2.55 minutes of it. If you think it’s drones, say it drones. I'll accept your opinion. All I ask is that you watch all 2.55 minutes of the video before you decide. My phone got messed up while filming the lights for some reason but it does adjust itself. 

The sky was craz-zy this morning. I took a bunch of photos on my way home from work. Check back soon!

*** (2:29pm) ***

And these are the clouds early this morning after I left work.



CNN doing CNN things.


The kids don’t like the black and white art reel. It’s okay, I'm experimenting. I’m not the typical “like and subscribe” Youtuber. I’m trying to make something. Fake it ‘til you make it!

There’s a truck in the neighbor’s driveway that has “BLM” on it. BLM, Federal Bureau of Land Management. Not quite a forest ranger but a close relative of. Close enough I’m curious about the owner.

Bootsie DeSantis finally admitted Trump is not the president. Funny what happens when your political leader has been charged with three criminal indictments - the rats abandon ship. Can someone please tell DeSantis it's not necessary to have his name sewn onto all his clothing. He's not at camp. Still not voting for him. He's not Trump but he carries Trump mentality. The only Republicans I would vote for (today) is still Paul Ryan and/or Mitt Romney.

People are attacking Gavin Newsom with campaign ads which can mean only one thing - y'all know he's running for president in 2028, right?


I have a new walk reel up on Youtube. It's a test run. Fake it 'til you make it! 😁👍🏻



Oooh. So it's a Wells Fargo problem with direct deposits not landing in bank accounts. Apparently Wells Fargo started having problems Thursday and that's why my direct deposit did not land in my account yesterday morning as per usual. Soooo... when am I getting paid?


It's in black and white. A very, very short film noir shot and edited on my iphone and film apps for iphone. I literally risked my life getting a .06 second clip in thee shittiest part of south/east Las Vegas, and that's saying something! But I really wanted the shot because, well, you'll see.


Dogstar is in town next Saturday. Who's going with me!

In my new Summerlin room. Same homeowner different house. So far all is great! I went to bed around 1pm after settling in and woke up at 9:30pm. It was the best sleep I’ve had in two weeks. I know I sound like a broken record saying this but it truly is a shame what has become of the Las Vegas Strip. And not dealing with Formula1 road construction, or fighting bugs like I'm playing RW Counter Strike: Global-Offensive, just, major 1,000% improvement. And the 3 ladies-1 bathroom, hasn't been an issue so far which was my one and only concern moving into this house back when it was offered to me a few months ago.

Tomorrow night is my Monday. I'm happy for it. I'm concerned my paycheck didn't go into direct deposit yet. Payday for me is actually Monday around 4am but Wells Fargo was doing 2-day early pay so I was getting paid Saturday mornings for the past three or four months or so. I received my last paycheck Friday morning. I girl gets used to a thing. I'm hoping, worst case scenario, my company decided to not release the checks to banks until Monday morning again, worst case scenario.

Because my brothers’ mom died last May, and she never signed a legal document when she and my dad divorced when I was 17 years old, I’m still a legal beneficiary of hers, not that I’m taking a penny from her. If you follow this blog then you know what an absolute nightmare this woman was to me, my dad, and especially to my brothers her sons. But because I’m a beneficiary of hers, and because she has a sizable estate, inheritance funding companies are now pandering out letters offering their services. They’re inheritance chasers. I’ve never respected people pandering for work. Goddamn ambulance chasers. I’ve never put in my resume where help wasn’t being sought. I respect the hustle. Always have. If you have the goods, promote it. Work will come to you. I’m a big believer of that. If I was better at self promoting I would get more creative work. That’s why panhandling always bothered me, especially when they use their kids. It’s not the needing money that bothers me, just do SOMETHING for it. Anything.   




Headed back to Summerlin this morning. Yep, I’m ditching my apartment and all the money I sunk into it. I can’t stand the F1 road construction traffic, the litter, the homeless, the roaches, it’s just 1,000 times worse than when I first moved out here in 2017. Ugh. 

I’m renting a room in a house by the same homeowners as before but in a different house a few blocks away. We’re a house of all women, three women with one bathroom, so I have all sorts of nightmare scenarios running in my head. Still, it has to be better than this apartment. 

The bugs are in the building because there’s just so much filth right outside the front door. Nothing you can do about it. I mean I can control how many bugs there are in MY apartment, which I’m pretty good at, but even ONE roach is one roach too many! It’s the Strip. It’s just gotten so goddamn filthy. So in about four hours I drop off my apartment key and get the fuck out of here. Crazy.  



Talking to people on social media like…


While their husbands are having hot motel sex with their current sexy sugar babies, the wives turned into Karens and created Moms For Liberty? Gotcha. 😏👍🏻


Once upon a time "Fuck my motherfucking kunt!" meant something else entirely but these days it means I'm editing.


Nevada is just as transient as California, if not more. All the "Go back to California" politics here are screamed the loudest by people who weren't even born in Nevada. Also, I'm not sure if y'all are aware of YOUR homeless population here? No other state comes close to California's homeless other than Nevada. Also, not sure how many people in Nevada have taken history or economics courses here but much of Las Vegas infrastructure comes from California. So... lets all calm down, eh. 😏



Dang it, Kurt! 😹




Thank you for the laugh 😂 I needed it.


Late night snack, editing.

There’s already an abundance of people doing the “Las Vegas strip” thing on Youtube. I have no interest in doing that. Casinos, meh. I’ve always preferred roads less traveled. Don’t show me where tourists go. Take me to the tiny off-street cafe all the locals love that sells four menu items and coffee.



No reason in particular. I just like reminding myself I can still look female when the occasion calls for it.




I put up a WALKING BENEATH THE CLOUDS reel on Youtube while I sort out my short film. I got a little distracted today while going to the grocery store. Some guy in a nearby family park shot off his gun as I walked past. A little ringing in my ear for an hour. Nice.

I bought more white vinegar and peppermint oil for homemade bug spray. ½ bottle white vinegar, ½ bottle water, and 20 drops of peppermint oil. Killed two baby roaches today. This apartment reminds me of Hollywood, CA. There were roaches at the Detroit St building I lived in. Every two or three months I had to put those roach traps out. The ones where they supposedly take the poison back to their nest. Seemed to work until I needed to replace the traps. 


Watching King Of The Hill in Spanish, and editing. 


Could be sending a message but I'm willing to bet the "graffiti artist" lives there.


I hate living by the strip. Absolutely hate it. It's just filthy with litter everywhere. When I'm not home something weird happens in my apartment. A light is turned on that I know I turned off when I left. A fan is on that I know I turned off when I left. Tuesday morning I came home to a GIANT dead cockroach on the floor which is something my old building landlord, Joe, in Venice Beach, used to leave on my floor when I had male company over. He called those men "cockroaches" and would leave a giant dead cockroach on my floor the next time I went out because he's old and crazy. I have weird garbage feet away from doorstep every morning when I get home from work. And the dead giant cockroach wouldn't seem weird or planted except the smaller cockroaches are still alive and running around my apartment. Since I've moved in I have killed maybe 6 or 7 smaller cockroaches, at least 3 even after spraying Mighty Mint, but like the bottle says it's "roach control" not eliminator. Nonetheless, the smaller cockroaches live but there's a big giant cockroach dead on my floor? Doesn't make sense. I haven't had anyone over since I moved here but this apartment has weird "Joe" vibes all over it when I'm not here.

Joe and Bob, two crazy old white men who are more comfortable lurking women rather than being normal and charming.

I found a new homemade bug repellent recipe online I'm going to try today.

I liked the old room I just left but again, that weird guy who peed on the sink had to ruin it. I'm too old to share a bathroom with gross people.

Other than that I’m just trying to preserve my sanity with learning how to edit photos and 30-60 second clips into longer reels. I used to edit audio commercials ye-ears ago but I had professional editing equipment - I wasn't using apps on my phone.

So, August, another hot AF month here in hell. I miss Los Angeles. I miss the weather. I miss hearing Los Angelenos complain about 95 degree heat. Add 20 degrees of heat, then come see me.

The strip could be so beautiful. It once was so beautiful. It's depressing leaving my building and seeing what people have done to it. This neighborhood is absolutely destroyed. I did however find one taco & beer joint nearby that has a good vibe. I'm all about atmosphere these days. It's like, "Oh look there's Wynn, surrounded in neighborhood trash three feet deep." The tacos in the place I mentioned are, well it's not like tacos in LA, they're gentrified tacos made for white people who don't know what good tacos taste like. Still, the vibe is cool. The 20-something girl who took my to-go order was sweet and all but she handed me the wrong to-go bag. I noticed it a few minutes out the door. I looked in the bag and then saw the receipt stapled to the bag was for Andrew @ Doordash. You know when you don't get your order from food delivery companies, this is why. The hostess at this taco place was sweet, but this is clearly her first or second job. Bless her heart for actually going to work though. I won't even get into the cluster-fuck situation at my job.

The reason I don’t work at casino restaurants is because I refuse to pay union dues. You see boys and girls, unions were started by the mob. It went from mobsters forcing their “protection” on businesses for a fee. Then they bullied their way into companies and forced company employees to pay them a protection fee under the guise of a “union”. Most Las Vegas casinos are union. Only the mob doesn’t run these unions anymore. You pay an organization dues whether you want to or not. There’s no opting out, like taxes. And to further explain how useless unions are - when I worked at Universal Studios, my starting chef pay was $19 an hour. I worked with other chefs who started out at $16 an hour but after working there for three years were now making $19, my starting pay. This is what your weekly union dues get you. My dad was a local union president in MN. He was a dentist in the Air Force but made waay more money being a union president. Unions are a hustle. A scam. But you get a bunch of uneducated people making $15 in Las Vegas, where minimum wage is $10.25 an hour, and they think it's worth the union dues not realizing not only is the high wage taxable but what's left over is legit going to union dues. So anyway.

You, America, participated in making Jeff Bezos a multi billionaire. You did that. Now is not the time for buyers' remorse, because... 

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