Saturday, July 1, 2023


June 16, 2023:



July 31, 1776 - During the American Revolution, Francis Salvador became the first Jew to die in the conflict. He had also been the first Jew elected to office in Colonial America, voted a member of the South Carolina Provincial Congress in January 1775.


It’s so disgusting. Just dump their garbage wherever. No pride as human beings.


July 30, 1975 - Former Teamsters Union leader James Hoffa was last seen outside a restaurant near Detroit, Michigan. His 13-year federal prison sentence had been commuted by President Richard M. Nixon in 1971. On December 8, 1982, seven years after his disappearance, an Oakland County judge declared Hoffa officially dead.


Presently, I think Pedro Pascal is the sexiest man alive. And if you notice in the pics I link on my blog, he’s always fully clothed sometimes wearing a full length jacket. I’m over gratuitous sex, just like I’m over post 90’s rip and tear slasher films. I need more. Films like The Omen, circa 1976, had great storylines, like The Exorcist, and The Amityville Horror. Instant gratification isn’t always instant nor gratifying, not for me anyway. I need that buildup. Just like I can’t scroll through pics of potential adult meetups where it’s all genitals, genitals, genitals, for fuck sake more genitals. It irritates me when couples, two people, take the most ridiculous gutter of a picture and both of them actually think it’s hot. Look, I watched the first SAW movie. That was enough. I get that Lionsgate is catering to a younger audience resting on the laurels of pure gore, violence, and madness, but I much rather teenage boys fantasize about bouncing boobs (or hunks if that’s your deal) rather than ripping people apart with claw hammers and chainsaws.  

I read in an interview that PURGE was written after DeMonaco and his wife experienced a little genteel road rage. ** Genteel road rage is when people make a gajillion dollars on a successful dystopian horror movie franchise rather than reaching into the glove compartment that night for a gun.  

My next minute walk reel is going to be an experiment in what I hope becomes my re-entry into the world of visual art.


Birthday - Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) was born in Dovia, Italy. He ruled Italy from 1922-1943, first as prime minister and then as "Il Duce," the absolute dictator.


You know how whenever there’s a riot in a black community CNN always has some hysterical black woman screaming, “But we don’t own anything! So what do we care if they riot here!” See that, that right there, that’s why people don’t want you living in their neighborhood. You have no pride. You don’t have to own something to want to live in a clean neighborhood. But no, instead people have the mentality of “We don’t own it, destroy it.” Maybe you enjoy stepping over cockroaches, shattered glass, junkies, and homeless people, but I don’t. 

Moral of the story, I’m the bad guy because I say this out loud.

I made a new Youtube walk reel: OLD SCHOOL HALLOWEEN VIBES

My next walk-reel is going to be something a little different. I’m getting closer to filming an actual Short with more substance. I’m still carving my teeth on editing apps. I’m doing this all on my iphone. Every reel is an experiment. One step closer.   


That guy’s dogs are howling again for the past 30 minutes. How am I the only person who hears it?


July 28, 1943 - During World War II, a firestorm killed 42,000 civilians in Hamburg, Germany. The firestorm occurred after 2,326 tons of bombs and incendiaries were dropped by the Allies.


Re-reading Mighty Mint reviews and everyone gave it 5 stars, 4 stars by some who said it took a few days. Also, in the spray’s defense, I didn’t spray my counters much as I have not seen them up there before. I only sprayed the wall/floor boards and doorways. Just now I sprayed the counter/wall lines.


Le’sigh! I just killed a female cockroach on my sink. I guess the Mighty Mint ant & roach spray takes a few days?


He’s so goddamn hot.


Around 1pm The dogs upstairs started howling and wailing again. I'm referring to the dogs that asshole from yesterday made walk around on the hot parking lot pavement when it was 114 degrees out. After 20-30 minutes of the dogs wailing today I went to the management office and told them I think the dogs are in distress. The management office said, “No one above you should have dogs. We’ll check it out.” Five minutes later I hear the office knocking on the guy’s door. Every time they knocked the dogs yelped and cried incredibly loud. I don’t know what happened after that but the dogs continued to yelp and whine for another 15 minutes before everything got quiet again. That was around 1pm. Just now I looked out my livingroom window and there’s trash, again, outside my window. Not a lot. Just enough to know that it’s there because of that asshole. Some people think abusing dogs is a human right. I HOPE the dogs murder the fuck out of that asshole and runaway. Anywhere is better than being with that prick.


Preach, my weirdo Preacher!


This is now where I'm writing this blog from. Teddy bear, and all.


A casual male friend of mine wanted a FMF three-some with this girl who was on our adult website. He didn’t know her but he saw her profile and told me to message her. So I did. I messaged the girl, she opened her private photos for me, and low and behold there were pictures of her and this other guy who she called her boyfriend in every photo, the same guy who had been blowing up my phone for the past three days saying he’s single. When I called him out on it he got mad and called me a stalker. Ha. We all know who I'm talking about, right? 😏


I just got kicked off two date sites because I said I was looking for a man who would, will, or has taken his grand/daughter to see the Barbie movie.


July 27, 1953 - The Korean War ended with the signing of an armistice by U.S. and North Korean delegates at Panmunjom, Korea. The war had lasted just over three years


Cockroaches hate the smell of mint apparently. When I moved into my apartment they set off a mint bomb, they said, because the apartment smelled “musty”. No, it’s because the apartment has cockroaches. Since I moved in last Saturday two smaller male cockroaches met the bottom of my shoes, and in the last two days two much bigger female cockroaches met the bottom of my shoe. Any bigger and I would have had to squish them with a book. No way was I going to step on them, too big! So I went out in the 114 degree heat, yelled at some ASSHOLE walking his dog across the hot parking lot, and then waited 45 minutes for the metro to take me to Target. I picked up a bottle of Mighty Mint ant and cockroach spray, came back to my apartment and sprayed. I much rather use Might Mint all natural spray than poison. I don’t mind the mint spray scent actually. It just smells like a new car.

I explained to a friend back in LA why I moved cross town to the Las Vegas strip ghetto, that the guy who rented a room next to me was an absolute weirdo running around in just his underwear and peeing on the bathroom counter, and my male friend casually says, “Well he just liked you.” And I replied, “You know that type of behavior is not okay?” And he says, “He’s asserting his dominance.” To which I laughed and said, “Sure, if he was a kangaroo, but he’s not!” My friend got mad and hung up on me.

Men would still be the “dominant” gender if only they knew how. Most do not. Most men still think it’s 1950. That’s why they get dogs to abuse and force them to walk and sit on hot pavement because women just won’t allow being abused anymore. Instead of being clever, witty, smart, kind, thoughtful, and sincere, most men still need to “be a man” and force square pegs into round holes and then pound their chests and pee on a tree. Yes, women know those men look and act ridiculous but… pick your battles.

We’ll see if this Mighty Mint spray actually works.


Preach Preacher!

Facts. After being a miserable prep cook at Barney’s Beanery, I was a miserable chef at Universal Studios and let me tell you…


In the light of a new day, turns out the car parked sideways in front of my apartment is a guest of my neighbor. Thanks for not rolling your car into my apartment, I guess?


Rob Halford and Dolly Parton singing Jolene. I love these two so very much.

I will completely fall apart.


Just sitting here while some random car is parked outside my window with his brights shining into my living room. Stalker. He finally turned his lights off but he’s still parked out there, sideways.


July 26, 1945 - The U.S. Cruiser Indianapolis arrived at Tinian Island in the Marianas with an unassembled Atomic bomb, met by scientists ready to complete the assembly.


I would accept that it’s hot here if he was visiting. 🥵


When all the anti-Barbie makeup artists take off their Barbie makeup and blonde wigs and look like…


Did anyone else see the Death Star last night on the Sphere? It lasted about 3 seconds. It was pretty basic. Maybe it will get better?

A few things about Barbie. FIRST OF ALL, all the social media makeup girls who are doing the anti Barbie trend, y’all may not have blonde hair but when you transform from Barbie back to you, ALL OF YOU look like dark hair Barbie. You’re all still pretty but with dark hair instead of blonde. 

ALSO, the original Barbie was a brunette. Then they made her hair blonde. 

ALSO, what the fuck is wrong with you, Ben Shapiro? You’re a grown man getting aggro over (firstly) a Barbie doll, and (second) a fictional movie. It’s like you’re one of those old white men screaming on CNN how bread tastes better if it’s baked by a communist. Barbie made like 400 million dollars opening weekend, that’s what you’re really mad about isn’t it? Margot Robbie is more popular than you. She just is. You should see her in Mary Queen of Scots, and I, Tonya. Brilliant.  

ALSO, both AI and Barbie seem to think women in Las Vegas look like this. No. They don’t. For the record, I have yet to see a single chick with pink hair, or even wear the color pink - or anywhere near this pretty.  


July 25, 1909 - The world's first international overseas airplane flight was achieved by Louis Bleriot in a small monoplane. After asking, "Where is England?" he took off from France and landed in England near Dover, where he was greeted by British police.


I’m beginning to think moving behind the Sphere is not the most brilliant thing I’ve ever done.


July 24, 1943 - During World War II in Europe, the Royal Air Force conducted Operation Gomorrah, raiding Hamburg, while tossing bales of aluminum foil strips overboard to cause German radar screens to see a blizzard of false echoes. As a result, only twelve of 791 Allied bombers involved were shot down.

*The Germans were foiled by Aluminum foil!


I’m haunted and I can’t unsee it now.😳


Kunt, my new favorite swear word. With a “K” to make it more universal. I’m just irritated with people all the time. I’ve hit my population tolerance level. More than three other people in a room besides myself and one of them is most definitely going to irritate me. Who knew “fucks given” would be the new rebel?

I can't retire in Las Vegas. I just can't. Maybe Alaska?


July 23, 1952 - Egyptian army officers launched a revolution changing Egypt from a monarchy to a republic.


I’m the reason two of my girlfriends stayed with men they were going to dump three years ago. They see how hard I have to fight for my independence.


When I had my stroke I lost vision in my left eye. Within a month it came back. Not all the way back but enough to be exceptionally grateful, that is, until this morning. Being a pedestrian I encounter all sorts of people. One very old man walked up to me this morning, wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt, missing all his front teeth, and demands, “Hey sweetie, buy me a cup of coffee!” Yea no. He got mad and kept circling me hoping to wear me down. I was texting with my brother at the time who is in Minnesota cleaning up after his mother who passed away last May and didn’t bother to plan for her death knowing full well she was sick with cancer, no Will, nothing, but that was just her. So this old man is circling me, only he keeps getting closer and closer to me, and I’m like if he touches my ass I ain’t above punching an old man in the face. The last circle he made around me I straight up told him to get the fuck away from me. He tried to flip me off but his fingers are so arthritic he only managed to raise his middle finger to the first knuckle. Sad. Use your words, bro! Use your words!

I went to walmart this morning, no swamp cooler, no portable air conditioners, not in Las Vegas in July. I musta been high thinking there would be something. Nope. Fuck all. Nothing. I got another fan. 


I uber back to my apartment and find some woman’s nasty used maxi pad feet away from my apartment door. What the fuck is wrong with people. This is the best she can do in life? Throw her discharged maxi pads where-the-fuck-ever. Where did peoples’ pride go? Where is your pride, ma’am? Even in my most down and out, which might actually be now when I think about it, I have pride for MYSELF if not for anyone else. After chatting with a half dozen people in the last three days, the highlight of my life right now is having my own bathroom. 

I’m going to say something now. I know you’re going to disagree but it’s my blog, so fuck you. That woman who sued or is suing her parents for being born, the one where all the old white men on TV are screaming how “woke” she is, welp, I can’t say I disagree with her. Wait! Hear me out first. Look at all the throw away people in Las Vegas alone. Look at the hundreds of homeless and mentally ill people. I’m not far behind them! Holy shit, right? But look at how many there are. All those unfortunate people were born and thrown away by their own families. I’m not saying some may not have had good reason, I’m just saying people shouldn’t throw their family to the streets, ever. I don’t care about the reason. If you’re going to throw your family members away, don’t litter. So yea, crazy lady, sue them. “My kids are such a disappointment. I’m not leaving them any money in my Will.” Okay, fuck you then. But didja know if your parents do that, you’re within your legal rights to contest the Will. So what’s the difference between suing your parents when they’re alive, and suing them when they’re dead?

Go ahead scholars, discuss. Seriously, discuss it. 

If you’re a parent, you’re a parent until you die. If you knowingly throw your kids away to the streets, that’s your litter. Go back and pick it up! 


The only way to get me to a concert these days.



July 22, 1934 - Bank robber John Dillinger (1902-1934) was shot and killed by FBI agents as he left Chicago's Biograph Movie Theater after watching the film Manhattan Melodrama starring Clark Gable and Myrna Loy. Dillinger was the first criminal labeled by the FBI as "Public Enemy No. 1." After spending nine years (1924-1933) in prison, Dillinger went on a deadly crime spree, traveling through the states of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. He was reportedly betrayed by the "Lady in Red."


And the front door is idiot proof. Meaning you can’t lock yourself out. But the door jams because of the heat, just as I’m sure it will when it gets cold. I’m grateful I don’t have a pet although the way people treat their pets out here in Vegas gets on my last and final nerve. The other morning I was getting my two mile walk in and it was already 95 degrees out. I yelled at some guy walking his dog to walk the dog earlier in the morning when the concrete was cooler. All dogs should be walked and back inside by 8am in the summers. Between 5am-7am are the best hours. I completely lose my shit when people abuse their pets. Lo-ose my mind.


I was at an adult club with a guy I was seeing pretty regular and this gorgeous blonde came up and started making out with him and then unzipped his pants and blew him. Other women in the club who were nearby were all horrified like, “I can’t believe she just did that?! I would be so fucking pissed!” And I simply replied to those gals, “If he doesn’t mind why should I?” But then again I don’t fight for/over boyfriends. If he makes me mad I just leave. Always have an exit plan, boys and girls. I don’t fight. Pick your battles, know what I’m saying?


Watching the Tony Bennett/Lady Gaga concert from back-when. They sound great together. I’m really sad he’s dead. Every time he popped up on my TV or online it brings me back to how Vegas once was - elegant, beautiful, when people dressed up to see a concert like his. Now people run around to shows wearing shorts and flip-flips. 


In my new apartment now. This wall mount air conditioner is awful. It worked great when I looked at the apartment and of course now that I moved in it sucks. I’m going to have to get one of those “chill blaster” room coolers. Hopefully those things work. Luckily the cold water here is great even though it’s 110 degrees outside at 8:25pm FFS. I think a guy friend from LA is going to fly out and help me settle some things around my apartment. An uber driver gave me his business card, he provided a “honey-do” service which is brilliant but I’ve since lost the card. And since none of my male friends in Vegas are single anymore they can’t help me either or their girlfriends text me back instead of my friends. Seriously fellas, what the serious fuck? 


And so it begins! I live for it!


The death of Tony Bennett is the end of the glamorous golden era of Las Vegas. It makes me sad.


Packing up for the move. As I mentioned before of course I’m not happy staying by the strip but it’s my own place, provided I was given the correct information this time, and I’m not sharing a bathroom with anyone which is so super important, right? Living with people is hard. Of course I like other people around under the same roof, it’s comforting, but you have to live with people who are sane, clean, respectful, and not needy. Men, people, who don’t have their own thing are so goddamn needy. More often than not, men of a certain age use women as their thing to occupy their time. It’s so frustrating. Like, don’t you have ANY hobbies or interests??

Friends ask me if I’m going to get a camera. Eventually. Right now I use what I got. Can’t really call yourself an artist if you can’t make art with what you got, right? 

The Durango hotel casino is supposed to be open by October. I cannot wait. It’s not far from where I work so I can just hang there before and/or after work. My commute has gotten longer now living by the strip. It’ll be nice having some place to hang out when I get to work early or want a drink after. Maybe now, with a place to finally hang out without being choked to death by cigarette smoke, I might actually meet someone to date? 

And why are all the young people so angry over Barbie? I don’t look like Barbie but I had a doll once, and then my brothers set her on fire which really should have raised some flags but they turned out okay. I also had Barbie’s giant head. Just the head. Remember the big head to put makeup on and do her hair? I had that. Haunts my dreams still to this day.  

Barbie was the only “person” who told girls they could become doctors and lawyers, own their own homes and cars. Our parents never told us that. If only Gen X’ers had parents. What must that be like? Don’t battle over Oppenheimer OR Barbie. See both. Just see both. I’ll watch anything with Margot Robbie, to be honest. She was ah-mazing in Mary Queen Of Scots, which as you know is more my kind of movie. Loved her in I, Tonya. If you Google (anything) “Margot Robbie” pink stars and streamers flash all over the page, even Daddy Google turns pink. We’ll be seeing pink for days.    

PS. A lil history about Barbie...



Birthday - Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was born in Oak Park, Illinois.


This is the AI future for adult entertainment and I gotta say I don’t oppose it. 


Biggest misconception about Asian women is that they’re obedient to men, no not true, they just hate women. Women in general hate other women. Who knows why?


115 degrees. FFS

I move again tomorrow. I only picked this new place because there's a 24 hour laundromat across the street. It’s a good thing I bought toilet paper already. I had to. This is the strangest airbnb I’ve ever stayed in. I loved the last place I rented a room in. I was there for 5 months but that guy who rented the room next to mine was just too goddamn weird. And Asian women cater to men so he was given carte blanche to urinate on the sink - for whatever fucked up reason this guy liked to urinate on the sink. Plus Asian women don’t generally like other women which is why I NEVER get along with other Asian women on a personal level. Never. They’re always the first to start shit with me. Can’t just be cool. Gotta be all “Asian” and shit.

The news of Tony Bennett’s passing really hit hard this morning. He’s the last of the glamorous glorious mob run Las Vegas days. This town could be so much, like it was, but now it’s just like everywhere else.

Just. like. everywhere. else. 😔


I know Tony Bennett a New Yorker and all, but he was also Las Vegas. I hope this town pay their respects in a way deserving.



I should have been in Las Vegas when he was performing back when everyone dressed up in their finest just to hear him croon.


I’m not allowed face:face zoom or in-person meetings anymore. Apparently my resting bitch face has taken on a snidely persona.


July 20, 1969 - A global audience watched on television as Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong took his first step onto the moon. As he stepped onto the moon's surface he proclaimed, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" - inadvertently omitting an "a" before "man" and slightly changing the meaning.


$535 in taxes and fees. No wonder Las Vegas is so hot, it's a city in Hell.


If only that guy in the other place wasn't so weird. It was a good renting situation. Men always ruin it. If only that lady wasn't so openly greedy trying to hustle me out of the room I paid for. This is why I will never get on with other Asian women. They're not Americans.


Stunt laundry. It says in their listing that laundry machines are available but they clearly don't want you to use the machines. They've re-washed the same load of stunt laundry since I arrived 8 days ago.


The problem I’ve always had when collaborating with others is how the project is never a priority with the other people. Whereas with me the project is always the first thing before everything and anything else. The first thing. “No one would have landed on the moon if everyone involved in the moon landing was like, “I can’t tonight. I just started dating someone.”  


July 19-20, 1848 - A women's rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, New York. Topics discussed included voting rights, property rights and divorce. The convention marked the beginning of an organized women's rights movement in the U.S.

July 19, 1863 - During the American Civil War, Union troops made a second attempt to capture Fort Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. The attack was led by the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry, commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, who was killed along with half of the 600 men in the regiment. This battle marked the first use of black Union troops in the war.


Because I just want to make short films, and create coffee table books, and prints, and remind people to feel things that aren't always self serving.


OF COURSE I had to get a hotdog on National Hotdog Day. A Korean hotdog. Under that potato is a hotdog I promise.


Preach, my dancing Preacher!


Sorry kids, I gave up posting comments to this blog back in 2014 because I'm too lazy to sift through the spam and comments where English is clearly not their first language. But mostly because I'm lazy.


You know what makes Zelenkyy so admirable aside from standing up to Putin, Zelenskyy loves his people and country. If only America had a strong healthy warrior like him who loves his entire country and all of its people. 


Twitter makes me sad.

The politics on Twitter is a hard reminder that Romney/Ryan didn’t win the 2012 election. The Republican party wouldn’t have become what it became had they won. Romney’s biggest fuck up was telling struggling college kids simply to ask mommy and daddy for tuition. But Trump on the other hand… I mean.


Dear AIRBNB hosts don't give guests access to the air conditioner. You control that shit. Keep it between 70-75. Seriously. The assholes on the other end of the hall turned the air conditioner down to 67. Are you fucking high?!


This is what AI thinks people who live in Las Vegas look like. Not by a Nevada construction site hard mile, boys and girls. I mean, HER, maybe, if she was like a 13 year old runaway prostitute... or so I'm guessing?

New Youtube walking reel going up today or tomorrow.

There's a kid I work with, just turned 18, who should be in movies, commercials at the very least. He needs to be seen. I want to put him in my 30 or 60 second Doritos Superbowl commercial submission just being himself. He's like a modern day cleaner Jason Mews, better looking, not my fault he just is, and alls I would have to say to him is, “Hey, want to be in my Doritos commercial?” And this kid would just go from 0 to 100 just being his goddamn self. I work in the back of the house, he works upfront, and I hear him talk non-fucking-stop about (whatever) all night long. It bothers some people. Doesn’t bother me. He’s good looking, he’s got a great sideways smile, he’s your typical American white kid who just talks and talks and talks. He seems more skater than sporty but I could be wrong. Regardless, I gotta get him out on social media. Something. Anything. He needs to be seen.


July 18, 1947 - President Harry Truman signed an Executive Order determining the line of succession if the president becomes incapacitated or dies in office. Following the vice president, the speaker of the house and president of the Senate are next in succession. This became the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified on February 10, 1967.


I’m not going to call anyone a cunt today. I called about a dozen people cunts yesterday, and they totally were, but I’m not doing it today. Today I’m going to write only positive things.


If I could hack into the Sphere programming you bet I’m putting porn up there!




July 17, 1996 - TWA Flight 800 departed Kennedy International Airport in New York bound for Paris but exploded in mid-air 12 minutes after takeoff, apparently the result of a mechanical failure. The Boeing 747 jet crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Long Island about 8:45 p.m. All 212 passengers and 17 crew members on board were killed.



Filthy cunts at work. Filthy cunts at home. What's happened to our society?? Women are disgusting. One more bitch with long hair who can’t clean up after herself. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES, BITCHES! I really don't want to hate women but some y'all make it so easy.


You can do this. You can. You can do this. You can do this. You can get through another day cleaning up after people. You can do this. You got this. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…  


I know this was a “joke” song in response to disco but I like it. 😏


Americans love wanting their money back after they spent it on a product they enjoyed at least 70%. But because they didn’t enjoy it 110% they want a complete refund. That’s America. 

YOU, America heavily participated making Jeff Bezos and Kim Kardashian wealthy. You did that. You then do not get to turn around and say “Give us our money back so we can afford to live in a wealthy state like California.” You don’t get to do that. 

California writers who are on strike can suck my balls, both of them. You can suck my balls day and night until winter. After that you have to give someone else a chance. Don’t be greedy. 

I couldn’t afford Los Angeles anymore. I moved. Like an adult. If I can do it because I had to. So can you. “I deserve to live in Los Angeles. Pay me more money!” How fucking dare you. Go fuck yourself. You can work remotely. There’s Starbucks everywhere. Go live somewhere more affordable. It’s called adulting. Be THANKFUL you get to have a career you love. Greedy cunts.


Oh great. Another dude who spends HOURS in the bathroom. We are now entering hour #2 for this guy. WTF do you males do in there? I’m legit in and out in less than 25 minutes when I shower.


I screamed and cried only once at work last night.

Aaand good night. 😴💤



July 16, 1769 - San Diego was founded as the mission San Diego de Alcala by Father Junipero Serra.

July 16, 1945 - The experimental Atomic bomb "Fat Boy" was set off at 5:30 a.m. in the desert of New Mexico desert, creating a mushroom cloud rising 41,000 ft. The bomb emitted heat three times the temperature of the interior of the sun and wiped out all plant and animal life within a mile.

July 16, 1969 - The Apollo 11 Lunar landing mission began with a liftoff from Kennedy Space Center at 9:37 a.m.

July 16, 1999 - A small plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. took off at 8:38 p.m. from Fairfield, New Jersey, heading toward Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. His wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren were passengers on the 200 mile trip. The plane was expected to arrive about 10 p.m. but disappeared off radar at 9:40 p.m. Five days later, July 21, following an extensive search, the bodies were recovered from the plane wreckage in 116 feet of water roughly 7 miles off Martha's Vineyard. The next day, following an autopsy, the cremated remains of John F. Kennedy, 38, his wife Carolyn, 33, and her sister Lauren, 34, were scattered at sea from a U.S. Navy ship, with family members present, not far from where the plane had crashed.


“HOW are you at  another Airbnb?!” 

First of all, it’s 115 degrees here now. Which makes moving, for a pedestrian like me, impossible. I paid over $80 in Uber one morning looking at weekly apartment rentals I stayed in when I first came out here in 2017. Alas, these places that are advertised as still being there, are not. One place is now completely something else, and they wanted a guaranteed three weeks pre-pay, and I’m like can I see the unit first, and this woman in her 70’s with Dr Frank-N-Furter eyebrows informs me I could not. Who rents an apartment without seeing the apartment first? But she refused to show me. The second place requires me to make $1500 a week to rent a $400 week apartment. Yeah, makes total sense, eh? I call it the, “She’s Asian, lets gouge her because I assume she has money.” - HA!HA!HA! Yea no.


Hey didja see my Part II Blacktop reel?

Yep, the dirty Italian girl moved out. It’s a couple in the upstairs room now? Or maybe it was two guys in the other two rooms? I thought I heard a woman, so. Who knows? I was watching Tom Segura’s Netflix special, Sludgehammer. So funny. He’s funny AF with the most subtle jokes. He tells the best stories. I love story humor. It’s why I can listen to Kevin Smith talk “and stuff like that.” 


The dirty Italian girl moved out, I think. This girl was horrible. Didn’t flush the toilet ever, left hair EVERYWHERE, you think I was pulling a dead hamster out of the shower drain after she showered! And she couldn’t be bothered to sponge clean the kitchen counter and stove top after she cooked. I must have used a half container of sanitizer wipes after this girl since Wednesday! I’m too old for roommates, let alone roommates who are filthy. Gross. And people wonder why they put the bare minimum into an airbnbs. It’s because people, adults, who you think would be normal and clean up after themselves, don’t! They just don’t. Like bro, swish a toilet brush around the bowl if you make a mess. Like they were raised by rats or something! And don't say it's because she's Euro, that's not it, not at all, it's because this bitch is nasty. Like the guy I shared a bathroom with in the last room I rented. Had he just been NORMAL I would still be renting there. I’m in this place in Chi town for another week and then I’ll probably go into a hotel until the guy renting the condos comes back into town - in like two weeks.


Good news: my blood sugar levels are back down to normal. I had a poke salad with fish for dinner last night so that helped. Back to eating boring tuna, steamed potato (no butter or anything), bananas, etc. (LA’ SIGH!)
Anyway, how you doing?

Almost got sent to Facebook jail for shit talking about this crazy Italian woman renting the room down the hall from me who I also share a bathroom and kitchen with and who is THEE biggest slob, omg. How are women so dirty?! HOW?! The homeowner is going to have a field day cleaning that bedroom when she moves out. I can’t even imagine. Yikes.

Hey didja see my Part II Blacktop reel?


July 15, Saturday

Birthday - Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) was born in Leiden, Holland. Best known for The Night Watch and many portraits and self portraits.


What? What? She's nine. NINE! WTF did you do today?!



New Two-Lane Blacktop, walking edition: 


Today is day 3 staying back in Chinatown. I’m not feeling very good right now. I checked my BP and heart monitor, I’m good there. Then I checked my blood sugar levels, and holy shit. No more ramen soup, white rice, and wine for a while. 3 days of enjoying life and I’m almost back in the ER. When the sun goes down I’m getting some Mediterranean food. Last Thursday night I was super bad. I had three glasses of red wine and then later In-N-Out burger. Super naughty. I was bed ridden all day yesterday. I always plan a day after recovery when I have more than one glass of wine. I so rarely drink these days that three glasses of wine gets me toasty and horribly hung over the next day. 

I need a nap. A nap would be good right now.


For the life of me I have no idea why the air conditioner is on full blast at 1:19am. It’s 92 degrees outside. 50 degrees inside. I have two sweaters on. One I wear in the winter. I have two comforters on the bed. Some people just love paying high air conditioning bills I guess? 

I’m leaving soon anyway to shoot some extra footage for my Two-Lane Blacktop Youtube reel, walking version. I love some of the images already shot for this reel. One is very Wes Anderson’ish which I’m sure I’m the only person who sees it, like I’m the only person I know who sees Wes Anderson in the color scheme of The Orleans hotel and casino. Every time I say “Kinda Wes Anderson, right?” I get heavy eye-roll. 

Kinda Wes Anderson, right? 


July 14, 1791 - In England, the Birmingham riot occurred on the second anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. Mob rule lasted for three days, targeting controversial scientist and theologian Joseph Priestly's home and laboratory as well as the homes of his friends. Priestly, who had expressed support for the American and French revolutions, fled to London with his family and later moved to America.


Get this girl a mic!



Meh. I’m okay for an old broad.


So. These are mermen from The Little Mermaid remake? Is this a porno remake, or? I’m confused. Admittedly I’ve never seen The Little Mermaid, because I always knew that movie was the gateway to octopus abuse! Perverts! Won't someone think of the octopus!


Ugh. The loudest washing machine in the world. I hope that girl staying in the room at the other end of the hall does drugs and can’t hear the dryer. 


First date goals!


July 13, 1787 - Congress enacted the Northwest Ordinance establishing formal procedures for transforming territories into states. It provided for the eventual establishment of three to five states in the area north of the Ohio River, to be considered equal with the original 13. The Ordinance included a Bill of Rights that guaranteed freedom of religion, the right to trial by jury, public education and a ban on slavery in the Northwest.


“This place is unsanitary. We’re going to a hotel.” The woman says. Then asks me, a total stranger, who she just met 30 seconds ago, “Would you mind watching her (points to small child) while I load up the car downstairs?” Um. Sure. No problem. The woman heads downstairs. “So hey kid, you don’t by chance have a cigarette do ya?” I ask her. She said no. It’s okay. I quit smoking in 2002 anyway.  

I left Summerlin for China town. The guy with the condos for rent is out of town until next month. I’m cooling my heels in another airbnb until then. I’ve stayed here before. It’s nothing fancy but whatever. There’s two, there were two other rooms rented out. The woman and her kid who just left, and a clearly obvious 20-something failed party girl. As in not pretty enough to be a stripper or escort in Vegas, but skinny and hard looking enough to do just about anything for drugs and $50 so long as you’ve had your shots and a bag of heavy duty steel condoms. Good news is she doesn’t look like she showers much so the bathroom should be pretty freed up. 

I made another artsy reel the kids hate on Youtube. Check it out. Ever see (film) Two-Lane Blacktop? No? Well check out the reel anyway. Rob Zombie made the background song about it: BLACKTOP ROLLING



July 12, 1994 - Germany's Constitutional Court ended the ban on sending German troops to fight outside the country. The ban had been in effect since the end of World War II. The ruling allowed German troops to join in United Nations and NATO peace-keeping missions. On July 14, German military units marched in Bastille Day celebrations in Paris, the first appearance of German troops there since World War II.

Military personnel have the ability to make all the difference if they wish. I seem to recall that while initially it may look like "mutiny" or "treason", ultimately it is not either when going against the orders of a military commander deemed derelict/unfit for duty. Maybe I’m wrong. I usually am. Who has the power here, the dudes in the tanks or the dudes sitting behind desks? Asking for a friend. 

"You can't handle the truth!"


If the kid is already at his destination why would American Airlines, the worst airlines I’ve ever flown on, cancel his ticket for skiplagging? He’s already there. What are they canceling? You mean his return flight? Use your words, people.


Birthday - John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) the 6th U.S. President, and son of the 2nd President, John Adams, was born in Braintree, Massachusetts. After serving just one term as President, he served 17 years as a member of Congress. He died in 1848 while in the House of Representatives in the same room in which he had taken the presidential Oath of Office. He was the the first president whose father had also been president.

Love this one. 


Cool. Must see Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa.


July 10, 1943 - The Allied invasion of Italy began with an attack on the island of Sicily. The British entry into Syracuse was the first Allied success in Europe. General Dwight D. Eisenhower labeled the invasion "the first page in the liberation of the European Continent."


They’re just letting any old white man on the air now. 😂

“Peaches for popsicles there isn’t a good Kentucky bourbon that doesn’t spit out at least one decent pig race in the streets of Kalamazoo, I’ll tell you what! Why, there was a house in Delaware that made combat boot shoe strings out of old Hick Donovan’s para-jump suit and those kids in Kalamazoo raised them hamsters like they were building dams along the Mississippi!”


July 9, 1868 - The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The Amendment defined U.S. citizenship and prohibited individual States from abridging the rights of any American citizen without due process and equal protection under the law. The Amendment also barred individuals involved in rebellion against the U.S. from holding public office.

Huh. You don't say?


The best part living out of a suitcase is how easy it is to pack.


It’s no longer “Florida man” it’s just… Florida. The entire state of Florida under Boots DeSantis has lost its ever loving mind. If you’re not a Florida resident with a Florida state license or ID in the state of Florida then according to Bootsie DeSantis you’re an illegal immigrant. Minnesota got on that list of unwelcome visitors because of all the Somalians and people of Laos and Mexico who immigrated to Minnesota in the past twenty years. If it was just white immigrants from Scandinavia and Canada, Bootsie wouldn’t have a problem with Minnesotans. It’s those goddamn people of color he hates. I hope every Colombian, Mexican, and Asian Floridian is paying attention.

*I wish Florida would be an all white state with open gun laws. And then put cameras everywhere like the film Truman (circa 2015) and let the live action happen in real time with zero delays.


Just curious, does CNN have anyone vetting old white male political guest speakers before putting them on the air? No? Okay just checking. Wow, I don’t know who this past presidential adviser is but his mumble-fest beats Biden's ramblings by a, “Back in my day a newspaper cost only a nickel. Let me tell you something kid, I never saw a hippopotamus in a grass skirt but one time back in 1946...”


Y'all see the little reel I made of Teddy bear? MY TRAVEL COMPANION

When my dad died of cancer in 2015 his widow made me a Teddy bear from one of my dad’s favorite shirts. Papa Bear was in Sheldon’s closet for safe keeping while I dealt with the aftermath of my divorce. I thought Sheldon had him sitting on a shelf in his closet, but no, Sheldon carelessly stuffed my Teddy bear in a suitcase knowing full well how the bear was made and why. That karma took years off Sheldon’s life I do not doubt. That's why in some photos Teddy's nose is smooshed. I'm still trying to un-smoosh it.


Once I move I’ll drop my bags off and head out to Utah, maybe? Look up some relatives. Won’t be hard. We have the most unique German last name with American spelling. And then head to CA next week to see the heart doc if they can reschedule me then. Of course the second I move I know three people who will want to come out to Vegas because of how close I’ll be to the strip so chances are I will be entertaining them.

It’s funny to me how as a Californian I loved being a weekend warrior on the strip, and the second, I mean the second I moved out here I lost all desire to go to the strip. 

I cannot wait for the Durango to open in October. It'll be my chill spot for when I get to work too early. And my drink spot when I get off work.

I need to refill my good karma-jar. I think I'll donate a few days a week... somewhere. Looking into it.

*What you donate into this world is what you get back when you need it the most. Life ain't about greed and money, boys and girls. Strive to be more than rich and famous.


It’ll be nice to be near friends again. As much as I detest staying by the strip, I’ll have my own place and live next to friends again so I won’t be completely alone, all thanks to my brother and Alan.

I fully expect to have an LA couch surfer on my couch the day after I move in. In fact I already know a few people who want to crash with me. Anna lived on my couch for six years. It’s too bad she didn’t do anything with herself the entire time she lived rent free but whatever I need to refill my good karma. Plus, I don’t mind really. I like having long time friends around. And the place allows pets too so that’s nice. 

The strip is like LA. One block is nice. The next six blocks are a dumpster fire. It’s always bad neighborhoods directly next door to nice ones, like in LA. Never a gradual dumpster fire. Just immediate blazing flames! Look at the neighborhoods surrounding MDR and Manhattan Beach, complete ghettos. But it’ll be nice to be near friends again. If you thought traffic prevented you from seeing friends in LA, the strip prevents people from seeing friends. I like the strip when there’s no one around. The moment I have to combat hordes of other people and tourists, I hard pass on seeing friends. Getting to work won’t be bad. I lived in the same building for six months when I first moved out here in 2017. I know how to get around the throngs of tourists.

I keep thinking I’ll meet a nice man and we’ll get a place together and retire. But it’s all these young guys who are into me. So gross. Where are my white 70-something retired soccer coach/nerdy scientist types? Where?! Even a nice plump white 60-something trucker with a mustache will do!


July 8, 1943 - During the Nazi occupation of France, Resistance leader Jean Moulin died following his arrest and subsequent torture by the Gestapo. He had been sent by the Allies into France in 1942 to unite the fledgling Underground movement. In June of 1943, he was arrested in Lyon, tortured for eleven days but betrayed no one. He died aboard a train while being transferred to a concentration camp.


It’s always an automatic pass until you give damn good reason to smash. Bragging sex skills is a hard pass every time. Unless you’re Pedro Pascal. Or avocado toast with a soft egg. I could never pass avo toast or Pedro Pascal.


I so love this.


July 7, 1898 - President William McKinley signed a resolution annexing Hawaii. In 1900, Congress made Hawaii an incorporated territory of the U.S., which it remained until becoming a state in 1959.




Sometimes I really miss going to concerts but I’m watching Perry Mason right now and it’s too goddamn loud.


Yesterday's walk. (Ponytail hair) If that nose mole gets any bigger it's going to have it's own Youtube channel. 

Look at that heat. Ugh. Maybe I’ll do a rock wall next week? I’ve always wanted to do it. With my broken legs it’ll be a big challenge but I’ve always wanted to try it.


After 5 margaritas I ain’t putting it in your bun. I’m going to pass out for three days. 


I’m in the mood to be social. Lets check the inbox…

Nope. I'm already irritated. Aaand just like that I’m searching Netflix movies.


Your artist friends are busy creating their own stuff. Your family is busy with their own lives and have dealt with your creative process all their lives and now they’re done with it. They’ve paid their dues. Your friends are your biggest critics. If only they would include something constructive in their criticism. The internet is the most honest place to receive feedback on your work. People who complain about trolls must be newborn in the creative world. Your family, especially your parents who know absolutely nothing about you, have trolled you incessantly since the day you said, “I want to be an artist when I grow up.”


I’m taking a social media mental health day. I’m beat. 

Maybe I’ll get off Rover and donate my time at an animal shelter.

Last night I watched American Graffiti again. That film could have been far more risque than what it was for 1973. But I understand the hesitation. Being censored sucks.

It really is a beautiful morning. 


July 6, 1885 - Louis Pasteur gave the first successful anti-rabies inoculation to a boy who had been bitten by an infected dog.


Here’s what I like about Youtube more than anything else, the kids are brutally honest. I initially put up this reel five hours ago and the kids hated it. I took out a few photos and changed the music and already the kids are seeing it. I appreciate the honesty. I do. It helps me pick and choose what photos go in the reel. I’m not prancing around half naked 18 year olds in 7 inch heels after all. Even the 30-something hetero males are painting their nails and sticking their butts in the camera for that damn Margarita song. I ain’t doing that, boys and girls. Nope, not gunna happen. But I am trying to motivate y’all to get outside and get some exercise. Trust me, in 30 years you’ll wish you had.

Edited reel from this morning: IT'S A BETTER SONG I AGREE

CUE THE MUS... err... whatever this is!


I took a walk through the Old Spanish Trail this morning. It’s okay. Good for the neighborhood. There’s homeless people of course. The ones I encountered this morning were pretty chill but as you know with mental illness and drug use that can quickly change. This time it “only” took three hours to get the reel up on Youtube. Oy. I’m so old. The kids spit out content quicker than I can get my shoes on and they’re slip-ons. But it’s up and running if you want to check it out. I saw a nice older gentleman in the park. We said good morning to each other. I wish I could walk with him in the mornings. It’s so hard finding people to walk with who just want to walk. But I suppose it’s all for the better being as how I stop to take photos along the way.

* So apparently that one sucked. Next!


The Venetian Sphere is a monstrosity. There, I said it. No regrets. It’s just one more boring Vegas fishing pole in the water. What they should build is something for people to physically do in the desert, like build an indoor walking/hiking park. But no, they’ll continue to jam more useless junk to get people flying out to Vegas. 

Can the mob please go back to running Las Vegas? Please. Please. Please. 

I don’t know how the kids keep up with all their social media. It is truly a job in itself. And for a lazy self promoter like me, it took me SIX HOURS to put up all my stuff for 100 views and 2 likes. But, I’m going to keep doing it this time because, well, time is running out.  





July 5, 1775- The Continental Congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition expressing hope for a reconciliation with Britain. However, King George III refused even to look at the petition and instead issued a proclamation declaring the colonists to be in a state of open rebellion.

Good old King George. Men of a certain age, amiright? 

I like Karine Jean-Pierre so very much. The way she holds it together when the same reporter asks the exact same question Pierre answered perfectly a second ago. She’s the only WHPS I’ve ever seen give that look of “I just answered your question, sir. Were you not paying attention?” with exemplary class, style, and annoyance.  

It was another night of mystery lettuce at work. I opened one box of lettuce and it was infested with bugs, half dead, half not. I opened another box and in addition to the bugs something flew the fuck out right at my head. I opened another box and there was rotting bug larvae smashed against the plastic throughout the entire box. Ah summer.

oop it's only 104 degrees out. Better grab a sweater!



This guy needs to be found and prosecuted!


It is my lot in life to be perpetually irritated. At work, missing can opener, missing chef knife, last five shipments of lettuce were awful, this last one in particular infested with half dead tiny black gnats, last three shipments of cucumbers also awful and unusable, missing sauce bottles, missing prep container lids, no one knows how to open a box (of anything) when they run out of a product, and it just goes on and on… 

I’m definitely getting drinks after work tonight. 

I have a cardiologist appointment next week in Los Angeles. I have arrhythmias. My heart doesn’t beat normally at times and so every three months I have to get monitored. At least four times a week I think, yep, this is it, I’m going to have a heart attack, it’s the big one, here we go. All because of stress. So my LA heart doc does a tap and renews my prescriptions which I blindly take now because I’m too tired to ask questions. Whatever. Gets me out of town. A reprieve from the heat. I don’t know how kids who grew up here can still wear long sleeve black shirts and black beanie hats in 114 degree heat but bless their cold blooded hearts. My comfort zone is 10 degrees fahrenheit to about 85. Anything and everything outside of that makes me think I’m going mad. I would move back to MN but I hate snow. Can’t afford Los Angeles anymore. I curse myself every day for giving up my rent controlled apartment in Los Angeles when I got married. It is hands down my biggest regret in life. NEVER give up your rent controlled apartment, boys and girls. Never. 

I think about death quite a bit these days. My time remaining is short. None of my doctors can say, “Hey you’re doing great. You could go on to live another 35 years.” None of them ever say that. We literally talk in terms of 3-6 months at a time. I shouldn’t be doing the job I’m doing. I’m seriously considering getting on disability. I can. I meet all the medical requirements. 

But truthfully, I don’t want to get another pet, unless a senior cat, regardless if all I had every day was myself to keep me company I would no question go mad and kill myself. And every time I think, “you know, it would be nice to have a man to grow old with” - no, no it wouldn’t. That would just be one more irritation in my life as sharing a bathroom with a man these last four months have repeatedly proven. 

I don’t know what I want to do with my time left. Keep creating stuff. Making stuff. I need to quit working. It’s so much stress. Too much. 

Sleep. Sleep is nice. 

Going back to bed. 


Smooth transition! 


I love her so very much! 


July 4, 1882 - The "Last Great Buffalo Hunt" began on Indian reservation lands near Hettinger, North Dakota as 2,000 Teton Sioux Indians in full hunting regalia killed about 5,000 buffalo. By this time, most of the estimated 60-75 million buffalo in America had been killed by white hunters who usually took the hides and left the meat to rot. By 1883, the last of the free-ranging buffalo were gone.

Happy 4th of goddamn July.


July 3, 1775 - During the American RevolutionGeorge Washington took command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

July 3, 1976 - The raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda occurred as an Israeli commando unit rescued 103 hostages on a hijacked Air France airliner. The jet had been en route from Tel Aviv to Paris when it was hijacked by pro-Palestinian guerrillas. Three hostages, seven hijackers and twenty Ugandan soldiers were killed during the rescue.


I find it interesting that she weighs at least 250 pounds and has the audacity to criticize other people.


Think of your pets on the 4th of July. Comfort your fur babies. 💕


Preach Preacher! 


“Only” three more months of blistering heat.  


You’re still our zaddy. ❤️


July 2, 1917 - A race riot occurred in St. Louis, Missouri, resulting in an estimated 75 African Americans killed and hundreds injured. To protest the violence against blacks, W.E.B. DuBois and James Weldon Johnson later led a silent march down Fifth Avenue in New York.


A good amount of the nouveau riche are people of color. Just saying. Soooo declaring people of color "always get left behind” would suggest money isn’t the reason.


Regarding affirmative action, there is no perfect answer here. Y’all know how I feel about it.  

I’m a person of color and a woman, and just like with all political subjects the two main parties will scream over each other until they both sound like lunatics, leaving us people of color, leaving all of us, to do what’s best for ourselves because lawd knows no one else will, especially them. 


Uploaded another short youtube walking reel. I think this old girl is getting the hang of it. There’s a longer reel also but who has the attention span for that?





All hail Pussy Riot


Raise more M3gans.


July 2, 1917 - A race riot occurred in St. Louis, Missouri, resulting in an estimated 75 African Americans killed and hundreds injured. To protest the violence against blacks, W.E.B. DuBois and James Weldon Johnson later led a silent march down Fifth Avenue in New York.

July 1, 1862 - President Abraham Lincoln signed the first income tax bill, levying a 3% income tax on annual incomes of $600-$10,000 and a 5% tax on incomes over $10,000. Also on this day, the Bureau of Internal Revenue was established by an Act of Congress.

I miss being a bandit. Can we just make this fashionable again?


Words you will never hear me say on my Youtube channel, “Click the like button and subscribe to my channel.” Because as we all know I’m a lazy salesman. I just like making pretty little reels. David Tran is my hero. He invented Sriracha. He made a product people love all without social media and commercials - and was still picked up by Huy Fong Foods because Tran’s Sriracha sauce literally sold itself. 

I wrote a Patreon profile because I want people to know what I’m about. I haven’t even set up info on receiving financial donations yet because as we’ve already covered, I’m lazy. I’m surprised I got this far. Aramis and I always talked about making a Dorritos commercial for the Super Bowl even though neither one of us watches football. We just wanted to make a commercial. But then he met her and everything he used to enjoy she destroyed. His long time girlfriend is thee polar opposite of his ex-wife. Goddamn women. His ex-wife was loud and annoying AF but at least she was fun. I still don’t know why she left him but I’m still sad about it! 

Right now Dorritos has a tik-tok triangle dance challenge, or at least they did. I don’t dance. I can barely walk. The world seems to love dancing on social media. I’m screwed. Maybe me and that kid in the wheelchair who suffered that permanent spinal injury can do a wheelchair dance?  

A friend of mine asked if I edit my photos before turning them into reels. Yes, of course I do! Who wants to see reality? If you want to see the drab old world alls you have to do is walk outside! Imagine if Charlie’s chocolate factory looked like the corner Chevron gas station. No one’s remaking that movie!        

You know what happened historically in July? Taxes and war. 

2023, if I had kids, I would legit be teaching them all the survival skills I learned as a kid growing up under the threat of a nuclear attack. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so quick to turn all those bomb shelters into wine cellars? We learned how to snowshoe, survive outdoors in (minus) -20 below weather, how to hunt with bow and arrow like we’re elves in LOTR, how to make drinking water, we even learned how to keep warm with blankets of snow. I think Gen X’rs are the only generation of people in America who would survive WWIII. The human race would become extinct here in 40 years. 

Good. Good. Start over.

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