Monday, February 17, 2020

Buddy and Ryan

I like mayonnaise on my popcorn. And so do Mexicans, only they mix mayo with lime juice. Don't tell the honkies north of the boarder or they'll think you're crazy. 40,000 episodes of white Snapped women murdering their husbands, and white serial murderers, and white dumb ass forensic files, white husbands murdering their white wives, but we're the crazy ones for liking mayonnaise. Yea ok. Sure thing there, Heidi.

Do you have a non porn Twitter account? If so can we be friends? I mean online, not in person unless you drink wine. If you don't drink wine there's no need for us to even meet. I have friends from all walks of life with one blaring common denominator among us, wine.

"Ryan! Anyone seen Ryan?"

If not here he is


And here


The next 48 hours is all Ryan, all the time.

Here's the thing about this drawing, I've never actually met Ryan, or seen any of his movies. It was brought to my attention he was posed reading Ayn Rand, and to me reading Ayn Rand, is way hotter than porn. Not many young people read Ayn Rand, or have that kind of open mind to consider her philosophies regarding the 1%. And speaking of percentages, in all honesty I'm only about 70% sure I'm drawing the right guy. I had to Google pictures for a reference photo and lets just say there were not a whole lot of images readily available online I could use. I picked a photo where the photographer/photo editor made him look about 15 years older than his listed age which is 30-something...

No matter who he paints, the painter always paints himself.

Here's the thing about photographers, they all want to be considered Fine Artists, but most photographers have never even studied art. They don't often base their photos on composition, but rather point and click their subjects into still life. Granted, still life, is still art, boring art, that is, until an artist renders life into it. Not an easy task by the way. 99 out of 100, still life, strongly represents the birth of, or death of, not the living in between.

I prefer shooting my own models because I know what I'm looking for. I'm an artist first. Photographer second.

I don't know if this photographer intentionally made Ryan look 15 years older but he has a 40-something Raging Bull, De Niro look about him, in addition to tons of shadow and hyper colorshop. Be that, I like the way he looks here. I hate the way he's posed but I like his look. It's been fun drawing him. I had to stop for four days on account of drama with my boyfriend Buddy. We're back on.


Have you met Buddy? 


Here he is again


Cat lovers unite!

I love you crazy cat lovers. ❤

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