Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Stay out of the media

The Internet is one world, reality is a different world altogether. Most Americans voting think there are only two presidential candidates. That's how little they know about politics, and they're voting. 

Most Americans know less than 40% of the propositions they're voting for or against.

There are three simple golden rules during election time if you're invested

1. Don't piss off Catholics/Christians 
2. Don't piss off non Catholics/Christians who still heartily believe in traditional family values
3. If you are unable to follow the first two rules, stay out of the media 

Women don't like other women. And women vote.

If the only voice the (first two rules) hear is a man with AIDS, right or wrong, majority of the voters believe that in this day and age to contract a sexually transmitted disease like AIDS with all the education that's out there, is one's own fault. 

*I realize this is in English and not chicken clucking, but I'm sure you can find someone to translate.

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