Sunday, November 8, 2015

"All the wrong people have babies"

Who are the "right" people? I'm sure Jose and Mary Menendez, thought they were the "right" people to have kids, and look how well that turned out

China, just lifted their one child ban. They had to. With everyone wanting sons, who were those sons going to marry and have kids with? Non Chinese women? I don't think so. There was a report few years ago on how Chinese men were offering Chinese women the moon and stars, because there was reportedly (something like) one Chinese woman per five Chinese men.

Here in the U.S. that's not a problem really. I rarely see same ethnic couples anymore. Oddly enough (in a strange knee jerk reaction) I mentally applaud couples when they are. Personally, I couldn't care less, or so I think I don't, but it seems more "strange" due to rarity.

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