Tuesday, March 31, 2015

ATTN shitty parents @Zankou

The little girl scrambled to sit beside me.

"Look what I can do!" she says enthusiastically, opening and closing an empty styrofoam container.

That's impressive, kid. Where's your mom?

 "What's your name?" the little girl asks me.

If I was a horrible human being, I could totally kidnap this kid. No parents in sight. This kid is so going to run away from home one day.

"Where's your mom?" I asked the little girl.

"Over there." The little girl points to a woman across the room with her back to us, talking to a man.

"Is that your dad?" I asked the little girl?

"No. I don't know who that is." The little girl said, manically opening and closing the empty styrofoam box.

"Did he come with you." I ask the little girl.

"Nooooope." the girl sang.

Perfect. Mom is off chatting up some guy, ignoring her kid, leaving random Q society to babysit.

FYI mom, my babysitting fees are $800 an hour. And there's a pretty good chance I'm going to have sex with random men in your bed when your kid is asleep. Oh no, she won't wake up due to the whiskey I'll let her drink from my flask. Don't worry, its Irish whiskey. The real stuff. C'mon, I'm not a total monster.

Maybe you should think twice before thinking that leaving your kid in some random person's care at Zankou, is a good idea.

I mean, the only reason I was even wearing pants was because I was paid to.

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