Thursday, September 25, 2014

Into the mind of a man 2014

"I want a girl who's into me." And I totally get that. My question is, why are you on a sex swinger site specifically looking for that? I have literally received hundreds of emails in the past two years from men, on swinger sex sites, seeking (a) girl who is "into" him.

Based on what exactly? Blurry photos of you in Time Square?

I don't know you.

You're just some guy with 100 pictures of your hardon against a $25 bottle of conditioner.

(To what degree do I have to be into you?)

I couldn't care less if I receive emails or not, but it's the emails I do get, that just... piss me off.

So this morning I get (yet another) email from a guy, but rather than meet me, rather than get together face to face, he wants to swap 50 emails, ask a million questions in the form of a sterile Q & A survey, and based on my answers determine if we're "into" each other.


And so,

I write him back and asked... "Why?"

To which he replied,  "Because I'm not here to fuck. If you just want to fuck I'm sure there's plenty of guys that are into that. I want to get to know you."

That's sweet. You do know you're on a sex site, right?

And no, there aren't "plenty" of guys who want to fuck, they're all like you!

This is why women hire escorts, and fuck 18 year old guys.

So I have a theory, if the swinger sex sites is where all the "get to know you" relationship men are, then must be where the sex is. Right? In the 'bazaaro opposite land' of another dimension space time continuum. (I think I saw this episode of Star Trek!) Come to think of it, didn't the Enterprise get overrun by a billion little giggling fury balls?

(What were those things called?)

I don't know what's equivalent to little fury giggling balls, is. But even that would be more interesting than, "So, did you like growing up in theMidwest?"


I think that's actually a security question on my cell phone password recovery profile.

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