Monday, February 11, 2019

Sleep day

CRAMPS. So ridiculous. 

Got home around 2am, took a nap, woke up at 4:50am, spoke with (the one and only) Aramis for a little while, and here we are. 

Today will be my sleep day. Sun’s up. Going to sleep soon. Or at least try. 

It started hailing last night.

“Thats not hail. That’s snow.”

Um. No. I first thought it was snow too until I walked out in it. It’s below freezing out. And snow doesn’t make sound as it bounces off your coat. That would be frozen drops of water pellets otherwise known as what? You can do it. Starts with an H. I’m from MN. I know what snow is. Jackass.


“You look like a normal person, but...”

Yeah. I’m not. I don’t 1:1 very well. I’m not maternal. I lack intimacy skills although I do love this neurotic street toughie kitty cat I named Miso. He’s a hooker with a heart of gold. Sell it, kitty! You can always come home to me. I’ll feed you, pet you, let you go, and still love you the following morning. 

Don’t tell me the world doesn’t need cats. After three days and thirty-seven years of cramping, menstruating, and god damn annoying people, seeing this kitty cat again is the only thing currently keeping me out of prison. Thank you kitty. 

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