Thursday, March 7, 2024




Welp, Happy Easter



My head has been giving me some trouble lately. It's difficult sometimes, often times, to write anything more than one sentence a day after my stroke. My physical therapist gave me feet, ankle, and leg strengthening exercises to do every day where I have to look at my feet and command them to do what I want. I can't explain the frustration of not having the auto movement in my legs and feet that we all take for granted after learning how to walk - like after one years old, eh? But now I have to sit in a chair, lift my left leg, look at my left foot, and command my ankle to rotate the foot in counter-clockwise circles. Forget rotating my feet together. I can get them to rotate in circles together for all of three rotations and then my left foot just goes all FU catty-wompus. I can only concentrate on one foot at a time. But I do it. I do it because my physical therapist tells me to do it to keep whatever motor skills I have left - connected to my brain. I've been walking into things more lately (walls, furniture, etc) not keeping balanced and I've been wearing my glasses more often due to how often I keep running into things. Before, I could trust my low-vision but now not so much. Blogging takes a backseat. I'm on Twitter more these days. Yes, Twitter, not X because that's just wealthy person stupid. 

I'm obsessed with these bald eagles in Big Bear Lake. I'm so grateful there's a youtube live channel. When I think of all the things the bald eagle image is used for here in America, I suppose it's about time to educate Americans on bald eagles. Bald Eagles are the most noble birds. The Supreme Courts Justices might want to keep that in mind. 


I have arrived. I'm in Minnesota. Arrived Tuesday late afternoon. Checked into my hotel and went to sleep. Travel is so exhausting. I spent all day yesterday acquainting myself with the area online. The Twin Cities has changed so much - for the better I think as far as cities go whilst keeping the romance and charm of our old beloved buildings. I'm not happy that my hometown is no longer a "small town" per se but I'm happy that immigrants seeking shelter for a better life (hopefully) found it here. Adjusting to Minnesota's cold ass brutal winters just shows how badly people needed to flee, although this winter was tame in comparison or so I'm told, that is, until I arrived. On the night I arrived it dipped down to 12 degrees F. Just a bit nippy. 

Tomorrow, I check into my Airbnb. It's an apartment on top of a house. A lot of younger homeowners make Fonzee (dorm style) apartments to rent out. Smart. Once there, I'll be about 15 minutes from North Loop on the edge of the suburbs. I judge places by the restaurants and bars in the area. Where I'm staying is an Asian market within short walking distance, as wells as middle eastern food, Mexican, Thai, and Greek. If I want bougie the north loop (old meat packing district) is 15 minutes away. Cool neighborhood, north loop. The condos are pricy even though they shouldn't be. I mean, you're up against the Mississippi. For out of staters who don't know any better, the Mississippi might be pretty in the winter but come August it can get "a little" stinky. Back in the day when the north loop was still the meat packing district, the mighty Mississip sometimes had an odor you could smell cross-state. I don't know how clean the river is these days but I definitely would not eat any fish that came out of there. Know what I'm saying? The Mississippi is an industrial river. Trash barges, car parts, chemicals...

I just want a simple quiet life. I want a nice plump quiet husband who collects stamps, does watercolors, and can build a luxury catio for our three future cats. It's taken me 12 years to figure out what I want but now I know. I want Norm Gunderson, from (film) Fargo. 

I'm looking for husband #2. I've been legally single for twelve years. No boyfriend, nothing, for twelve years. But now that I know what I want, a normal healthy boring loving simple marriage, I know California won't provide that for me. California, where no one is allowed to age over 29 no matter how foolish they look. Once you hit 50, you're not young anymore. You're not. You're old. Accept it. OLD. Act your age. Be with someone YOUR age. BE your age. I may look good still, but I feel like shit, all the time, every day. You too? Perfect. Let's be cat grandparents together.         



God bless Skycap. I tipped the guy $20. If there was $100 bill in my pocket I would have given it to him. Long ass line in the terminal. Why would you not use Skycap?? 


In a few hours I'm heading to the airport. This time tomorrow I'll be in St. Paul. I just want to be where there are very little people every day for the rest of my life. I really do prefer animals over people. Humans are the worst thing aliens/God/evolution ever created. Last time there was a flood that wiped out the human race leaving only animals, Noah and his family. Psst, yo God, it's time for another flood. 

I put my trusty travel companion Teddy Bear🧸 in my suitcase wrapped up all nice warm in my bathrobe and a sweater. Bets on the TSA agents mistaking Teddy for a human baby? 



Do we follow each other on Twitter? I'm obsessed with Big Bear Lake bald eagles Shadow and Jackie. Jackie laid a clutch of three eggs February 2nd. They should have hatched about a week ago but sadly did not. These two bald eagles have been together, as far as conservationists can tell, since around 2016. Jackie, the female, has laid several clutches  of eggs but only a small number of eggs have hatched where the chicks have successfully grown and left the nest. Sadly, these last three eggs are looking non-viable, but the eagles are still taking turns sitting on the eggs 7 days past hatch date. They are still taking turns sitting on the eggs in the freezing cold, wind, rain, and snowstorm. My heart breaks for these eagles. When Shadow brought Jackie a fish I'm like, that's all we want, a man to bring us tacos, or in this case, fish.  


I'm a snob. I was a snob before I left MN, and I'm an even bigger snob going back. And by "snob" I mean, I'm an idiot, so if you preach like you're smarter than me, actually BE smarter than me, have more than me, do better than me, BE better than me, otherwise I'm going to think you're just a nitwit. EXAMPLE: in 2016 I voted for Trump, but then I quickly got wise and NOT voted for him again. To those who did not get wise, how can you be dumber than me? I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot who got wise. If you did not get wise, then you're a nitwit. This rule applies for everything.

If I can be a single woman on my own for the past 12+ years, why are so many women with men I would never in a million years look at, let alone have sex with. I'm an idiot and I can see this guy is a massive fucktard. Therefore, ma'am, you're a nitwit.

If I can be a single woman on my own with all the bullshit in life, then how can a couple, two people, not make it? It's someone's fault. Look at each other and recognize who the 5,000-pound anchor is and move on without them. Nitwits.

Some guy from the midwest posted a picture of an empty restaurant patio with the quote, "Don't tell California." Don't tell California what? That this restaurant has shitty food so no one eats here? That the midwest actually has one trendy cafe as opposed to California's trendy cafe on every corner from San Diego to Sacramento? Cafes that actually have people in them. Don't tell California what? That this picture and quote only screams "I've never been anywhere outside a three-mile radius of my mom's house?" 

So, yea, I'm a snob. 

PS, all you Illinois fucks, stay in Illinois. Minnesota went to shit when all the fucks from Illinois moved in around 1990 before the hard-working Somalians and Hmong folks with their delicious food moved in. It was you Illinois assholes. We see you. Go back. 



The biggest problem Republicans 2024 have, aside from their fearless leader being a complete moron with unnatural skin color, is that their media presence is now 100% reactionary. There's no confidence. No plan. No offense. No intelligence. I know (at least) one or two of those guys went to college. So why are they acting like 12-year-olds reacting to Tik Tok videos, Taylor Swift, and beer brands? Seriously, some y'all went to college and almost all of you are over 30 years of age - holy shit, 40! What happened? If you want to be hip on social media try getting personalities in their late teens and 20's. Once you hit 30 your platform better be something more interesting than, "Ohmagawd you guys, did you totally see Taylor Swift's dress?!" 



The Republican party 2024, this is all you need to know... What a dumpster fire.


I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I'm headed back to MN, I think, or Portland, or Seattle. No idea. In all honesty, I'd like to put it all in storage and live out of my backpack. Finish my book. 



I want a rocking chair. I want to sit in my rocking chair and knit. That's pure heaven to me. 

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