Monday, January 1, 2024




It's over. My oldest brother and I found my money that Wells Fargo lost January 2nd this month. Not only did we find it, we got it mailed to me and I was able to cash it. Holy shit. How long can you go without money? Can you go 23 days without access to your money? I didn't think I could but I was nonetheless forced to find out. SO did I go back to Wells Fargo and open another account, you ask? No. No I did not. My brother banks at US BANK, he likes it, no problems, so I took my cashed out WF cashier's check and made an appointment with US BANK. 

Here's an interesting thing about location-location-location. Your customer service experience varies with each zip code. This is especially true in Los Angeles. I had an appointment at 11:20am at a US BANK on Wilshire, in the Wilshire district, and the woman assigned to my 11:20am appointment went on her lunch break five minutes before our appointment. WTF lady! After being informed she had gone on her break I was instructed to wait. Yeah no. Being a good little soldier tho I waited for ten to fifteen minutes and then LEFT. I saw a grocery store nearby the bank so I did some shopping. As I was shopping the woman I had the appointment with called me. Needless to say I did not pick up. How fucking rude. But, be that as it may, my brother likes the bank so I gave them one more try. I made another appointment with US BANK, a different US BANK on the west side, and not only was the appointment on time, the banker was so nice, informative, exactly the way I would want my banker to be, I opened an account. AND, I learned US BANK is headquartered in Minnesota. That's why the service, in the nicer zip code, was very down home feeling. They offered free services other banks would charge an outrageous fee if offered at all. So far so good.


I thought my chromebook died but turns out it was just wet. It's not used to humidity and it's very humid where I am. My chromebook didn't start for two days but then I chanced it was the humidity, hid it, waited a day, and just now turned it on. I now hide it away from open air when not in use.

Anyway, back to normal for a little while I hope. 



Thankfully friends, family, and knitting have kept me sane in all this madness. 



Wells Fargo holds on to MY MONEY another ten days. Holding it for ransom. I'm so mad. And I know they were going to try jerking me out of more money beyond the $70 they're charging me to get MY MONEY back. Rat shit motherfuckers. I heard the business manager say on the phone, "She took a screenshot of the total." 

Wells Fargo, closes your account and holds your money for ransom. And to get your money back they'll charge you for it. 

Mother fuckers. 



Dear Swedish Snoop Dog, 

Two years and a half dozen PA's and doctors later, yesterday I finally met the actual doctor on my insurance card. And let me tell you, he was not nice at all. I think he was the only doctor on staff that day and was very, very grumpy about it. He came into the examination room and repeated literally everything the last doctor I saw in November and then said, "We need to run some blood tests. I suspect your hyperthyroid disease is the reason behind your discomfort and weight gain. Come back in two weeks." -- Seriously? Bro? SERIOUSLY? Doesn't your chart tell you all this already? Additionally he also said, "You don't need an endocrinologist. I can treat you right here. You don't need a specialist for your Hashimoto's autoimmune disease. But you do need physical therapy and balance training for your legs, and you do need a neurologist." -- Swedish Snoop, I legit cannot eyeroll hard enough! In the meantime I'm uncomfortable as fuck and I STILL have to wait to get therapies on account of needing to wait for blood test results and all new doctor referrals on account of the medical company change on my insurance on the first of the year. Bear in mind, I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto's autoimmune disease over a year ago, and again last November. And here we are, still no treatment. 

(sigh) Okay well...  



Ah eggs. Cold egg salad sandwich for breakfast. At last eggs my way.  

My January blanket squares are coming along nicely. Every month I'm making a donation blanket for winter 2024. The first one is for a girl. I'll come up with a name for my donation blankets. I think it should reflect the first one - somehow. 



I threw out my right shoulder yesterday carrying bags of groceries and yarn. I have two chill weeks ahead of me as Wells Fargo takes its time deciding if they are going to return my money to me or not. Almost $4K. It's ridiculous they want $70+ dollars to return my money to me. Of course you know those buffoons are going to find some other excuse to prolong returning my money or simply keeping it for themselves. Ridiculous. But, something wonderful is ahead. That's how the universe works. Steals from you to give you something you need more. Balance. 

You know it, Billy! 



I've been really good since coming back to the city about getting my 40 minute walks in, eating healthy (well, mostly) and powering through my non-profit knits for winter 2024 donation. I see my primary doctor next week. Hopefully I've lost weight since she weighed me last November. And she has to refer me to all new specialists thanks to my last medical group closing NYE. 

I stocked up on yarn today. Bought more groceries. Forgot cooking spray. Got eggs. I don't know why it's so hard finding a place that makes good eggs. It's eggs! How do you fuck up eggs? The last three places said "challenge accepted!" I don't know. Maybe cooking me own food for so long it's the only way I like to eat. 

So what shall we call my non-profit knit donations? My first blanket is this pink blanket - I've been working on it for two weeks and I feel like my non-profit knit-name should reflect it.

These squares will be sewn together when they're all done.  




Second night back in the city. Love this little back guest room. It's behind the main house. It has everything in it. I mean everything you could ever possibly want in a kitchen including an air fryer which I'll test out this weekend. It's really nice being so close to my doctor and pharmacy - as in walking distance. 

I went into a different Wells Fargo branch bank, a bank I like going into, have gone into to cash checks recently, and the business manager at this bank took on my case and was able to help me start the process of getting my money back from Wells Fargo - after they (ridiculously!) mailed a check to the wrong address. It's going to take 2 weeks and cost me $70. Yes, I have to pay money for the bank to mail me my money after they fucked up and mailed my money to the wrong address. Actually on the 29th I'm told I'll get a cashiers check at the bank. 

I'm so over the whole "It's not my job" mentality. Especially when it comes to banks. It's your job. Banking money, that is literally your job, your one job, the very one thing you were hired to do. 

I bought a lotto ticket just because this whole fucktardery means something wonderful is on the horizon. That's just how the universe works. It fucks you to make you appreciate the good coming your way. Well, this karmic wonderful, if at all close by comparison to the bullshit I encountered this month, will be truly wonderful. A little black cat crossed my path today and that just made my day perfect. Is it cats? Will I have cats? Because that would be epic Karmic wonderful.        



Had my interview with Social Security/disability yesterday. It was a quick interview because I already filled out the disability papers last month. the guy doing the interview was cool. He was polite, quiet spoken, super professional. I was worried I would have to talk to someone who pronounces words like "aks you a question" I absolutely hate that. On social media, fine whatever, in a professional setting please speak clear English. I'm an idiot and if I can speak clear English so can you. 

I move closer to my doctors today. The commute into the city is too hard on me - in addition to getting my money back from Wells Fargo, dealing with medical insurance changes, and the over-all perils of moving without access to my money. Thank god my share of the inheritance wasn't fully deposited into that account. I would be super goddamn mad if it was.  

On the plus side, I'm moving back to my home sweet home. I loathe the city, but I love being by the ocean. Today I'll settle in. Tomorrow I go to war with Wells Fargo. I'm [this close] to getting a lawyer. They can not only pay me my money with interest, they can also pay my lawyer fees, court fees, pain and suffering. 4K will very quickly turn into 400,000K. 



No one knows what's going on with my money. Wells Fargo 1-800 say it's the branch people who have to re-issue my close-out check, branch manager yesterday said there was nothing she could do, and to call Wells Fargo 1-800. How the fuck did I bank with you morons for 20 years?



Wells Fargo ended our 20 year banking relationship - but not really. Apparently they needed to see my ID again. M-why? They said they mailed out letters to me to the effect, only I never got the letters. They said my close-out check (the balance in my account upon closing) will get mailed to me. Huh. Mailed to me the same way their letters were mailed to me? They said when I get the check I can re-open my bank account with them. Huh. Interesting. OR how about just not closing my bank account? The funny part about all this is (yes there is in fact a funny part) is that I have actually been inside a Wells Fargo bank twice in the past four weeks, which is two times more than - since 2018 - and no one said to me, "Oh hey can you show us your ID again." So they ended our 20 year relationship which is sad because my bank relationship is the longest relationship I've ever had and even that ended. I had my brief freak-out. I'm over it now. We'll see if I actually get the close-out balance mailed to me or not. At least my rent got paid before they closed my account. I'm being very casual about it now because I literally cannot afford, physically, to freak out. It's only money. Ohmmmm. 

I made another appointment with my primary doctor to fix the referral/medical group change cluster fuck and to renew my prescriptions. 

WTF is going on in the world? The bank I've banked with for 20 years closed my account. Crazy. 

Crazy times, my friends. 



I had an appointment two days ago with the endocrinologist. HAD being the main word here. I get to my 2:30pm appointment and the lady at the front desk says, "Sorry but it seems your insurance has been terminated." But that's impossible I foolishly replied. "No, it says terminated." She confirms and prints out an invoice that literally reads "terminated". Well, goddamn it Arnold! I call my insurance and they tell me I have not in fact been terminated but the medical group is no more and here's your new one. Thankfully my primary doctor with all my medical history remains the same, but now I have to find a new endocrinologist because they are not part of my new medical group, of course, and I'm waiting to hear back from my doctors office in regards to all new referrals. 

While I wait for medical referrals I'm contemplating where I'm going to relocate. I need to be closer to my primary doctor and some place with more active public transport. I have three airbnb places I'm looking at - I'm very curious about Pasadena. Here's the thing with monthly room rentals like Airbnb, people try to hard to make their rooms look like something out of Better Homes & Gardens so they can charge an astronomical fee. I need a functioning room. A room I can comfortably eat in, drink hot tea in, mini fridge, watch movies, charge up my devices, blow dry my hair, come and go - functioning. I'll pay $2,000 a month for that. But if it's just a pretty looking room that's uncomfortable AF for $3,000 a month - hard pass. That goes the same with men. If he's a pretty man but uncomfortable AF to be around - pass. I want a functioning man. I'll invest in a functioning man. 

And speaking of men, two days ago I took the train into the city. It's a 2.5 hour train ride one way which is usually a pleasant experience except when I have to pee. There was a guy who took forever in the bathroom which is never a good sign. And sure enough not only did he go #2 (You never go #2 on a bus or a train! Never! That's a God golden rule! It's in the Bible!) so not only did he go #2 he blocked up the toilet and then tried to hide it by throwing a ton of toilet seat covers in the toilet. The guy was like 60-something years old - still old enough to know better. I don't have a problem sharing a bathroom with trans people. I have a problem sharing a bathroom with men. The bathrooms should be "Men" and "Everyone not men". 

JANUARY 1, Monday


Did you stay awake to ring in the new year at midnight? No? Neither did I.

I was asleep by 11pm. Woke up again at 3am. That's the bad thing about this autoimmune disease, there's no getting sleepy to alert you when you're tired. You're just tired, suddenly, NOW, and within ten minutes you're asleep regardless if you want to be or not. Bam. Knocked out. 

In a few weeks I return to the city for no other reason than transportation. I am not healthy enough to be this isolated. I need to get to wherever I need to get to when I need to get there. I see the Endocrinologist this week. Have physical therapy next week. And see the neurologist end of the month. I also have a birthday in six days - not that it matters. "You're too young to die." I was too young to have shingles (in my 20's) also. I've outlived a half dozen of my childhood friends. All of whom died from medical issues. Tell me why. Why is this happening? 

I am 98% over a chest cold that lingered for over two weeks. A cold normal people get over in 5-7 days but with an autoimmune disease it takes longer. I'm at that age where I'm afraid to be around people. Especially those with a cough. When I was younger I just hated to be around people. Now I think they're all going to get me sick, again. 

This asshole is in jail. Good. Good. 

The universe sorted him out. 

If you're new here, I stopped blogging for a while due to medical stuff. Read the past year to get up to speed. My brain doesn't work like it used to. My motor skills are at 70%. I often have a ten second delay which makes me question what I'm doing all the time. Makes writing difficult. Repetition is easy, the less independent motor skills I need to use, like with photography, the better, but I started writing a book I want to finish before I die therefor I need my brain to work with my fingers. I stopped blogging because I got lazy. I only recently started wearing makeup again. It's hard work pretending to be naturally beautiful when your brain runs on a ten second delay. Makeup to appear as though you're not wearing makeup. And only recently I became aware of the "eye shadow effect" (effect or affect? Whatever. Just roll with it.) Whenever I wear eye shadow I notice people are nicer towards me. What is that? I wear glasses when I go out, and being a half breed I have bigger eyes than the average Korean bear, so do my magnified smokey big eyes trance people into being nicer to me? Is that why so many preacher wives and Republican wives wear so much eye makeup? 

I had a dream last night that I was at the Rainbow bar & Grill in Hollywood. Good grief that was my hang out in the 90's. I'm willing to bet their are fellas STILL hanging out there from way back when. In my dream I ordered some food. I originally took it to go. But then I saw some women at a table who kept staring at me. I walked over to the table and asked if we knew each other. One woman looked at me and said, "Of course we know each other. Sit down. Have a drink." I scanned my brain but could not think of where I knew them from. I saw the person I ordered food from and asked to have it here at the table instead of to go. The women then got up and went to the bathroom. A man came immediately after and sat down at the table. We started chatting. The women were taking forever in the bathroom. My food still hadn't come and I was hungry. The man said, "Lets go to the Atrium and eat there instead." I had not yet paid for my food which was taking forever - so we ran out of the Rainbow. And then I woke up. Turns out there is an ATRIUM RESTAURANT in Los Angeles. The first thought I had when I woke was - those women are going to think I stole their purses if they're missing when they get back to the table. Like I said, my brain is broken. I don't always think sensibly - or maybe this is how I always thought? Regardless, the menu looks good. I think I'll eat there when I get back to the city.            

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