Wednesday, November 2, 2022




Dear friends cats. Clear your calendar tomorrow. We’re going to be busy.


Not a big Fleetwood Mac fan but some of their songs were part of my childhood. Rest in peace Christine McVie.


I will ALWAYS be an LA KINGS fan regardless where I move to. But more so, I will always be an NHL fan. πŸ€—

So AIRBNB refund the last night of my stay with that guy. Scroll down to read the drama. Basically he has a Kevo front door system. You download the Kevo phone app and the homeowner sends you an e-key. Annoying AF. And for whatever reason my e-key to this Airbnb disappeared from the app on my 4th day. I booked for 6. Either he retracted the key mistaking me for another guest that left, whatever happened the homeowner refused to send me another e-key. According to Kevo it’s free for him to send and retract keys so who knows why he refused to resend the key, and I ended up stranded outside his house at 10:30pm after work. Then he got mad when I asked Airbnb for a refund for the night I got stranded additionally the night I didn’t stay because I left that morning. Airbnb decided to refund only one night for $100. 

And the homeowner’s excuse of “Well she has an older model phone” doesn’t help me get into the house you dick. All you had to do was resend the key or refund my stay. Or you could have just been home when I got back from work at 10:30pm. 

People make things harder than need be.



Aaaand good night 🀣


At the cardiologist office. I lost four pounds. FOUR. The doctor comes in and looks over my chart and says, “And your weight is the same.” 

NO it’s not. I lost four pounds. Four pounds! 
Acknowledge it! Acknowledge it goddamn you! 


And y’all worried about kids having iPads?

Look what we do for cats.


Google, it’s a hell of a thing. 

All I ask from Airbnb hosts are:

To be able to get in the house during my stay
A clean functioning bathroom during my stay
A bug free clean bedroom during my stay
Locks on the doors

And he done fucked up 3/4. 

There were no locks on the bedroom doors, the bed was an air mattress πŸ™„ and he didn’t know how to resend his own goddamn Kevo e-key to the front door. 



They're a Korean restaurant but they don't have Tteokbokki?!



After lunch my blood sugar is under 180 mg/dl. πŸ‘πŸ»

I’m trying to understand this dude’s logic. He thinks it’s unfair of me to ask Airbnb for a refund on the night I couldn’t get into the house because the kevo key to the house was no longer on the app and I was stranded outside at 10:30pm, and for a refund for the following night after leaving that morning because he refused to resend the kevo key to the house but instead wanted me to break into his house via 6 foot gate (hello, I’m 5 feet tall) and then enter through a sliding glass door he says he always keeps open. WTF you always keep your house open for anyone to enter into?! 


If you’re not going to resend the kevo key to the front door, then refund my money. 

The kevo key to the front door worked fine for the first three days. Then suddenly the app said there was no key. So resend it again. But no. He wants me to to break into his house instead. I mean. πŸ«£πŸ«€πŸ˜¬πŸ™„πŸ« 



At work. Time and a half.



Oh Elon, you crazy cad.


How I bribe friends into visits with their cats. 

Jabbing yourself with an Accu-Chek pen πŸ–Š is like waiting for one of those Pillsbury biscuit cans to pop. Sure, it’s all by your own hands, and you know it’s coming, but the popping still makes you jump. On the plus side, thanks to eating pretty much salad and granola my blood glucose read is below diabetes - albeit just barely. I have not started taking the diarrhea inducing diabetes meds. How is a person supposed to work? 




Got waited on last night by a kid who looked exactly like Dustin Henderson from STRANGER THINGS. He forgot my green salsa. I call it green salsa instead of tomatillo salsa verde, because that takes too long to say and I'm lazy. Apparently so is he. But he gets paid to be lazy. Well done, young man. You win. 



This is all it would take for me to fall madly in love.


When you get up to pee and check Instagram instead of going back to sleep. 




I like dogs too, but… 


It's been crazy. Absolutely crazy.

Dear Generation X, 

I was given two new additional meds last week. Trying to manage everything health-wise, and work, and look for a place, has been utterly time consuming. I have not yet started the diabetes meds. As I mentioned earlier (scroll down) My A1C is 6.6 and diabetes start at 6.5. The reason for not starting the diabetes meds is because the second prescription I was given last week gives me poopsies. That's right I said poopsies! On the plus side I've lost weight. My cardiologist will be thrilled. I see him on the 28th. He's an old school doctor - women shouldn't weigh more than 110 pounds. Not that I disagree with that entirely. 

As for the diabetes meds, my brother took the same meds for seven years and he lost a bunch of weight because the meds also made him have poopsies. I already have that issue with second new prescription FFS I can't worry about finding a bathroom when I urgently need one on top of everything else. It's no wonder why I have heart issues. Damnit, Jesus, can I take anymore stress?  

My coworker thought I was 30 years old. I'm gonna make a beautiful corpse. 

Gen X'ers worry so much about looking good, crazy obsessed, that we said fuck-all to our health. There are women who actually take laxatives to make them poop as a daily regiment to staying thin. Is coke really so hard to find these days? What is the drug addiction of choice these days? And don't say pot. Fuck you. We small town midwesterners were eating pot with our salads by the age of ten. If it grew on the backyard we ate it. I'm not sure what 2022 pot is made with but unless it has heroin in it, it's not a drug.

Today I see a man about a room. He has a Hebrew first name, Hiram, and a Spanish last name. Interesting. More importantly his place by my work directly under Runyon Canyon. He says he has an 8lbs doggo. Aww. "To all the pets I've loved before... "

I'm tired.

Where is my hero? Where is my dark knight? 

Where is... What?! Goddamnit! 




I watched this too many times already.



Arizona is looking better and better by the hour. Then again, I said that about Las Vegas and I hated the summers. Plus it's filthy. Homeless zombies everywhere. Arizona won't be any better except for maybe the zombies. I don't know. 

This diabetes thing has me spinning a little. In what world can you blood-sugar test three times a day, take medication (Metformin) twice a day that makes you nauseous, vomit, and gives you diarrhea. On top of that, I take heart and blood pressure medications. And lets not forget the Statin I take at night. Losing my vision and carpal tunnel in both wrists to boot. I mean. And just like that, over night, I fell apart. 

You statistically lose six years off your life with diabetes, if you believe in statistics. You statistically lose five years off your life after having a stroke. Something is going to push this body of mine over the edge. It can't keep taking a beating like this. I don't smoke. I pretty much quit drinking. I'm eating healthy for the most part. I'm active every day. And yet, the breakdowns keep coming. Whatever it is I'm meant to do, why ever I survived my dad and four of my childhood friends, better happen soon or...  



ARAMIS: “How are ya?” 







Ron DeSantis, watching TV earlier tonight:


Trump announcing his presidential run in 2024 will just split Republican votes not unify the party:


I finally have one whole day off to go through papers that have piled up. 

The only thing keeping me in Los Angeles are my doctors. Aside from 90% of Las Vegas being one giant dumpster fire, add to that the summers are miserable, I kept having to travel back and forth from Vegas to LA every 4-6 weeks to see my doctors. I'll have the same issue moving to Arizona. 

What a mess. 

I like parts of Arizona. The heat of course will get to me. We'll see where I land.  




ARAMIS: “So how are ya?”



I have diabetes. Just barely. When your A1C is 6.5 you have diabetes. I learned today my A1C is 6.6. They just prescribed me diabetes medication today. I'm a wreck. But the good news is it's reversible. If I can get that number down in three months I can get off the diabetes meds. 

I'm at the baseline for hyperthyroid, I have diabetes, hypertension, high heart rate... And no one can tell me if this is perimenopause/menopause related or what? But hey, I ordered my glasses! $69.99 from here. I'll have them in two weeks. 

In the meantime I'm on a very strict diet. Air. I can have air. And water. Not the flavored kind! Just plain old water. Seriously though, fish and vegetables. That's it. 

And lucky you, proctologist, whoever gets to stick their devices up my butt. Many (many) men over the years have done tried doing what you will soon get paid to do, stick things up my butt. Lucky you! πŸ˜‚ 

And no, I have not had the mammogram yet. I've tried twice but the appointments had to be cancelled for one reason or another. And there's a mosquito in my room that has bit me twice. On my left arm/hand. Mosquito used to be easier to kill. I've been trying since yesterday to kill this one. But this one must be a murder mosquito.πŸ˜’

Fish and vegetables. 

What for. What does it all mean. 

On the plus side I don't have a bladder infection or VD. (sigh) Not that that matters. 


I'd rather have chlamydia. 

My primary doctor is so young she speaks in terms of, "My mom had a rectal exam and she said it wasn't a thing. You'll be fine." 

Well, tell your mom I said hi! 


This is the third time (at least) that I’ve seen this. And it makes me want to hug him every single time.


I feel you. My dad had this exact same rundown every time we talked in my teens & 20’s.


I moved downtown today. I’ve reverted back to:


Paul Ryan be like, "Good luck, motherfukkers!"


I wish for a lot of things in life. But I truly wish people would stop trying to kill John Wick. He’s just so… sad. 

I want to hug πŸ€— him! 


This woman’s makeup skills is next level.

More makeup artists & set builders, less green screen.


(sigh) Alice and I spent our last night together. We spent 30 minutes just now snuggling before the sun began to rise. My friend was kind enough to print a copy of her for my frame. I'll miss the boy too, but the girl and I really bonded. I asked the universe for a kitty to pet and I got one (two!) for 10 weeks. It's hard sharing a pet. It's like sharing a child. It's hard when your kitty bonds with another human. I totally get it. I'm so so grateful for the snuggles though! She's the snuggliest. She's super soft. I don't think I've ever pet a kitty so soft. 

Arlo (the handsome boy) up front, and Alice (the sweetest little girl in the world) behind him.

And as I move to my new temporary dwelling downtown, I am considering moving to Arizona. My company has a facility in Scottsdale and unlike Los Angeles, Airbnb's in Arizona are reasonably priced for a month. Plus my oldest brother is out there. I'm having a miserable time finding affordable housing in LA (gee, imagine that!) even with two jobs. 

People renting rooms in LA are like "It's $1,500 for the room and shared bathroom. Plus $3,000 deposit. No kitchen. No washer or dryer. No guests. No pets. No drinking. No smoking. Only be here to sleep." And those are the less crazy sounding ads.     

Downtown LA is either cool or super sketch. There is no in between. It's either L.A. LIVE or skid row. Don't be fooled by "the fashion district" trust me I've lived here over 20 years. All that be skid row, love. 

I'm grateful for my friends. If it weren't for y'all especially during Covid, I don't know what I would have done. I truly don't. I moved back to LA from Vegas mid pandemic 2020 after being jerked around and lied to, which left me wandering like a nomad for a bit, and I am just now starting to rebuild from scratch two months ago. Everything happens for a reason, eh? I know who my friends are. My good karma has been repaid in full. You know what that means, right? Anna will be sleeping on my couch for another two years. πŸ˜‚ Whatever. Happy to have her.

I love this channel. These are my two favorite.

And, because everyone needs good feels. Happy Sunday.



I’ll never get enough of these. 


Thank you, Banksy. 

Out of the war torn rubbles of Ukraine. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 

America needs a Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 



Um hi! πŸ‘‹πŸ» I don’t know what you people do here but I would like a job thanks.


I just finished watching 


It's definitely worth watching and discussing among yourselves. Not everything labeled "Press" is, and I agree, in this day an age there's you, the individual, and you, the entertainment persona. Which one can be sued?



“I’ll only accept the outcome of the election if my guy wins.” - Because that’s what reasonable people say apparently. 🫀


Yep. Sums it up eh.

A childhood friend since junior high school who keeps in touch with everyone from our graduating class made an Fb post about a teacher/coach everyone knows and loved, Mr Gallagher. He was my junior high school gym teacher. Regardless of the season or what we were doing in gym class that day the class met at the pool. Mr G had a fold in half lawn chair he took up to the diving board. He unfolded the chair and sat on it… on the diving board. That’s how every class started. From the pool we went (wherever) to start the lesson. And every day we waited, patiently, for Mr G to fall into the pool. If he didn’t fall into the pool by the end of the year, he, of course, got pushed in. πŸ˜‰

My condolences to his granddaughter and family. 🌼


Bro. Exiting my EVS weekend gig, my boss decided to give me a paper check rather than letting direct deposit do it’s thing on Friday. I have no idea why? To speak with me? To make sure he gets the keys back? Whatever. I was off yesterday & today from my weekday job. I could have given him the keys on either day. But he insisted on giving me a paper check, only, the paper check that was supposed to come yesterday, didn’t. And it didn’t come today either. I’m not running there to drop off keys - and then run back on another day to pick up my check when I had direct deposit. So now I’m waiting on a paper check to drop off keys and make the swap. So fucking irritating. I had two days off to drop the keys to my boss, get direct deposit on Friday, but no, that was too easy. Now it looks like I have to run the fuck over there to him before going to my weekday job - because this makes more sense? πŸ˜’

And that’s only if the paper check gets to him before Friday. 

If I don’t get paid on Friday - someone is going to get an earful. Did I mention I write amazing letters to corporate? 


I wish I would have seen this prior to Halloween πŸŽƒ I would have given this to my boss, executive chef Rodriguez. 

Fake pen, is the best. “Yep sure. No problem. Let me write that down.” πŸ˜„


It’s not even 8:00 and y’all won internet. 



Peeing in a cup. 

"Could you be pregnant?"

Um. Soooo didja actually look at my medical record? No. No, I absolutely could not be pregnant for so many different reasons. For starters my bed mates are a teddy bear, a stuffed doggo, and a cat. A female cat. 



I don’t stress out loud. Gen X’ers don’t stress out loud. We hold in our stress, drink, and have heart attacks at 40. Gen X'ers don’t stress out loud, or laugh out loud unless we decide we want to laugh out loud. Then we’ll find our favorite comic scene and go there specifically to laugh out loud. When I hear people in a cafe or just walking down the street all, “Hahahaha! Hehehe!” I assume they’re mentally challenged or high AF. Or both.

Laughing, for Gen X’ers is, for the most part, a suggestion. I am laughing, you see, in here, on the inside, where it matters. We internalize everything because that’s how we were raised. You don’t cry or - our elders will really give us something to cry about. We don’t laugh because - then our elders will want to know what’s so goddamn funny. We don’t talk to our parents because - we don’t know where they are. 

A great many of Gen’ X’ers got married and had kids because that’s what our religious community elders indoctrinated us to do. (sigh) If only we knew where our parents were.

I never wanted to get married. I did because all my friends had gotten married because - that’s what they were told to do. I was the last of my clan to wed. Don’t get me wrong I was in love (for about a year) but I “stayed the course” because - that’s what our elders instructed us to do.

All of our manufacturers, those who made us, broke laws by both man and god. There are no rules to this life game. Not really. And yet none of us seem to shake off the shackles and find peace until we're about to die.

If you want to relate to a Gen X’er, use these three four very important phrases:



Okay then

See you later

Observe, when said all together is the Gen X credo. 

Learn it

Know it

Live it

Cue the Intro!



I once had a date that ended this way. Don’t worry he’s doing fine. 


All during the pandemic we praised nurses. I praise the nurse, Mark, who mostly took care of me when I had my stroke. He was amazing. We praise these nurses and appreciate them - as patients. Now, let's talk about nurses in the workplace. I have a strong theory as to why, in part, Covid killed as many people as it did in hospitals. As an EVS tech, the shortcuts some nurses demand I took would leave hospital rooms horribly (horribly!) unsterile. I refused to take shortcuts. Patients deserve a clean sanitized room. I had to leave. I quit. One nurse actually said to me last night, “The room is pretty much clean” with big blood stains on the floor, big pieces of old old gauze on every table, and poop floating in the toilet. Pretty much clean? Are you goddamn serious?! I wouldn’t want this filthy nurse touching me with anything. Disgusting. More on that in a bit. 

After the pandemic (dare I say) most workplace environments were not the same. Everyone grew hostile, lazy, and toxic with a fuck all attitude. It was no longer just Karen and her little red sharpie marking X’s on individual progress reports after being dumped by pretend boyfriend #6 for the week, and it was no longer just creepy Mike who insisted on wearing shirts that never covered his gut and flip-flops to work, no, it’s like the whole working nation decided, “Nope, my work day ends at 5pm even if I’m still being paid and I’m on the phone in the middle of a shipping order. Hahaha fuck you customer. Peace out. (click!)” 

Somewhere between 2019 and 2022 America decided to take out Covid on each other once the pandemic was deemed over. Instead of taking it out on those responsible, politicians and government.      

America would go back to work IF people weren’t so goddamn angry. Trustworthy, good, reliable, devoted, hard working employees are not going to stay working with hostile toxic people in a hostile toxic work environment. Just. Nope. 

If you treat your coworkers like shit, your coworkers who are there to help you alleviate the workload, who are doing the exact same job you are, if you treat them like shit they’re going to leave. Why would you want them to leave? Because you like doing the workload of four people? “We hired people. You treated them like shit. They left because they have options. So don’t blame us.” Is what your employer will inform you.

Back to the nurses.

It takes an hour for a hospital room to be PROPERLY cleaned and sanitized. An hour. It takes longer than an hour if the mattress has to be changed out from an air mattress to a standard 160 pound hospital mattress and yours truly is expected to change it - and then take that mattress seven floors someplace else. Funny side note, after being yelled at for taking too long to move a 160 pound mattress, FYI that’s more than my body weight, THREE male nurses moved the mattress to get the room done faster. It took three male nurses. But I’m expected to move the mattress by myself. 

The nurses I worked with more often than not said, “Just clean the bathroom, it's okay. We have an admission waiting. We need the room NOW.” And y’all wonder why some people die in hospitals? Um. I would never in a million years let anyone I remotely cared about go there. 

“No one has cleaned this room since I got here two weeks ago! They just take out the trash!” At least two patients a night told me this every time I worked. I only worked there on the weekends and I heard it every single night. I sanitized many rooms after daytime EVS techs went home. Which by the way, 6 to 8 EVS day techs, only me at night. I caught one EVS tech sleeping on the couch in the men's locker room. Female. A woman. Passed out on the couch in the men's locker room. Because that locker room is on the physician's floor not many men went in/out by the time I got there to sanitize it. And there she was, fast asleep, still on the clock. 

I’m a hard worker, a perfectionist or at the very least neurotic when I clean, I care about the patients. So when I overhear nurses say things like, “Stop ringing the bell. God, they only do it when we’re changing shifts. I’m not dealing with it. She can deal with it.”  – It pisses me off. Right the fuck off.

Last night I had nine discharges. Remember when I said it takes an hour to properly clean and sanitize a room, longer if I have to move a 160 pound mattress by myself, well boys and girls, math quiz, nine rooms goes into eight and half hours, how many times? I told the nurses I have eight hours. Means the last room won’t get cleaned tonight. I can clean eight rooms, plus I have to take a break to eat something and keep my strength up. Actually, it’s the law. It’s a law to the point I have to verify it on my timeclock whether or not I took a 30 minute dinner break. And the nurses on the floor of the ninth check out replied with, “Don’t take a break! We need this room!”

Bitches, you can fuck all the way off. 


So go ahead and ask me why I think some people died in the hospital during Covid.


Go ahead.

Ask me.



Cats have been plotting to take over the world for years now. And so they have.


I say the exact same thing when I go to the doctor’s office. 


I don't know who this British fella is, Bill, but no. No. No. The classroom structure is putting males at a disadvantage? That's lazy white man speak for, "Don't make school so hard! I'm just a boy." What advantages in school does this guy think females are getting? The correct makeup for PMS 101? You get that for free on Tiktok. 

Males are failing because they're LAZY. Parents raised lazy boys. My dad raised my brothers like this - You want her as a date, a hot date, a girlfriend, a wife, you better get yourself a nice car, a good job, and a great house, because girls are expensive! I haven't had a date, as in "Pick me up at 7, cocktails, dinner reservations, and a bottle of red wine after at your place or mine" in YEARS. Why? Because I think all men are crazy, just watch the goddamn hundreds of true crime investigation stories, the one word emails, the hundreds of text dick pics... CRAZY.

I can feed myself, I work 2 jobs, I'm planning my retirement my damn self. And I'm a-mazing at making myself cum which I wouldn't be if men actually knew what being good company was. I'm American. My ex-husband was born and raised in Sweden. That's how far I had to go.

American men are turning to other countries to find traditional wives. Yeah. We too. Us women are going to other countries to find traditional husbands. Why can't we traditionalists find each other? Because women already outnumber men (in California) something like 5 to 1. Add on top of that all their fucktardary, now those numbers are more like 700- to-1.     

Structure starts at home, people. It starts from the day y'all decided to push another mouth breather into the world. 

Psychology, starts with childhood at home. So does education. Do better.

This guy. πŸ˜’



My spirit animal. Where have you been all my life?



Aaand good night.


It’s still Halloween πŸŽƒ I don’t care.


All kinds of HELLRAISER 1987 good feels.


Where is this kitty playing next? Can you put me on kitty’s email list? Is kitty selling tee shirts? 

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