Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Remember when the bad guys were afraid of America? 

Those were good days. 

DO MORE, America.






I want what they have 🥹


1. Back in February, 2021, following my stroke I accepted the explanation of why I had a stroke as being the result of hypertension (deathly high blood pressure) and narrow arteries. Even though I didn't have a blood clot, the high blood pressure and narrow arteries mimicked a blood clot cutting off blood flowing to my brain. I'm not a doctor. They're the doctors. During my hospital stay the neurology team at the hospital agreed on what happened, agreed on what prescriptions I needed, agreed on the prescription dosage, they're the doctors I do what they tell me. 

2. My (then) primary doctor however disagreed with the prescriptions, disagreed with the dosage, and disagreed with when I should be taking the prescribed.

3. June, 2022, I told my cardiologist sometimes I feel like I'm having panic attacks. I feel my heart having some kind of arrhythmia. I can literally feel my heart flutter in a horrible heart beat. The cardiologist did an EKG test, taped a bunch of monitors onto my body, ran the tests, took the monitors off and told me to come back for another EKG in 4 weeks. That appointment is coming up.

4. Yesterday I went to my annual neurology exam following my stroke. This doctor is younger than the last neurologist and waaaaay more cocky than the last neurologist. The younger neurologist kept insisting 52 year of age for an otherwise healthy person is far too young to have a stroke. Then he told his assistant to get the hospital workup (where I was treated for the stroke) so he could take a look for himself. The young neurologist looked at my prescriptions and asked if anyone put a heart monitor on me for a week following my stroke. I informed no. No one had. After I told him I had a follow up appointment with the cardiologist for another EKG test in a few weeks the neurologist wrote out an order to have the cardiologist put a heart monitor on me for one week. On the order it reads "monitor for AFIB" (Atrial fibrillation). This neurologist thinks my stroke was caused by Afib since there wasn't an actual blood clot. He asked who my neurologist was that did the three month post stroke follow up, I told him, and he said, "I know him. He's not at that hospital anymore." -- Which is true. He moved to another hospital. He told me he was leaving for another hospital on the three month follow up. He said if I had a stroke-related emergency any of the other neurologists on the hospital team could help me. 

A little back history, having hypertension and a stroke at 52 doesn't surprise me in the least. I also had shingles in my late 20's. I was told I got shingles from stress. I'm just one of those very inward-nervy people. I don't freak out, yell, scream, or go Karen, I'm addicted to human zoomies. I had a drug (coke) problem for ten years (plus) many many years ago. I love being awake. I love multi tasking and working fast. I love caffeine. Am I shocked I had a stroke at 52? No.

I haven't experienced any arrhythmia in a while. But when it does happen it scares me. There are very few things worse in life than feeling your own heart flutter incredibly fast in a that horrible rhythm. Because you just don't know what's going to happen next. You just don't know.

So in about three weeks I'll get a heart monitor taped to my chest. Wear it for a week and see if I have Afib. I have no idea what having Afib means. Reading the Mayo clinic website, it doesn't seem all that bad. At this point I don't care WHY I had a stroke. I'm just trying to prevent having another one, or a heart attack. It took three months following my stroke to get my vision back, and be able to walk to the bathroom without falling down. I'm NOT going through that again. 

I'll continue eating the Mediterranean Diet, continue walking 40 minutes a day, continue losing weight... I'll get down to 110 pounds if that's what they want... I'll continue doing whatever the doctors tell me to do regardless how often they all seem to disagree with each other.

My friends like this young cocky neurologist. I'm a little meeeehhhh?

I don't know. Maybe he's on to something?



I posted this before the trial. And here it is again. So cool.

Here's to the first day of the rest of your life, America. Make better choices.

Dear Johnny Depp, if you agree to the reported 300 million dollar deal with Disney, please don't forget the alpacas. You could legit make Disney save every alpaca on the planet in America. Save the alpacas, Johnny!

Yes, I'm a meat eater. But I don't eat alpacas. My hypocrisy only goes so far. Americans don't need to eat alpacas FFS. 





Now that I'm negative for Covid I'm back on the job hunt. There's also a few restaurants in the valley I'd love to check out. I'm so foodie devoted I'm willing to go into the valley where it's 97 motherfu🤬 degrees. I don't know how you guys do it. I don't know how you live in the heat. 



I am begrudgingly pro-choice. Begrudgingly because nutty liberals (you know who you are) have the mentality of "My abortion was wonderful." It's not wonderful. It's terrible. Awful. Inhumane. It's murder. And maybe if more women looked at abortion in those terms, less and less abortions would be needed because more and more women would make certain unwanted pregnancies did not occur in the first place.

Just saying.


Just to make double sure.

Born freeeeeee! 

And it "only" took 12 days. 



Twitter learned a new word, Jeffrey, "eugenicist". Negative hysterical post points for not using it. Bad tweeter. Very bad. 

Apparently Jeffrey S didn't get the memo. 😏

For example, Jeffrey. 


I’m only linking this for my own amusement.

JOHNNY 26, SUNDAY (Day 12)


Yeah me too, Bill. Easy for you to say. You're a multi billionaire. It cost me $1,440 to isolate elsewhere because I don't live alone, and I don't have your money. I can't even pronounce your money - you have so much of it. But hey, any time you want to reach into your coin purse and reimburse me for doing the right thing, my account number is...


I wish I could say I’m surprised but I’m not.

I’ll test again in the morning to make sure this isn’t a false negative. 

To my “friends” who couldn’t have lunch with me yesterday even though the likelihood of my being contagious was highly unlikely BUT THEN went to a sex club, concert, and/or protest yesterday, y’all can stay hanging back for 14 days or until y’all covid test negative.😏 I don’t need to get covid again.


I'll test again today. Oh sure. Why not?

I can test positive for up to three months. More even. It's one thing if I was feeling sick but I'm not. I never had a fever. I had a mild cough, runny nose, and the sneezes for like 3 or 4 days over a week ago. As long as the tests detects Covid enzymes I'm going to continue testing positive. So do what you want folks. I get it. It's just my friends and their hypocrisy that bothers me. They know I'm asymptomatic at this point. They know the likelihood of catching Covid from me (while wearing a mask even!) is highly unlikely but they don't want to be anywhere near me for as long as the tests say I'm positive for Covid, which I could appreciate except they happily go out to nightclubs, strip clubs, swing clubs, date/fuck a bunch of random people, attend sporting events, concerts, and attend marches, all without wearing a mask shoulder to shoulder yelling and screaming in crowds of other people who are not wearing masks. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me. It's ok if you're afraid of covid. I get it. But it's not ok if you're afraid of covid but then attend a sex club located in skid row without wearing a mask among others not wearing masks doing what y'all going to be doing. As a friend, as someone who calls themselves my friend, that's just fucked up. 



Underground railroad?



I tested positive again this morning. My brother said I should not tell anyone I have Covid and just go about living my life. Is that the right thing to do? I wear a (cloth) mask when out in public unless I'm outside. But should I hide having Covid? 

Everyone I know pretty much knows I've been testing positive for it. That's why I'm in isolation. Everyone I know is afraid of catching covid. And NO ONE is more frustrated than me that I have it. No one. I assure you. NO ONE is more goddamn irritated with this situation than me.

But should I not disclose I have Covid to employers? 

I never had a fever. My only symptoms were a cough, sneezing, and runny nose that lasted at most 4 days. And yet I'm still testing positive.


Women shouldn’t protest, they should just quit. If you’re not happy with your job, with what you’re doing, just QUIT!  

JOHNNY 24, FRIDAY (Day 10 in quarantine)


Any day now.



Every day I'm more and more grateful to be peri-menopausal. 

I've had my period (so far) once this year. 

Abortion rights should have never been overturned. Big mistake. Women therefor should buy guns. And let the chips fall where they may. 


I was going to Covid test today but I'll do it tomorrow morning. 

I spent $1,330 for 11 days in quarantine. You're welcome. 

JOHNNY 23, THURSDAY (Day 9 in quarantine)


Every day for the past 9 days. 


$1,050 spent to be in quarantine and going strong! This is ridiculous. 

I'm asymptomatic at this point. I wear my mask everywhere except when outside and no one is around. I wash everything. I change out my toothbrush. What else can I do?

My friends are like, "Are you using the same testing kit?"

Nope. Three different testing kits. 

I'm so irritated. I only know I'm positive because my friend I WAS staying with wanted me to test when I started coughing.

How many other asymptomatic people running around who don't know they're asymptomatic. Know what I mean? I'm isolating because I know. How many don't know? And is there really a threat anymore? 

JOHNNY 22, WEDNESDAY (Day 8 in quarantine)


When you let your kid name your wifi:


I’ve watched so many Mr Ballen videos on YouTube I’ve convinced myself someone is hiding in the wall crawl space behind the bathroom door where the pipes for the jacuzzi tub are. 😳 

Hug me Teddy!! 🧸 

Can’t sleep. Clowns 🤡 will eat me!
Can’t sleep. Clowns 🤡 will eat me!

JOHNNY 21, TUESDAY (Day 7 in quarantine)


And good night


Yes. Let’s. 



So according to the instructions this is a positive read. However my brother and friends say this is a negative read. And this is why we still have Covid. No one knows. 

According to the instructions, this is a positive read. "Any faint line is a positive test result."

I'll test again Wednesday morning. I'm just so irritated. 7 goddamn days.

What does it mean when the line is fading? Anything?

Apparently many people I know took this test result to read as negative. 

Whatever this is, if positive then I'm asymptomatic. I don't feel the least bit sick.

They took their faint lines to read as negative. Um. I don't think that's right.



I've also been exposed to tuberculosis. Does that mean I've had tuberculosis? Not that I'm aware of. You can test for TB, have been exposed to TB, but that doesn't mean it's active in your body right now. -- Again, I'm sure you're not going to understand.

Illnesses leave traces in your body. Covid leaves traces in your body. What can you do? Go live in a bubble.


Fights with my brother be like (legit text exchange):

My point being, you can still test positive for Covid but not be "dangerously" contagious. Yes, YOU CAN. Facts don't care about your feelings. Just like all the goddamn other cold and flus out there. After a while, you can have it with very low probability of transmission. Just like Hep B. In 2005'ish I had been exposed to Hep B. I got tested after a handful of girls at work tested positive (them through sharing the same guy, no condoms, who gave it to all of them). I didn't have sex with him/them but I did share forks and drinks with them and that's how I got it. I had been exposed and tested positive for Hep B. However the strain was so tiny the doctors said it would become inactive on its own. Like it was never there. Just a quick pass-by. Nonetheless, the Hep B test came up positive. Understand? -- No, I'm sure you don't.


This is the angriest I've ever been regarding covid. I had an idiotic conversation/fight with my brother two nights ago about it, and hand to god if one more goddamn person compares covid to an airplane crash I'm going to have to insist they actually get INTO an airplane crash if they're going to use that analogy.


How about everyone that was shoulder to shoulder at a concert this past weekend get tested for Covid? No? But you're going to make me feel like shit because why again? Oh. Right. Because I got tested (with an antigen test) for Covid when I suspected there might be a chance I got it, and then I went into isolation like a responsible human being even though my only symptoms were a medium head cold. No fever. But are any of the thousands of people who stood shoulder to shoulder screaming at each other over the weekend going to get tested? No of course not. But I'm the bad guy with an antigen test. Okay then.


The liberal argument is the antigen tests are good enough to detect positive covid reads but not good enough to detect negative covid reads. And those liberals can go fuck themselves. I see y'all on social media, jam packed concerts screaming and yelling shoulder to shoulder and not one mask in sight. But my antigen test is the problem. Yep okay then. If they're such a problem why are they still being used?


First place I could get a Covid test with low probability of being murdered just getting there is on Wednesday. It's an antigen test and it's good enough. If it's good enough for CVS it's good enough for me. I'm sick of you liberals and your hypocrisy. You go to super spreader events all weekend not wearing a mask, no one wearing a mask, drunk screaming and yelling at each other, but you have the fucking audacity to tell ME what kind of Covid test to take? Yea no. Fuck you.


My Instagram is a food-cook-eat-food photography page. Yesterday I posted:

People swiping content is nothing new. I constantly get asked to forward my images to someone else’s IG account whose pages are nothing but others peoples content.🙄

Make your own content FFS. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


The month of Johnny is almost over. My first week back in LA was spent mostly in isolation donning a mask indoors when in public after testing positive for Covid. It's been 5 days. I'll test again today. I feel fine. I felt fine two days ago. After today I'm not testing for Covid again. If I get another head cold, it's a goddamn head cold and I'll treat it as such like everyone else. My hypocrite bleeding heart liberal friends will just have to deal with it. If you can go to jam packed concerts and sporting events, you're fine.

JOHNNY 19, SUNDAY (Day 5 in isolation)


Good night 💤😴 





Mmm so good 😋

I quarantined something like two days longer than needed. And of course I’ll just get it again.🙄 Everyone is done wearing a mask. No one is wearing them any longer. Build a goddamn immune system or die. I take a fistful of pills every day for my heart and blood pressure and all that happened to me was a medium head cold. Any other illness with any other name and everyone’s boss would insist you come back to work. Three years later with a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now approximately $1,500 more, I’m over it. If I feel good I’m out. Like everyone else this weekend. Goddamn hypocrites. Period. 

I got my teddy bear 🧸 washed. Poor little guy. 

Now, where was I? Oh right…


Just finished watching Operation Mincemeat on Nextflix. Brilliant!

I'm a huge fan of both Mathew Macfadyen & Colin Firth, furthermore knowing the film roles both have chosen in the past I knew this was going to be amazing and it was. 

I hope everyone is having a nice daddy day. If you need something to do after I highly recommend Operation Mincemeat. 


Today being 5/5 in (mostly) isolation it will be the final day. 

Every bleeding heart liberal I know went to one "super spreader" packed concert or restaurant or another over the weekend without wearing a mask. I've done my part while they did not. 

JOHNNY 18, SATURDAY (Day 4 with Covid)



Hopefully I test negative for Covid on Monday. I still have a little bit of a head cold but I can't be "sick" trapped indoors any longer. Fuck this. It's a medium cold for 3 or 4 days. That's it. I mean I'm not really staying indoors. I've been to stores, I did laundry, I go for my walks, I've picked up food. I wear a mask inside but no one's wearing masks these days. 

I just pulled a sliver out of my big toe. WTF?? How did I get a sliver in my toe? I don't walk barefoot anywhere. Odd. Aliens!  


Um. Explain the women on Yellowstone. Yikes. Beat up, fat, face looks like it's been used as a punching bag, overly botox, whore makeup, un-lady like, filthy mouthed... 

Has Taylor Sheridan or John Linson ever been to the Midwest? Like, ever? 

Women DO NOT act like that. And no man would want a woman who acts or talks like that. 

Hard pass.


Laugh all you want Aramis. But after I put a million dollars into your bank account I’m going to abuse the “I told you so” dance. Abuse it hard!

I been playing the same numbers since 2019 and one quick pix. 20 million isn’t much in LA but I’m 53 years old in not so good health. It’s enough. 

JOHNNY 17, FRIDAY (Day 3 with Covid)



In isolation with Covid like:


I love how people I know pretend they don't read this blog until I write about them.😐 You know I'm back in LA that's why you randomly text me out of the blue. You also know I have Covid.

"What are you doing tonight?" -- Gen X'ers still making their Friday night plans at 9am.😂 What am I doing tonight you ask? Me and my Covid are going to order some take out and pander online. You?

I ran out of Kleenex. I have to run into Target in a little bit and try not committing germ warfare. In other words a typical Friday morning. 

Hand sanitizer - check. N95 mask - check. Not committing germ warfare - check. 

If you see me in public wearing a mask it's because I have Covid. I am not wealthy. I do not have "assistants". I have to run my own errands. I'm trying not to get you sick. You're welcome.

When I received my delivery from Vons yesterday morning I forgot to include Kleenex.

I got almost seven hours of undisturbed sleep minus the two times I got up to pee. but the coughing and sneezing were cut down drastically thanks to the theraflu. Be that, when you wake up of course there's about a half box of tissues worth of phlegm just DYING to get out. So that was fun. 

If this were any other illness, with any other name, my employers would be like, "Did you enjoy your two days of vacation? Get back to work!" 

Now maybe because I'm three times vaccinated this variant of Covid is mild in comparison to the others. I'll give you that benefit of the doubt. But it remains to be a medium (annoying AF all the same) head cold.

It reads on the box if you have high blood pressure don't drink theraflu but fuck all, I needed sleep. I hadn't slept in two nights coughing every 10 minutes.


That's it for now.

I'll leave you with this clip of the movie VICE which I highly recommend for your Friday night "Netflix & chill" or as it is called on my laptop "Netflix and... try actually finding a goddamn movie to get through without falling asleep and/or peeing every 40 minutes".

JOHNNY 16, THURSDAY (Day 2 with Covid)


"Women lose an average of two inches between age 30-70. By age 80 most women will have shrunk three inches."

Great. I always wanted to be 4'11 (said no one ever).


I have a second echocardiogram scheduled in five weeks. I don't know why. I'm assuming if it was serious the cardiologist would have told me. 



We all know we're going to be put in another shitty presidential election in 2024 right? I refuse to vote for Trump again. I refuse. I mistakenly voted for him in 2016. I won't do that again. I'll vote for the guy I never heard of in the Libertarian Party before I'll ever vote for Trump again.


Having Covid sucks. Not gonna lie. I just got back to LA and - hello, Covid. In my case it's the congestion that just makes me want to pull my hair out. I am constantly coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose, clearing phlegm from my throat. (F'ing goddamn constantly!) I had to get Theraflu & cough drops delivered to me at 7:30 this morning just to medicate myself so I could get 5 hours of sleep. I wish I smoked pot. Might get some just to sleep. That's all pot ever did to me was put me to sleep. And if you know me at all, or follow this idiotic blog (for whatever god forsaken reason) thank you - but then you also know I absolutely love being awake with human zoomies. Like dog and cat zoomies only far less cute yet not quite meth-head neurotic, zoomies. I really miss coke sometimes. (I mean, don't do drugs, kids. They're bad for you.)   

I watched a James Brown documentary last night. Poor guy suffered from Columbus syndrome. You know, he thought his fame was all about him. Never mind the backup singers, dancers, band, stage techs, engineers, etc. Seems he didn't pay people (shocking I know) because he thought he got it all on his own. "You're blessed to be in my presence. Let that be your reward." -- You know this type of guy. 

I also watched VICE on Netflix. It's good. Witty. Funny. Sad. I highly recommend it. Truthfully, I'll watch anything with Sam Rockwell in it. He plays George W. 

So here we are day 2 with Covid. In Los Angeles. In isolation. I have a sunken bathtub with jacuzzi jets which I'll probably take advantage of later. (Thanks Alan) 

"Welcome back to LA. Enjoy your Covid." 

Don't mind me, I'll just be here like:




I think y'all missing the most important thing here. I shrunk two inches!

I'm only five feet tall now. What the...


GATTACA! I have a goddamn head cold. Americans are more freaked out over a head cold then when I had bronchitis five years ago. I assure you bronchitis is waaaay nastier. When I had bronchitis I had 102 fever in addition to coughing and sneezing out green goo for 5 weeks and I was still expected to work. My employers didn't care. Work as in cook food for other people. I didn't of course. But say "Covid" and holy shit you would think I just raped someone's pristine $10,000 vintage Barbie doll. "You bastard!"


Not sure why people still take your temperature to enter buildings. You don't have a fever with Omicron. At least I didn't assuming that's the variant I have. I have a head cold: congestion, runny nose, and a light cough. That's it. 


How come Wells Fargo screams "FRAUD DETECTED" when you're buying something, but not when deposits into the account are being made? Maybe someone made a mistake and didn't mean to send money to my account. EVER THINK OF THAT? 

I spend money. It's called living. Wells Fargo really needs an enema. 


Monkey pox. Sure, why not. Bring it on.


The house host in Vegas who I rented a room from text me back, “Ok thanks for letting me know” like she wasn’t the one who gave it to me.🙄 Fucking Koreans. An Asian gave me Covid. Figures. Raciiiiiiist.

Also, when did cardiologists start performing breast exams? He gave my boobies a pat down while I was on his exam table. The closest thing to sex since… 🤔


Where do I start? Oh. I know. This morning I tested positive for Covid. 

I tested myself Monday when I landed in LA because my house host, where I was renting a room from in Vegas started coughing few nights before I left, and since I wanted to make sure my friend is safe, I tested and tested negative. 

This morning however, positive. 

I’m so irritated. I didn’t get the second booster but will in a few weeks. 

The only symptoms I have is congestion, cough, and a runny nose. Like a head cold. My friend tested negative thankfully. But it’s 3-5 days after exposure apparently so we’ll see in 5 days.

Also… went to my cardiologist appointment yesterday and learned I shrunk two inches. As in I was 5’2 three months ago. And now I’m 5’ even. WTF? 

I lost 6 more pounds but the cardiologist still isn’t able to lower my medication dosage. My blood pressure remains at the normal blood pressure with all the meds. Nothing has changed. 

I was supposed to have my neurologist appointment this morning but since I tested positive for Covid I have to reschedule. 

I’m so irritated. 

I text my house host in Vegas letting her know I tested positive, which is no doubt where I picked it up, and she hasn’t replied. I never see her but we shared a bathroom. AND she still Airbnb’s her place out. Dirty. 

So now I’m off to isolate. Grow a beard. Write my memoir.

Thanks for the Covid, Las Vegas! 



Leaving Vegas soon. I never thought I would say what I’m about to say, but the wind out here irritates me to no end. It’s a nagging moaning wind. Seriously. Ghostly. And nagging. “Oooooooooh” sounding wind. And after hearing that all night long, all morning long,I just want to hang myself. 


High winds in Vegas all night into the morning. My sinuses are killing me. And because it seems delivery apps have done away with tipping on their websites, I had to go out into the goddamn wind this morning the get breakfast. I don't order from anywhere drivers don't get tipped. Shady, people. Just shady. And because Vegas is a desert there's no such thing as the "nearest ATM". 

I won't come back to Vegas. As a weekend warrior to a specific casino, sure. Otherwise, no. I hate walking around Vegas. It's a hot filthy desert. We really do live in LA just for the blessed weather. 

I love what I did for work out here, just not where I was. Additionally it's IMPOSSIBLE to meet anyone out here. AND there's like four health food stores in the entire goddamn city.

You never consider yourself a snob... until you try living in Vegas. 

Nope. Just, nope.
I don't know what to do now.

I'll spend a few days hanging out with my pal in LA, and then?



The wind has been howling hard in Vegas all night long. I’m telling you, tonight there will be aliens!👽🛸  

Until then…


Heading back to LA in thirteen hours. I cannot wait. 

And goodnight. 😴💤 


Anthony Hopkins doing a TikTok/Instragram trend. That's it. That's all. Stop scrolling. Close your laptops. There is nothing else you're going to see tonight that will beat Anthony Hopkins.





I love this Youtube channel so very much. I fell asleep watching a part of this. So soothing and relaxing. I'll watch the rest of it while I'm packing up the rest of my stuff. Just beautiful. 


I love this link


As I’m packing to leave Las Vegas I make my final morning trips to the market. Every sunrise for the past four months I saw these ridges at 5am as I got off work. It’s the kind of sudden peaks and ridges perfect for an alien 👽 spaceship to fly over. Amiright? 

Area 51! 



Packing and getting ready to leave Las Vegas for good and head back to Los Angeles Monday morning. 

Just finished watching this amazing youtube. What an amazing story.





Hey Eric. Hey👋🏻 


Make her pay, Johnny. 


In 4 hours I can go outside.🥵 

This is what zombie apocalypse must be like.



Hold her to the money Johnny. Don't say Amber Heard doesn't have to pay you. HOLD HER TO THE MONEY. You got your name back but still hold her to the money.


I'm back in LA on Monday (thankfully!) All this hot/cold, hot/cold, Vegas heat, air conditioning, Vegas heat, air conditioning, is more than I can take. And then Tuesday or Wednesday (after both our doctor appointments) my friend and I are seeing Top Gun. I'm going to TRY making the 2 hours and 11 minutes without having to pee. That's my mission. Tom Cruise can save the world, I'm going to try not having to pee while he's doing it.  


So if you get an STD from your boyfriend by having sex in his car insured by… 🤯


What? Is he doing it wrong?😂



Heading back to Los Angeles Monday like:

And just like before in 2017, I'm growing my grey hair out. It's noticeable of course but not like last time when my hair was dyed black. Still, doing pretty okay for 53. 



I mean. 

Las Vegas, weekend warrior to your favorite casino to gamble and mess around, okay fine. But to live? No. Hard no. Coming back to LA on the 13th. 

Playing in background:



110 degrees. 


Just nope

Tapping out.

I'm chatting with a fella from this online MN date site. He wants to move to Wyoming. I like Wyoming. My dad used to take us to see the rodeos in Cheyenne during the summers. 

Of course these are more goals than plans.

Two nights ago I lost my vision. Not completely. Everything blurred together. Last night my vision was ok. Tonight my vision is a little blurry. 

I have neurologist and cardiologist appointments in LA next week. After my stroke I lost the vision in my left eye. I got it back thankfully. But as was explained to me, a part of my brain died when blood and oxygen were cut off due to the stroke. And because of my age otherwise normal deterioration of brain function can sometimes happen quicker after a stoke. Because of this I try keeping my brain very active. Use it or lose it. I play memory games on my phone. I try keeping up with writing though some days it's hard. I work. 

There is one fella I'm interested in from the date site. We're trying to arrange a first date when I get back to MN. He was scared to tell me he has a cast on his leg due to a dirt bike accident. Shit. How do you think I feel having to tell him I have brain damage?


Love the earlier episodes.



Biden is sounding more and more "Better red than dead." I absolutely hate it. I can't stand entitlement. Putin fired first. It's his war. Ukraine is willing to die on their feet and for that it is America's job to help them defend their country from tyranny. It will not end with Ukraine. It will not. 


It's 101 outside and the neighbor boy is playing basketball. Mobile hoops are a thing out here so the kids can shoot anywhere. 101! for people like me I'm trapped inside until the sun sets. Which is fine I guess for short term. But I love being outside too much. Outside, is supposed to be one of the free luxuries in life. I can be outside on a 10 degree clear winter day. But not on a 101 clear summer day. Nope. You can take the gal out of cold BUT you cannot take the cold out of... you know what I mean. 

My MN manhunt webpage is doing well. I keep getting near misses. "Missed it by (that) much." Religion, hunting, sport fishing, and beef cattle, are big deals in MN especially for farmers around my age. Errg. I want dairy cattle (cows) not beef cattle that will go to slaughter. Even my chickens will be pets. And for their eggs. I want to spend more time in the kitchen, less time on animals. Minnesota use to have more grain farmers. Especially soybeans these days now that more and more younger generations are vegan. That's after my time but I will happily learn how to grow soybeans. 

Lots of Harley bikers on the date site also. I forgot how many men in MN ride Harleys which always seemed weird to me. Like owning a Corvette. It's winter 8 months out of the years. I don't get it but whatever - smoke lightening heavy metal thunder (from June to October 1).  

I want two or three dogs to run the fence line, two dairy cows, four chickens, and of course if fate insists I spend the rest of my life alone I'll need to pick up a rifle. Or a high powered bow. How amazing would that be, "Old woman protects her cows and chickens from would-be thieves with rifle."        



Was Netflix always this bad? I scrolled and scrolled and found only four things I wanted to watch and three of the things I wanted to watch I had already seen.

I need brain distractors while planning cows.

At least there’s…


Get a job. Make payments.  



She really is the gift that keeps on giving. 


Don’t let ‘em think yer frm Chicago 


Oh yea dontcha know


I just want a man I want to do this to:



Ah Gen X'ers. What other generation now in their late 40's and 50's still have Facebook pages with their 1984 stage names? Particularly among the men. I imagine they are lamenting the days when their stripper girlfriends paid for everything: rent, bills, musical equipment, beer, drugs, clothes, botox... 

Now in his bloated 50's "Demon Mykill Anthony Roxx" looks like someone's aunt who passed away two years ago. 

Occasionally I'll pass The Whisky on Sunset. There's always young and adorable kids loading their musical equipment in through the back door without a care in the world. Ah memories. Meanwhile 25 years later Gen X'ers can't leave the house without blood thinners, an EpiPen, and pressure hosiery.  

By 8am the weather app said it was 78 degrees. HAHA no. It was 78 degrees 15 degrees ago.  

My bank randomly decided my ATM card was being used for nefarious reasons and supposedly sent me a new card (I’m still waiting for it), cutting off the current card or so I found out just as I was paying for groceries. Correction, just as I was trying to pay for groceries. So after three phone calls to the bank’s 1-800 number (which by the way is the only time I talk on the phone) I’m now standing outside the bank next morning waiting for it to open. 

“Are the doors locked?” Some woman behind me asks.

No honey. They’re not locked. I just demand an audience before summoning the doors open with the magical powers of “Hail Satan!” 

“Is the bank not open yet?” She annoyingly asks again.

Welp, it says right there on the bank door that it opens at 9am. I love how people suddenly pretend they don’t own a cell phone to see it's only 8:55am. 

When the bank opens I go inside and do my banking, relatively painless experience, and then head to chinatown square to buy one of those cute plain paper wooden handled Asian parasols. Only, when I got to chinatown square I found they had sold out of those parasols and all they now had left were these so I bought one:

The reason for buying a parasol is because:

109. I'm dead. Also why I work graveyard shifts.

It’s hot season in Vegas now. They call it summer. It’s not summer. It’s just hot. Stupid hot. Angry hot. Unnaturally hot. Suffering hot. Hellfire and brimstone hot. DO NOT bring your babies and pets to Las Vegas during hot season. You see these moron tourists with their dogs trying to shove them onto SCORCHING HOT escalators and getting furious that their dogs don’t want to get onto the 200 degree SCORCHING HOT metal steps. And all I can say is, I hope their dogs murder these assholes in their sleep. Forcing your dogs to walk on HOT pavement, then forcing your dogs to get on SCORCHING HOT escalators is what real abuse looks like, Amber Heard, not the bullshit your lying gold digger ass claimed. 

Are we taking bets on how long before Amber Heard starts an onlyfans account? 

She countersued Depp for 100 million dollars. TF?! For what exactly? Depp lost tens of millions of dollars from being ousted by Disney after Heard’s claim of abuse. Depp created the character Jack Sparrow. That’s his. He lost tens of millions (at the very least) because of Heard’s lies. What TF did she lose to claim a 100 million dollar loss for? That woman is just a blatantly gross gold digger. We all heard the tapes honey. We heard them. You lied oh so many times.

I’m glad social media dragged her. It warms my heart knowing women (all over the world) will call out a faker & a liar. You do NOT get to use real abuse other women have suffered just so you can cash in, you gold digging whore.

Which brings me to this…

I like my job. I like what I do. I like my boss. I’m only there part-time, I can’t wait to get back to LA and normal weather in a few weeks, but after three months being at this current job I’m learning the only reason for my position isn’t because of demand, it’s because my coworkers are unbelievably lazy. Therefore it’s become problematic for me. I can’t do work because other people are lazy. Now some people might say be glad there’s a position available for you. And I see their point, I just disagree with it, strongly. I cannot enjoy what I do when others deem what I do so beneath them that my boss actually had to invent my position. That simply will not do. Last Friday morning I quit. To which my boss promptly responded by saying, “No.”   

What do you mean no?

“I mean you can’t quit.”

And because I have history with my boss, I worked for her before for three years elsewhere, I gave her a lot of consideration when she said I couldn’t quit. We text back and forth, my boss and I, for 20 minutes which resulted with my not quitting but coming to a compromise regarding the role of my job. Last year after my stroke I swore I wasn’t going to work in another restaurant. I swore I wouldn’t put myself through that stress and aggravation again. Yet here we are. My options are open. Wide open. And lately, I’ve been thinking about cows. 

Cows are cheaper to have than children. Waaaay cheaper. I really do want to live on a small farm. Grow corn on the cob, have some chickens, milk my cows first thing every morning. Learn how to make apple cider and preserves, maybe cheese even. I fantasize living next door to Mennonites or Quakers (Like in Wisconsin or Minnesota) who are phenomenal farmers and cooks. I could truly learn a thing or two from them on how to wholly live off the land.

I’m just so tired. I feel like I’m trying way too hard to find work where I’m happy and not constantly at risk of having another stroke or heart attack. Same goes for searching for a boyfriend. I feel like I’m trying way too hard. 

It’s been said many times before - dating after 50 is like trying to find the least damaged thing at a thrift store that doesn’t smell. 

At 53 years of age I should be seeking happiness, right? I mean who knows how much longer I have. Any of us really. But especially me with all my medical issues. 

I’m familiar with cows. I know how to shelter them, feed them, keep them warm in the winters, and keep them healthy. I’ll need a refresher course on milking them but I imagine it’s like riding a bike. Once you start going you don’t forget. 

Me and my cows, we’re a package deal.

1992: That gal who carried 5 different tubes of lipstick, a compact, and condoms in her purse. 

2022: That gal who carries ice cold water, a clean empty little ceramic bowl, and cat food in her purse, and I don’t even have cats.


I smile




June is for Johnny, darling.



I'm not hot dirty sex - pretty. I couldn't sell hot dirty sex to anyone. I'm more hair care products, makeup, and clothes - pretty. But I can see Amber Heard selling 5 man gangbangs. Sure why not?  


Um. Porn. She could make a living doing porn. Althoooooo I don’t know any man who would hire her. Not a smart man anyway. Lots of stupid men everywhere I suppose.


I read this as "Ukraine". 

Because Biden doesn’t know how to scare the fuck out of Putin the way Reagan scared the fuck out of Gorbachev. 

Uvalde. If presidents hung up artwork of every child victim of a school shooting the White House would look like the Sistine Chapel of horror. 


Zoom calls be like:


10.4 million here. 5 million there. Whatever. Johnny won and that's all that matters.


I hate assholes who intentionally want to start war, grief, misery, because they feel entitled. I'm sick of entitlement. Real entitlement. Not that ridiculous Hollywood woke entitlement. I'm talking "give me because I deserve the world" entitlement. 

People need to learn how to talk to each other in a civilized tone. Make smarter choices. They need to learn to not punish others simply because they didn't get their way. Civility, you filthy animals. 


Yay Johnny! 

50 million was always going to be a hard no but 15 million was 8 million more than what I thought he would get. And 2 million for Heard all because the jury didn't like the word "hoax". Apparently one of Johnny's lawyers called Amber Heard's abuse allegation a hoax. Trump poisoned that word. You cannot say "hoax" without thinking Trump. 

Everyone knows Amber Heard LIED about Johnny Depp. Everyone heard those audio tapes. We know she's a liar. We know. Fuck you Disney. 


I gotta tell you, I've hated some women in my life but I really hate this Amber Heard. I hate everything she stands for - the lies, the manipulation, the outrageous gold digging, her shitty casting couch acting, everything. Everything about her sucks.

I care more about Johnny Depp getting justice than I do over the fact that my bank randomly cut off my atm card because they think there was fraudulent spending on it. (sigh!) 

But like I said...

"Do it for Johnny, man. We do it for Johnny!"

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