Saturday, August 1, 2020

Player 1: LEVEL AUGUST ffs



Not now. I’m building EMPIRE!


Dude, I won’t even bother rolling a food truck until the end of covid, a vaccine, and more than a month goes by without restaurants re-closing. I know how to sell food safely but who would buy it? Can you blame them? I’m still aggro if people aren’t 6 feet back wearing a mask. 


I considered meatballs. 

Sooooo what’re y’all up to nowadays? ๐Ÿ˜

Great menu


MENU idea #1

$1 tacos 
Homemade meatloaf pita sandwich
(One more main food item)
Fried potato wedges
Chocolate chip cookie cup
Bottled water 
Canned sodas 



In Trump’s America, if that orange idiot is reelected another four more disastrous years, he’ll force me to put this sign on my (hypothetical) food truck under his “law & order”.

I won’t be able to open a truck until 2021 anyway.  

Some of the ideas I’ve read in these books are great. Especially how to convert an assortment of vehicles into food trucks. 

This is an old EMT vehicle. 

This is an old school bus. Pre-pandemic. Brilliant.

An old double decker. UK. 

If Trump steals this election I won’t even advertise. I’ll stay local in minority based neighborhoods. Not the beach. No predominately white neighborhoods. I’ll serve affordable good food to people Trump deems ok to murder. 



There’s nothing conservative or Republican about Trump. I was a registered Republican for the near whole of my 51 years of adult life until Trump’s presidency. Trump’s administration is the Trump administration. Only white supremacists and people who are afraid of minorities will vote for this moron. He leads by fear. He knows absolutely nothing about politics, history, the constitution, geography, the English language... 


He’s not my favorite living artist, but he’s up there. 

Apparently I’m supposed to cook my meatloaf on the (hypothetical) food truck with a toaster oven. They say it can be done. 


Should I buy my “colored only” sign now or wait to see what happens in November? 

What a nightmare. 

AUGUST .... still?


Someone please tell Wolfgang Puck, a cute food truck in Beverly Hills is not what “glamping” means. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I made chicken nuggets. Look again. It’s tofu! Mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!

In the last two weeks I made... And yes I make my breakfast gravy with breakfast sausage and sautรฉed mushrooms. Homemade biscuits too. 


I was going to have a drink but needed something stronger. And since I don’t bake, I pulled out the big guns. Vanilla ice cream & root beer. 

Can you believe there are people in this country who don’t know what this is? WHAT? ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ


Good intentions. Poor planning. Regardless, c’mon Europe, get it together. 


Ratings. ๐Ÿ™„ Glad people know what’s important. 

AUGUST 9027731


We’re all watching RATCHED when it comes out on Netflix yes? Yessss!

Today I battle eggplant. I never much cared for eggplant. My dad grew them in the garden. ๐Ÿ˜ But a dear friend likes eggplant and so today I put on my apron for...  eggplant ๐Ÿ†. ๐Ÿ˜

I have a few ideas. When all else fails pour single malt on each slice and char TF out of them. No. Really. Why do you think sober chefs keep bottles of hard liquor around? Ha! I’m kidding. There’s no such thing as a sober chef.  

Cheers! ๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚



He forgot to mention all the slaves and slaughter of American Indians when talking about his “American heroes”. This is a nazi rally. 


Doing the other half of foodtruckery, the business end.  

Still made a plate of homemade season fries tho. That’s just one yellow potato. Home cut fries are far cheaper than frozen. And taste far better.

Meals I made in the past two weeks. 


Every food truck should have a $1 item. The fallout of this pandemic (Hello, it’s almost September!) is hurting everyone. I check out my hypothetical competition and realize we’re not all after the same goal. $10 for a meatloaf sandwich? What? I’m not going to be rich from a food truck. I just want to work for myself, feed my community, make fresh good homemade food, reasonable prices, and be able to support myself doing so. That would be my goal. I don’t need anything fancy or cameras in my face, I just want to be that one food truck that serves fresh food every day at a very reasonable price. 

$1 taco, $5 meatloaf pita sandwich or something like that, everything made and stored fresh within 24 hours prior, $1 tacos as you order them. 

I really like this setup but I need an actual truck. I’m making both hot and cold items, plus I need a fryer... hypothetically speaking. Isn’t she adorable? 

Last night I made my $1 tacos again. I think I finally nailed the recipe. Don’t think cooks don’t practice. We practice!

And practice. And practice. 



I never get tired watching these. Trump has no idea what cameras do. 



If I saw white people doing this on the sidewalk, I’d cross the street and 5150 their crazy asses. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I don’t doubt Melania Trump could have been a really good and decent person. But she was seduced by the dark side. 


Look at how Trump folds his arms across his chest and scowls at his wife as she gives her speech. He’s such a bunghole.


Eric Trump just declared how proud he is of his father. Let’s see if Donald Trump says the same thing of his son. I’m guessing no.

By the way...


178,000 DEAD 


You ate pork bunghole! ๐Ÿคญ



I made another meatless breakfast dish. Avocado toast. Side vegetarian sausages infused with maple syrup. Hence the char. 


Pork butthole on CHOPPED.

“So, you lost on CHOPPED, huh.”
“Ha! What did you lose on? What dish?”
“Pork Bunghole.”
“Wh... ??”
“Yeah. Bunghole. I lost on bunghole.”


“She’s not swallowing. She spits the food out after a few chews. You can see it in the edits.” 

Do you have any idea how long it takes to shoot those eating videos? No. You don’t. You’ve never tried it. Instead you just criticize. And like a crazy person, you’re examining frame by frame for edit cuts. 

1. Edits are necessary. They’re taking 60-90 minutes worth of video and turning them into 15-20 minutes worth of entertaining content. Do you need to see all the frames where she takes the noodles back out of her mouth a few times because it was too hot, before she puts the noodles back into her mouth to eat them? No. That’s one minute of unnecessary content. Maybe director Peter Jackson can explain to you what unnecessary content is sometimes.๐Ÿ˜

2. And so what if she spits the food out on occasion. She’s filming herself eating for your amusement. No one is curing cancer here. It’s entertainment. 

3. Don’t even get me started on advertisements in their videos. If you see eaters eating Taco Bell, it’s a good chance they got paid. And that’s what really bothers you isn’t it? That they get paid to eat.

You know...

Maybe I’m being too hard on Guy Fieri. But I have friends who weren’t born in the right gender identified bodies. We’ve had (many) talks and cry-outs about dating, love, surgeries, acceptance, lack of tolerance, etc., and still having to hide their true selves in order to get work and be accepted in society on the daily. They’re miserable having to hide. So yes I’m sensitive to people calling them weird or freaks. I don’t care who you are. I want to like Guy. I really do. But saying “Oh I was young and not educated enough on the subject then...” isn’t enough. 



Trump looks like he needs plasma.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


Dh’ahahaha! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ I don’t know which is worse, his reading or his jaundice. His makeup girl had some fun. Good job. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


I never get tired watching this. Steve Bannon stole a million dollars from people who donated to a boarder wall. You guys didn’t consider this might happen? Why? Because Bannon is so honest? ๐Ÿคจ


I don’t have a problem with rich people. It’s when they steal from others that makes me mad. Such a blatant disregard. Disgusting. This judge is my new hero. 



I was *this close* to accidentally making carrot ice cream. I blended a bunch of ice cubes, tossed in some carrots, celery, sugar, milk, and made a sweet carrot shake. It sounds totally disgusting but it taste pretty good and, come to find on Google had I added brown sugar, heavy cream, and apple cider vinegar, I would have made carrot ice cream. A soft cold version of carrot cake. 


This is how food gets made. 

So, hey there internet, heeey. Question, who in the land of Google has a camera secured locked gate with space I can rent out to store my (hypothetical) food truck at night? I would need access to my truck anytime between the hours of 4am - 4pm. 

The food truck menu was not going to include a $1 street taco but I’m (hypothetically) adding it until the tacos run out. And they will. 


I’ve watched this video more times than I should admit. 


Soooo... it’s a tornado... with.... sharks? ๐Ÿคจ

Since Del Taco ๐ŸŒฎ upped its $1 Taco game, I was inspired to tweak my $1 beef taco. 

This was my first $1 taco with different hot sauce, seasoning, and (Ralph’s bought) tortillas. I made last Thursday. Yep a meat patty. Easier to eat on the go. 

And this is what I just made minutes ago. Can you see the difference in tortillas? This tortilla is made authentically with natural ingredients and a tortilla press. Both are corn tortillas. This is my $1 street taco. The tomato ๐Ÿ… divot is where it was plucked off the vine. I used a vine tomato for this.


Good job ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Del Taco ๐ŸŒฎ 


Trump is the queen of cancel culture. 

I’m thinking of naming my truck GRANDMA’S. That way people can say “Grandma’s downstairs” or “Lets have lunch at Grandma’s.”


(Plaidskirttorpedoes) street  tacos, may not look like much, but they taste like magic. *wink*


If I get a food truck I’m going to be living in it quite possibly for the rest of my life. 

Yesterday I got “fish & chips” from a place that does nothing but fish and chips, and it was awful. Horrible. First of all they don’t even make the fish or the chips, so obviously frozen processed conveyer belt crap, and for $18 not including the tip. They have ONE JOB. Over the age of (say) 27, who eats this way? Frozen processed junk.  I make real fried fish and cut my own potatoes from scratch, and could sell a basket of fish and chips for much less than $18. I know how much food costs. The question is, how dead are Americans taste buds?

By the way, rockstars are people who play rock ‘n roll music AND THEN become stars. Ergo ROCK STARS.  

Hate to get real so early in the morning. Well, no, that’s not true. 

I miss music before MTV. I liked AC/DC better before the videos. Then again Bon Scott was a better singer. 


(Are you sick of me saying “anywho” yet?)

A dear friend got me some killer tortillas yesterday. I could sell these street tacos for $1 each and make a killing if I may say so myself. 

100% natural delicious food. It’s not as expensive as people think. If you know where to go. 



You’re shocked? Really? I have a demon hand holding a flaming skull tattoo on my back shoulder. I don’t hide who I am. Just because I like real food, real drinks, bathe, had a decent childhood, and surround myself with kind honest real people, doesn’t mean I won’t make a point to fuck you when you act less than deserving. 

Take your arrogance and shove it up your ass. That’s about as civil as I get with creeps.


Busy day. Omg. Tired. Exhausted. Seriously beat. And then I learned Frankie Banali died of cancer. ๐Ÿ’”


Guy Fieri doesn’t like Jews either? He doesn’t like the lgbtq ๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ communities or Jews? What? Where does Food Network find these people? So disappointing. 



Correct. It did not have to be this way. 



THEM: If you don’t have sex with black men you’re a RACIST!


ME: Black lives matter!

THEM: White lives matter! You’re a RACIST! 



“Sir” Robert Irvine ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

He was discovered by Prince Charles, back when he was a chef on a Royal Navy vessel. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

What a dick.


I made chicken salad for lunch. It’ll be served in a pita but I’m still watching my quarantine weight. No pita today. The Cabernet wine soaked cheese I grated into the chicken salad is amazing.



Dear future husband number two, if ever I get rushed to the hospital, pretend to care and come to the hospital yourself. Please don’t have someone from your staff make an appearance for you because you’re too busy banging your assistant. 

For the love of health someone please gift Ree Drummond a treadmill. Maybe she’ll get the hint. 


Aaaaand what do all these people have in common? ๐Ÿ˜


It’s funny in a sad and delusional way how there are still white people with a 1930’s mentality who think they are the majority in this country. 

Trump has no idea how deeply hated he is in this country by the majority. 

Security walking Trump out of the White House like a 70 year old hooker at the Beverly Hills Dolce and Gabbana. 


I can’t watch Asian video blogs anymore. Asian people will eat anything. What I assumed was beef ramen soup (photo) turned out to be dog ramen soup when I hit translate. Bull testicles and intestines. Tripe. I can’t do it. So fucking gross. I’d have more respect if it was chicken feet. — No. No I wouldn’t.  


As soon as I posted the lgbtq ๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ flag and wrote BLM (black lives matter) I lost 70 followers. 

It’s just food. No one among them is curing cancer. 


What’s that? Guy Fieri doesn’t like gay people? And Ree Drummond is a racist? (gasp!) I’m shocked. ๐Ÿ™„ 

I’ve seen maybe three episodes of Ree Drummond on Food Network. In one of those episodes Drummond made a tofu dish, in another she made an Asian dish. And of course she made the snarky comment about learning how to cook tofu during her time in California. 

You know...

It’s always amazing to me when rich people refuse to buy a treadmill. 




Working on potential food truck menu. All day. All. Day. 


You should know “Here, eat this. What do you think?” Is how I now greet people at the door.



Hmm hmm hmm. Oh nothing. Just waiting for the end. In the meantime I made meatloaf, fried potatoes, and braised carrots. 


For the love of kittens. Will someone please read the constitution to that orange moron. Trump does not have authority to regulate the mail. Congress does, yes? 


Oh nothing. End of days. That’s all. Checking out the CDC website...

168,696 DEATHS



There’s no need to be so uncivilized towards an animal just to eat it. Understand? I already hate many meat eating practices, from all of us, that said, I just do not understand intentionally torturing an animal (especially for content!) before cooking it. If you’re going to eat a duck, kill it swiftly and prep the duck for cooking. There’s no need to torture it first. THERE’S NO NEED TO TORTURE IT FIRST. A real chef does not need to torture an animal for added flavor, and that includes cooking it alive. Do not cook the animal alive! If you don’t know how to swiftly and painlessly cleve life from limb, and still make an excellent dish, you’re not a chef. Like the drummer for the Smithereens (The Smiths?) once said in an interview, “You don’t need more than a five piece drum kit to be an amazing drummer.” 



When politicians disparage bartenders but want bars open. Pour those creeps your best woolly mammoths. ๐Ÿ˜‰ On the House. 


Made a homemade charcuterie board for brunch.



Scripted worse than a Trump rally. ๐Ÿ˜‚



I was going to make spinach bowls but opted out of bread bowls. Carbs. Chose fresh veggies and crackers instead. 


I miss Eat With Boki. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ

How-to be an instant millionaire: Be a pretty (young) lady who likes to eat. 


I make a steak with mushroom gravy, not mushroom gravy steak, that’s a Salisbury steak and those are eehh. My steak mushroom gravy is onion garlic broth based for real steak eaters only. I grew up in THE steak and potatoes capital of America. I know a good cooked steak. That said, I don’t eat steaks anymore. I grew up eating steaks three to four times a week ffs. I’ve probably eaten 100 cows by myself. I haven’t now since the 90’s. Cook them, yes. Eat them, no. I only cook food that will be eaten. Not just for pictures. When I know the steaks will be eaten afterwards I’ll make some.

You do realize those cooking/baking shows waste all the food made. My god they waste so much food. It all gets dumped out. It’s tv. The food is fluffed up for the camera. Even the food judges eat. The mysterious fourth dish specifically gets a makeup job for camera close ups. So to all the tv chefs who criticize high end food photography, and photo filters, I’ve seen your food get airbrushed. ๐Ÿ˜‚

My food photos are taken on an iPhone. 

All the food I make for photos is 100% food and always gets eaten afterwards. We’re in the middle of an economic catastrophe. And even if we weren’t, I don’t waste. 

At least try to be conscientious.


This morning I made biscuits and gravy. Homemade biscuits. Homemade gravy. Still pondering a food truck... or cooking show? 




Jeannine Pirro acts like the self loathing Lebanese girl who was snubbed by pretty blonde hair blue eyed white girls in high school. Oh sweetheart. They didn’t accept you then. They don’t accept you now. 


Throwback. Cheese!

Last night I made biscuits. They’re good.

Tagline: They’re ugly biscuits but they taste like magic ๐Ÿž



Someone get senile Trump off stage. He rambles nonsense like that uncle you’re grateful to see only once a year when he wants to borrow money.๐Ÿ˜‚



I remember seeing live music. Hot sweaty small beloved dark little club, margaritas, band on stage, step outside for a minute to catch the midnight ocean air. I remember good times.


I made lasagna roll-up yesterday (2 packages sweet Italian sausage in lieu of hamburger meat) aaaand apparently people like lasagna. 

And today I made celery appetizer because there’s leftover lasagna.๐Ÿท



I don’t have a problem with people criticizing my cooking. I’ve worked in restaurants, bars, hotels, casinos, catered, I’ve worked every position in a restaurant and bar since 1985. Yeah I’m old. (But I still look amazing.) 

I’ve been criticized by the best and worst of them. My problem is with people who have never cooked, or have no interest cooking, who don’t cook, yet want to make a living criticizing other people’s cooking. What are your creds? That you like to eat? Get out of here.

As I’ve always said, if people want to steal my images and do (whatever with them) it’s not a battle I chose to fight. Why? Because you’re not me. 


Dear millionaires ffs, if you buy a house with 30 acres of land, learn how to use...

Every time I read about another rich person getting lost (on their own property) I am reminded just how many people in this country would die in the Midwest alone because of all it’s natural flat land. We are quickly becoming the only living beings that cannot survive outdoors overnight. ๐Ÿ™„



Oh no. There was gunfire reported outside the White House. Worry not, Trump was escorted into safety by secret service. 

Survivors of Stoneman Douglas High School, 2018, or any school shooting survivors, your thoughts? 




Nope. Tofu. Surprise! And it’s good. People who “ew” tofu never had it cooked properly. 

Crispy pan fried noodle on the bottom, fried tofu in a sweet soy sauce, topped with sunny up eggs. Meatless meal. I made it today. 


I do have social media. If you’re not a foodie you won’t be into it. I got back into cooking couple months ago. My IG is mostly pics of food I make. I’m pondering a food truck... or something. 

Yep. You see it. Dried beef on toast. White gravy. Or SOS as military kids call it. And it’s good. I’ll make it for you. 

I don’t bake. Nope.


Oh Len

Me partying like it’s 1999, because it was. Good times. 


Back when windmills didn’t cause cancer. ๐Ÿ˜


There’s no reason this pandemic should have lasted this long. Not in America. 

This is the thing that will kill murder us, this pandemic. Of all the bad decisions we’ve made in life, THIS is the thing that will kill murder us.

1998-2000 I worked in a bar on sunset strip. Len was my boss. Super nice human being. I just learned he died 2 1/2 months ago from coronavirus. 

I liked my job. I hated leaving Len but times were changing. I was getting older. Wanted different things. It was fun while it lasted. Rest now, Len. We’ll being seeing you. ๐Ÿ’”



Trump doesn’t have authority to make such promises. He really should have someone explain the constitution to him sometime. 


Security walking Trump out of the White House like Ozzy Osbourne after he pee’d on the Alamo cenotaph in 1982.


I’m all fucked up regarding what day it is. I have no idea anymore. I see a ton of cat pics on social media so it must be Caturday. 

Bill, you know there’s more than one underline medical condition that’s susceptible to coronavirus, yes? There’s around 20. Losing weight does nothing if you have one or more of the other underline medical conditions. Though I agree people are choosing to gain weight rather than being active just around the house. Still...



No idea what cameras do. None. Trump has no idea. 


“I’ve done a job like no one else ever would.” — TRUMP

160,000 DEAD

Yep. Agreed. No one else would ever do this to the American people but Trump. And that’s why America is voting Trump out in November. 

Biden, putting the “A” back in America. 


If I saw an old white man on the street ranting and raving like Trump’s doing right now about Biden, I’d think Trump was an old demented creep, and cross the street. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Professional athletes and actors do not apologize when they get paid extra for wearing commercial gear, or eating commercial foods while at their jobs, nor should they apologize. Professional foodies aren’t hurting anyone getting paid to eat. People are just mad they’re not getting paid too. 


I’m sorry you felt the need to explain yourself. I’m sorry people are stupid. This whole thing is ridiculous. OF COURSE if an asmr eater is eating Taco Bell, it’s an advert you’re getting paid for. SMDH. 

In translation this is what this asmr eater wrote...



“Yo-she-mite” — Trump





“Biden wants to take away your guns... “ 
— Trump

Wow. Biden’s looking rather pretty these days.๐Ÿคจ


People just mad when others make $10,000 per 15 minute YouTube video. 

There’s a little boy who makes millions a year on YouTube just to play with toys. 



— Trump


Security walking Trump out of the White House like a Karen who refuses to wear a mask at Gelson’s. 



Wait. What? So every time you see a Budweiser commercial in a movie, you want the actors to stop acting, turn, face the camera, hold up cans of Budweiser and tagline, “Budweiser, so pure you can feel it. So pure you can taste it” and then immediately go back to the scene? ๐Ÿค” You’re an idiot. 


Boki lives in South Korea. And while I’m sure all of you are accountants proficient in South Korean tax laws ๐Ÿ™„ what do her tax records have to do with not wanting her content interrupted every five minutes so OTHER PEOPLE can make money off her popularity and content?

No no. Take your time. Think it through. 


When you watch a movie and see Coke bottles sitting on a table, or random Ferrari emblems, or Taco Bell restaurants, we, as adults, automatically presume the likelihood that they’re paid advertisers, yes? 

So then why do you care if ASMR eaters get paid to eat the food of their advertisers? Do you want film makers to stop the movie every time an advert pops up? No. We automatically presume the possibility those Nike shoes the leading man is wearing is a paid advert. You guys nitpick the most ridiculous shit. 

When you see Boki, from Eat With Boki, eating Burger King, unless you’re a complete moron, she’s probably getting paid by Burger King to eat Burger King products, yes? Are you watching Boki for the adverts, or to watch her eat? If you watch her to watch her eat, then who cares what she’s eating and if she’s getting paid?

Her complaint, like mine would be, is when YouTube interrupts her videos, mid video, for adverts she’s not getting paid for. So, boys and girls, regardless if Boki pays for the Burger King she’s eating, or not, you should be more mad that her videos are being interrupted every five minutes for adverts not having anything to do with Boki’s content? 

I’m sure you’ll disagree with me. I don’t care. One day you’ll see what’s relevant. I hope. 


How long before Trump’s on his way to Beirut to throw them a roll of paper towels?



Oh my gooooooooooood. Just when I think this orange moron can’t get any dumber... challenge accepted!! 

So. Regrets. Anyone? 


Holy shit. Governor Romney would have been a better president. Who saw that coming?


Who? Mercedes Schlapp? The same uninformed nitwit that lied, rant, and raved like a blonde bobbed Karen, by saying Biden wants open boarders to welcome undocumented immigrants into the country. Which is not true. And not two breaths after she said that, Trump said he was going to provide “a road to citizenship” program for dreamers. Sooo.... 

Mercedes Schlapp is a nitwit.

Trump is a lying nitwit.


Anyone who thinks social security is “free money” from the government needs a lesson in American economics, or better yet look at someone’s paycheck. 


Ha. It was a “false alarm”. Little Trump got scared of a sign that read “Republicans Against Trump” and boot scooted off stage. Now it’s being reported someone in the crowd yelled “Gun!” ๐Ÿ™„ 

If someone yelled “gun” prove it. I was watching. Never heard anyone yell “gun”. 



The country is falling to ruin but Trump’s only concern is...

The pandemic could have been handled in April. But there’s a moron in the White House. 



Nevada. Staged? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„

“He flipped me off and I got scared. Mommy! And by mommy I mean Ivanka!”



JOJO RABBIT was great except for scenes between JOJO and his mom, and JOJO and the girl in the Wall. Those were boring af. 

ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD was good in some spots. The Bruce Lee Character was a dick. 

I absolutely loved MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. 

Still drawing but so what. This country is being run into the ground.


Trump doesn’t think white people are poor. Politicians don’t know what being poor is. If you make less than $75,000 a year, guess what, you’re poor. 


According to Google the Hippocratic Oath “First do no harm” does not appear in the AD 245 version of the Oath. So? Every man for himself?

She’s a goon. Birx sat there and said nothing when Trump said disinfectant and light would cure Covid-19. 


Wooo. It’s Monday. (not that it matters!)

He lists his profession as “celebrity spouse”. ๐Ÿ˜‚ He actually listed his profession as “celebrity spouse”.


Dr Birx is a Trump goon. No one is going to trust a doctor who lies. 


Yes, Biden will “clean Trump’s clock”, but then again an espresso machine could clean Trump’s clock. And be more useful.  


Who knew a pandemic would wipe out movie theaters. All of this could have been prevented back in April. And in May. And in June. And in July. But more importantly all of this could have been prevented last April had Trump acted like a president instead of playing golf and Tweeting. 

And though I much rather be in LA with my friends, I’d like to go back to my life please and thank you.

Watched BOMBSHELL last night after shutting off LITTLE WOMEN. Is it just me or is there more interesting movies/TV shows on Netflix than the big screen? That is, when there was big screen. Waaay back when there was big screen. Bombshell was ok. We know the story right? The main actresses were spot-on. Maybe I’m just sick of creepy pervy men. I’ve hit my lifetime limit. 


Just tell Trump Tik Tok is in China, Michigan. (Like Trump knows where Michigan is)

Salmonella outbreak in onions. No onions. ffs 



Trump hates Tik Tok because Sarah Cooper makes fun of him on it. Sooooo Microsoft is trying to buy Tik Tok, that way Trump can’t say Chinese-owned Tik Tok is a “security risk” to America. God bless you, super billionaires. ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ต

Welp here we go again. Trump, the idiot who doesn’t know the difference between “origins” and “oranges”, still thinks he’s smarter than an infectious disease specialist five past presidents, both Democrat and Republican, praised and awarded. 



Lightening over Statue of Liberty

Trump has angered the gods.

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