Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Player 1: Level July (Update July 31)



He’s Donald Trump. And he supports this mess...


Anyone know where I can buy some bitcoin? πŸ˜‰

So tell me again about voter fraud?

Can no one on Trump’s payroll explain to him what cameras do? 


What about the Karens? Won’t someone please think of the Karens! Don’t worry future SNAPPED! episodes, Trump still has his page. For now. But just wait until November when he Twitter storms himself into a brain aneurism.

Wow. Even in death John Lewis outclasses Republicans.


I remember a time when the village idiot was given jobs like “Stay here and watch the car.” 

Trump has proven himself to be the village idiot of all idiots. Funny AF on TV, a nightmare in the White House. 

Trump has proven to know absolutely nothing about politics, life, or the world in general. He knows absolutely NOTHING. 

NOTHING!!!!! What an embarrassment.


Good morning starshine. The earth says hell...

Drag Ghislaine Maxwell. Drag that sex trafficking pedophile HARD! Drag her until not even god Google recognizes her! Birds of a feather pedophile together. 

What’s that? Pedophiles picked up underaged girls at Mar-a-lago? 



I turned off Joker.
I hated Birds of Prey.
I barely got through Knives Out.


Security walking Trump out of the White House like a hobo in a Las Vegas casino. 


Why, Brick? What does his kitchen look like? Photos. If the kitchen doesn’t make sense I WILL rearrange it. 


Oh yeah. I been saying, muscle up, lawyers! 


Earthquake? Yeah sure why not? 




No sir, we most certainly are not better off than we were four years ago.  



A bunch of old politicians trying still to figure out search engines. Oops. I meant to tap that out in Morse Code. πŸ™„


R-Louis Gohmert Jr., loud anti masker just tested positive for Covid-19. How old is he? 66? Don’t worry. Trump knows a witch doctor who can cure him with alien demon seed sex dreams. 




The only thing Reagan said about the assassination attempt on his life was, “You missed.” And then he didn’t talk about it again in public. I’m old. I was alive during that time.  

How old were we, twelve?

That afternoon I was across the street from my house, standing in my friend’s driveway chatting with him and his sister. My friend’s mom suddenly called him into the house. A brief moment later my friend stuck his head out the door and exclaimed, “The president’s been shot!”

And now, 2020, the idiot president of the United States...



Ivanka Trump said “Try something new” like I couldn’t figure that out on my own as Covid-19 continuously forces my unemployment. πŸ™„ And as I’ve said before, had I not had respiratory tract infections in my 20’s and early 30’s I suspect from a disgusting smoking habit I’ve since kicked, with additional bronchitis every other winter, I’d move back to my home state of Minnesota and grow corn and soy beans. Yet one more occupation the government “loves” supporting. πŸ™„ 

Still, I think I could be very happy just growing corn for the rest of my life. It’s in the stars if you believe in that kind of thing. I’m a Capricorn & Chinese Rooster. Very old school. I still wash most of my clothes by hand, scrub the floors by hand, and enjoy simple living so’s to really enjoy those rainy days. I’m one of those nutjobs who lives in Southern California just for the weather. 

Thank goodness for my friends. I would be homeless right now without them. 

A very good chef friend of mine got me back into cooking. Something I fell out of doing some years back (cough) when I got married (cough) but have found enjoyment in it once more. 

Do we follow each other on social media? If not, this is pretty much what my pages consist of. Food I’ve cooked. Food I’ve made for others and myself to eat. Inexpensive. Food I grew up with. These are the most recent items.

That’s my thing. Inexpensive. Simple. Ingredients you’ll use more than once. Childhood. What a wonderful time to be alive. It’s made me appreciate my childhood. This pandemic mess. This idiot president. Being a kid was great. Is it so horrible wanting that great feeling again? Is it so horrible to want kids today to know that great feeling also? If the 80’s was so terrible, than why does society keep it going strong in music, films, tv, clothes... 

I loved the 80’s. Some things need not come back like the big hair, awful prom dresses, and mass teenage pregnancies, but rather the beautiful world of simplicity. Not having a care in the world. Back then I really didn’t. I did not have a single worry. 

I’d give anything to have that again. 

A&W root beer has that frothy mug taste! Ask an old person what that means. Or better yet, get you a 2 liter bottle of A&W, pour it into the biggest mug or glass you have, and plop on two scoops of vanilla ice cream. And drink. It’s so nice. Relaxing. 

And as I refresh with my frosty root beer float, my happy thought is, we so gotta get rid of that orange idiot in the White House. The country needs to relax. We need a break. For the love of kittens, we need a break!


Muscle up, lawyers. There’s going to be A LOT of these.

Rep. Debbie Lesko has to go. 

LESKO: People are scared
TRANSLATION: White people are scared.

LESKO: More guns are being purchased than ever before.
TRANSLATION: Only White people should own guns.

LESKO: All this looting going on...
TRANSLATION: Only Federal government should be allowed to loot your paychecks.


AG Bill Bar looks like a creepy high school gym teacher who has a triple padlock door in his own basement. πŸ”ͺ 



Rep. Douglas Collins can go fuck himself.


I’m going to listen to the FDA who said hydroxychloroquine was ineffective back in June. Because, science.

Isn’t it interesting how the GOP will cut your much needed $600 unemployment boost down to $200, or nothing at all, to instead give 2 BILLION DOLLARS to the FBI’s headquarter building (located across Trump International Hotel, FYI) for renovations. Renovations! One more crackerjack example of the Federal government hard at work for the American people. Is what’s-her-name First Lady going to be in charge of renovating the FBI building too? Or are you waiting to see what she does with the Rose Garden? Probably a wise decision to wait.

I’m not a lawyer but I’m curious, why do businesses and schools need liability protection from COVID-19 based lawsuits if it’s safe to send kids back to school? 🀨

America is about to enter it’s fifth month of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, 4.3 MILLION SICK, 150,000 DEAD, which never would have happened had Trump not disbanded the pandemic team back in 2018 to finance his wall. 

Trump’s more afraid of people with brown skin than a deadly pandemic. And that’s all you need to know about him.

End this presidency.



It’s being reported that Big Pharma is pretty much telling Trump to go fuck himself. They’re not lowering their costs of anything. And thanks to laws protecting Big Pharma, Trump will have to get his vaccines elsewhere. Hmm πŸ€” China? Oh no wait, that idiot keeps calling COVID-19 the “China Virus” so they’re out. 


I hope every lawyer in America is getting ready for the hailstorm of lawsuits that will follow THE MOMENT secret service escorts Trump out of the White House like an IKEA employee who stole a $349 Lommarp! 


Ha. The Yankees didn’t even invite you. What a buffoon! 

Pathetic excuse for a man! 

Illegal whatnow? 


Trump can make a big show of signing an executive order to lower Medicare/medical drug costs but this administration won’t make it a priority to see it through. That’s why he’s doing it now. 

100 days. 


So we missed the part where I listed all the wonderful charities and foundations former First Ladies made as their priority with the White House administration i.e. breast cancer, equal rights, education, etc., and decided to instead go with (checks itinerary) revamping the White House Rose Garden? Are you ducking kidding me? What in the ducking... πŸ¦†!!!!!!!

How many tries will the First Lady get to makeover the Rose Garden? ‘Cuz I mean...



Hmm πŸ€” Vaccines. Riiiggghht. Are you sure it’s not because...


Let’s talk FIRST LADIES. 


Promoted women volunteering their time to various charities as she herself took on many missions of goodwill — orphanages, schools, and hospitals around the world. 

She was the first First Lady to enter a combat zone. 

BETTY FORD, Republican

Rose awareness to breast cancer. She supported equal rights. She was pro choice. She was a leader for women’s rights. She promoted gun control. She was the first First Lady to admit to, and raise awareness for substance abuse. 


She was on the board of directors for the National Association of Mental Health. She was honored by the National Organization for Women, and supported the Equal Rights Amendment. She received the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Services, and always considered Betty Ford a role model. 

NANCY REAGAN, Republican 

You remember Nancy, “Just say no”. She wanted people to not do drugs and become homeless junkies. 

What a horrible person, I know. [end sarcasm]

BARBARA BUSH, Republican 

Started the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. And since immigrants from Latin America were statistically high in illiteracy (during her tenure) she felt it was important to educate immigrants for the betterment of family and society, rather than, you know, putting them in cages. 

Etc, etc...

SO, in closing for now, you see what I’m saying here right? None of these First Ladies would think THIS WOMAN is an example of being a fine upstanding American. And yet, this is Trump’s base. 

I’m not saying women should go back into the kitchen barefoot, of course not, I’m saying once upon a time women, the better half, made this country better by donating generosities for the ENTIRE country to harvest. What power. What strength. 

America has not had a First Lady (or First Gentleman) in four years. We’re a country with no leader. 



All women, especially moms want to live in a country who’s leader isn’t friends with pedophiles and sex traffickers. 

Can we agree on that? 

Can we agree pedophiles and sex trafficking are bad. And god only knows what Trump did to his daughters?





Are both Conservative/Republican groups taking down Trump’s white trash GOP to then rebuild it from the ground up. Almost everyone in the current GOP has to go if Republicans are ever going to get the conservative vote back. And who knows, maybe by then we won’t want to come back. To start, try crawling on your hands and knees like the filthy animals you are. Let’s see what happens. 😏

By god we’re going to make you Republican women be loving caring (showered!) human beings once more. 

We’re sick of your Trump adoring shit. And by “we” I mean...

EVERYONE in the majority!


There’s a difference between conservatives and republicans, but republicans were the ones who valued conservatism, that’s how they got our votes. 

Now republicans value stupidity, cruelty, and greed. That’s why come November Biden is getting our votes. 


As I’ve said before. I’m a 1980’s conservative woman. That’s when I last agreed with and looked up to Republican women in the party. I cannot relate to so called “conservative” women today. Y’all just do what you want, when you want, with zero regard to your family, friends, or society, and that ladies, isn’t being conservative. It’s called being ugly and selfish. And that will not do. That’s why Republicans continue to lose votes within your party. We’re sick of your shit. 

These Right-wing female scream-O’s (I’m looking at you Laura Ingraham) ranting and raving about rights and liberties, opening bars and hair salons, are SELFISH. You’re selfish. Go home and take care of your family, or someone else’s family who may need your help since your only care in the world are bars and hair salons. WTF is wrong with you? 

Betsy DeVos wants to murder your children. Don’t let her.

Knowing the lyrics to Sweet Home Alabama, owning a semi automatic weapon, or having Yosemite Sam mud flaps on your truck, doesn’t make you more American, and it certainly doesn’t make you a conservative. Jacqueline Kennedy and Michelle Obama, were/are more conservative than these bastardized Republican women today. I’m totally looking at you Jeanine Pirro.

The Republican Party is a disgrace. Women used to be the voice of reason when men got all whakadoo, and now unless we grew up together, there’s not five Republican women I could stomach having cocktail hour with.



Ok you win Google. Format my blog however you see fit. After 7 years, you’ve earned the right to win a few fights. My five readers will adjust. 


It’s “Land of the free and home of the brave.”

Not “Home of the Free”

If you’re going to quote The Star Spangled Banner, please do so correctly. I’m talking to you blonde Christian nitwit chick mass gathering your idiot cult at the beach with zero social distancing and masks. 

“Why did you call her a blonde Christian nitwit chick?” 

Because she said...

“But like if people can march and protest then like we should totally be free to like praise what we call God and like feel safe to like worship and stuff. I thought this was like the home of the free.”

EXCEPT you didn’t have a permit to mass religious gather at the beach. And you’re not complying with state mask and social distance mandates. And, fuck it, give her another fine for not knowing the last line to The Star Spangled Banner. 


He has to be the least American on U.S. soil FFS.


FACT. TRUMP HATES WOMEN unless you’re Ghislaine Maxwell. 🀨

You’re still my guy Mister Buttigieg. I mean, Biden of course, but you’re still my guy.


I remember a time when (conservative) women were disgusted by men who said things like “Grab ‘em by the pussy” and were appalled at the thought of throwing helpless children in cages, and burned his ass DOWN if he molested children.

It’s SO OBVIOUS Trump has a pattern of abusing kids: His very publicly ODD AF relationship with daughter Ivanka from A VERY early age, caging helpless children, making fun of little kids in a meme, insisting children to go back to school during a pandemic (when government offices are closed!) and his public friendships with pedophiles. 

How much more proof do you need??

Voting for Trump in November means you’re voting for child abuse (among other horrible crimes against man and nature). 

Today we live in a world where THIS represents the Conservative party...

I didn’t leave the Republican Party. It left me.



I’m sure he died of natural causes. 


Trump: I hope no one in baseball takes a knee during the national anthem.




Federal government offices were fast to close their doors back in March, offering ZERO help to American people during a pandemic. But are super quick to send out storm troopers to maim and murder Americans every chance they get! 🀬


Who had god striking down the Statue of Liberty on their Thursday morning pandemic bingo card? 

Symbolic. God’s way of reminding us. 

If there is a god and heaven, just save the animals and children. I mean...


Kielbasa, cob corn, sauerkraut, pickles, onions, olives... among my favorite home cooked comfort foods. 

(4:02pm) Afternoon snack. French bread, garlic powder, cheddar cheese, and tomato.

Millions are sick. Hundreds of thousands are dead and continue to die. But people still REFUSE to wear a mask, social distance, and wash their hands. 

Save the Kangaroos. Humans (in the US) can’t be saved. Refuse to be saved. 



Made my friend a big Cobb salad for lunch. 


Dishes I made in the last two months. 

Tomorrow I’m going to throw caution to the wind and try my first ASMR/food challenge. I didn’t eat much today so I’ll be hungry. What should go on my board?? 

*Not A black eye. Just not wearing any makeup. I’m old. This is what old women look like without makeup. 





Damn dying people. How rude. 


Trump just wished accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, well. (Holy shit)

He said the economy is doing great. 

He contradicted his own press secretary who just hours ago said Trump tests for COVID-19 several times a day. But Trump just said he tests every few days. (Morons)

He brushed past the most important question “WHERE IS DR FAUCI?” 

I hate this president. 


Because women are sick of your shit. Enjoy your “long planned vacation” Carlson. Pervert.


The top infectious disease expert in the country was not invited to speak to the public from the White House about the deadly infectious disease that’s been destroying our country since March. It’s now mid July. Yep. That’s our moron president.

(Click the link) 

(Click the link)


He’s such a Karen πŸ™„ 


“No, Mister President. Try again. A circle. Draw a circle.”

“No, Mister President. A circle. Please draw a circle.”

“One more time Mister President. Please draw a circle.”

“Sir. Do you know what a circle is?”


I’ve been paying disability out of every paycheck since the law passed. Do you know how hard it is to get on disability? No yeah. Shut up. 


Like when people who didn't grow up in America have an opinion on how "things have changed". Changed? Really? Since when? Since all of 2010 when you got here? πŸ™„

Or my favorite, people who never paid a dime towards unemployment, social security, disability, and all the other FORCED government and state deductions out of our paychecks for the past 35 years but have strong opinions about us never getting our hard earned money back. πŸ™„

These are the same people who refuse to wear a mask or wash their hands, keeping everyone unemployed



Probably another stay at home order because people refuse to wear face masks and wash their hands. I don’t understand it either. They want to keep business doors closed for some reason. 🀷🏻‍♀️ 

Wear a mask. Stop the spread.


FFS πŸ™„

Maybe October now? 


And how’s YOUR day going? 😏


Salt and butter. That’s it. That’s how I’ve eaten corn on the cob since I was five. So when the kids on YouTube started doing cob corn with mayonnaise and crushed hot Cheetos, I just... WTF🀬🀬🀬!!!! 

But it’s actually pretty good. 


Welcome to the party (4 months later!) Teamsters. I’ve been saying it, I’ll keep saying it, the only person, 100% rent free, keeping hospitality workers safe, is the hospitality worker. No one else gives a god damn about the hospitality worker without a scratch back. However the unions want to sling it now, use them to your advantage. Protect your own! 

Money well spent whoever helped make this idiot a multi millionaire. πŸ™„

Permit me to remind you that Federal government offices were THE FIRST to close their doors to the American people. They closed their offices back in March. IN MARCH. Restaurants and bars were expected to stay open, but Federal government offices slammed their doors on the American people’s faces back in March. The American people have been fucked over repeatedly by Federal agencies since day one of this pandemic. SINCE DAY 1. They quite possibly care less about the American people more than Trump.

July 19


“MOMS ARE HERE! FEDS STAY CLEAR!” May I please add “You motherfuckers!” 

Thank you! ❤️


She got Burger King. 

Korean Burger King πŸ‘‘ which is different from American Burger King. Who am I talking about? EAT WITH BOKI of course. Last night she ate...

4 different Whoppers
1 side cole slaw 
6 giant ass chicken nuggets 
2 chicken legs 
1 side onion rings 
1 side french fries 
3 giant ass mozzarella sticks 
2 large sodas 

Korean Burger King has a shrimp Whopper. SHRIMP 🍀 WHOPPER. 

FYI Korean KFC has fried crispy chicken skins! Not in the US. Only in Asia. So not fair! 

Today was my foodie cheat day. 

2 Large fries
1 fish sandwich 
1 large Diet Coke 

Boki kicked my butt. 


Hands? Kanye West insulting Harriet Tubman during a presidential rally in (checks itinerary) South Carolina, on their Sunday pandemic bingo card? Yep. Me too. 


Dear Marco Rubio, While I’m certain it was still “an honor to know & be blessed with the opportunity to serve in Congress with JohnLewis a genuine & historic American hero...” when you actually found the correct picture of him, my question to you now is, how can you praise a man and be “honored” to serve in Congress with him, yet hate the people who follow in his footsteps? 



July 18

Are you serious? Hank Hill hates limp handshakes. Season 5, episode 1, THE PERILS OF POLLING. When Hank Hill was disgusted with W’s limp handshake. Imagine Hank Hill seeing Trump’s tiny little hands. 

(Click the link)

(Click the link)


It’s heart warming to see members of the Republican party pay their respects tooooo...

(Click the link if you love puppies 🐢)

Puts things into perspective. 

And what did Trump do today?

Anger. Incompetence. Feeling cheated. Self doubt.

Ted Bundy 

I’m embarrassed to say I cannot name five civil rights leaders past Martin Luther King JR, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman... Was Booker T Washington a civil rights leader? Wasn’t he a pacifist? As in, keep your head down and educate yourself, pacifist? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s the credo of most Asians. And Farrakhan was more of a religious leader, yes? 

George Washington Carver. Botanist. Inventor. I read this on his Wiki page...

“He wanted poor farmers to grow other crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, as a source of their own food and to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts. Although he spent years developing and promoting numerous products made from peanuts, none became commercially successful.”

Why not? Why didn’t any of them become commercially successful? 

Corn. My childhood home of Minnesota the farmers grow corn. Grain. I love corn on the cob. It’s to this day one of my favorite things to eat. During the summers I get baskets of corn, shuck them, and eat salty butter corn on the cob as a meal. If my lungs could handle the winters I’d move back to MN and grow corn (among other things). I think I’d actually be very happy doing that.

But really, why didn’t George Washington Carver’s peanut products take off? I’m going to see if I can find his recipes anywhere. 

July 17


Y’all need more hugs πŸ€— 

I’m only 51 years old but I’m available to be that grandma who feeds you, wipes the snot from your eyes, and give you kind words of love and encouragement. 

HUGS πŸ€— 

The world needs more grandmas. 

Grandmas can save the world. 


Stop, Jeffree Star. Just. STOP. Sticks and stones, love. KPOP stans, girl. They’re going to eat you alive. 


Three more hours left to this day. What’s next? Let’s go. C’mon. 

Yeah well, they have a point, mister president. 

Remember when Senator Romney told Ohio students to borrow money from their parents to pay for college tuition? Circa 2012.

This is just like (checks ad campaign) No my bad. This is worse. Much, much worse. 

(Click the link FFS) 



All’s I’m saying is, don’t knock it until you try it.

How many times have we (Generation X) seen a loving familial movie moment and joked around “Oh, so that’s what a loving family is like.” 

It’s not a joke anymore. It’s a problem. It’s almost as if (certain) people see the close bond and love of another family, and with pure venom and Betty Broderick’ish hatred, rip it to pieces instead of seeking that love and bond for themselves.

We have the insane hate-President completely void of a First Lady. That orange moron is a lost cause. Personally, I would love to see a sensible First Lady (or First Gentleman, if it were) to show the strength, the leadership, and the purpose of tenderness and compassion. Like BOTH main political parties used to do.

I never said republicans were perfect. No one is perfect. But back in the 80’s, dare I say 90’s, NO WOMAN Democrat or Republican would say this is acceptable! Maternal instincts. Decency. Compassion. Value of life. All things conservatives once had. 


Republican women scream PRO LIFE but then think putting children in cages is acceptable?? And DO NOT say conservative women have no voice. You voice your deranged opinions all over the damn place.

As I watched the last episode of DIRTY JOHN: 

Linda Broderick was not angry that (in the mid 80’s) she was awarded something like $16,000 A MONTH in alimony until she died or remarried. In 2020 I don’t know any reasonable woman who would be mad receiving $16,000 a month for life regardless if she was working or not. Additionally her house was already paid for.


Something else made Linda Broderick murder her ex-husband and his new wife. A chain of emotional turmoil was slowly tearing apart her sense of reason.  

Speaking from experience, my dad’s first wife, a Caucasian woman, yes I do think her skin color is something important to point out, suffered from lack of identity. All that my dad’s first wife was, all she had, all she ever knew and was taught to want was to be a wife and mother. Which is admirable, being a wife and mother, but there is so much more to living. So much more. If only Linda Broderick had wanted more out of HER OWN life. She could have been so happy, instead of...

I’m not a psychiatrist. I studied philosophers. I studied art and poetry. I’m a dreamer. A wanderer. Be that, I have nonetheless read many medical books. I still occasionally check out the New England Journal of Medicine. More than this, I’m observant. I cannot be the only person in 2020 who is curious, deeply concerned, and occasionally horrified witnessing the dissolve of humanity not just at its core, but also at its very basic elements: kindness, gentle. compassion, love, sincerity...

Like you, I didn’t have the best childhood either. My dad had two families at the same time I didn’t know about until after he died, though I suspected something, knew some things, just not that. Furthermore I too had an upsetting marriage, upsetting husband, upsetting divorce. I too, like Betty Broderick, did all the the things I was taught to do in a marriage. Only, those things aren’t marriage. Not the marriage I wanted. There was no kindness. No sincerity. No gentle. No compassion. No love. 

It is my belief, even now, for a healthy better society women ought be the kind gentle nurturers. It WAS the conservative way. Gender roles, life roles, and such. The wo/man behind the man, as it were. Husbands brought home the bacon, etc.. Unfortunately these traditional life roles broke down. Everybody just does whatever they want, whenever they want. But in a marriage, is this for the better? What are we teaching our children?

I still consider myself conservative about a great many things. But I’m 1980’s conservative. Before women murdered their husbands to the point of 687 seasons of SNAPPED! and Betty Broderick. 

I have theories why women in the Republican Party have gone crazy, and why they all happen to be white. I just named a few of those theories here. Lack of love and kindness, lack of family values, lack of commitment to each other and society as a whole, etc. 

A conservative woman “news” commentator (who’s name I refuse say) told a basketball player to “shut up and dribble” ... um, only... you’re a conservative woman, so, SHUT UP AND GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN. 


Not nice when it’s yelled back at you, is it. 

I have no idea what these women on FOX “news” are saying anymore. But god love you for supporting your man. I guess?? 

(Click the link) 

(Click the link)

His inbox should be made public.

Aaand “Bitcoin” couldn’t delete Trump’s Twitter account while they were at it?

Weird. I dreamt I was on a bus and for some reason a guy I don’t know was holding onto my shopping bags but my stop was coming up and...


I did not have Sebastian Bach for the win on my Thursday pandemic bingo card (at 9am). Sweet. Maybe please explain leadership, executive power, and science to Bryan Adams. He seems confused. Lord knows this idiot president will never comprehend. 

Just remember the wise words of that old rock sage Ozzy Osbourne...

You can’t kill rock n roll. It’s here to stay. 

(Click the link) 

(Click the link)



I’ll just put these right here. 

Hump Day! (And it’s not even 2pm)

You say “convicted” and I say “convicted” why? Because Epstein was a pedophile. Raise your hand if you have any doubts. Let’s see who stands with Epstein. G’head. Raise your hand. 

TRUMP the musical.

Oh it SO can be turned into a musical.

(Click the link)

Are there really THAT MANY men who want to fuck their children?

Well then, let’s consider it, Doc. Why is incest pornography so popular? 

No, no by all means take medical advice from someone who (reads resume) takes 5 dicks up her ass for a living. πŸ˜‚

WEAR A MASK. It saves lives. Says thousands of doctors and scientists around the world. 

She did find something new for work. She went from being repeatedly molested as a child to willingly blowing her dad as an adult. Nepotism sure has changed over the years. 

(Click the link) 

(Click the link)

I blame the length of this pandemic in America 100% on Trump. 138,000 dead. 3 million confirmed infected. Trump failed America (yet again) on this day.

I can’t help but wonder when Republican wives and mothers decided it’s ok for their husbands to befriend a convicted pedophile? 

Rumor has it Ghislaine Maxwell has “a little black book” of damning audio/video recordings of certain individuals.

What the people need to decide is, if what Maxwell has is worth bargaining with. 

 At the very least

YOU KNOW Maxwell is guilty of trafficking underage girls. AND participating in sexual acts with minors.

Who’s sins are worth bargaining? 

“Slightly” messed up in the head?

Yeah baby! I mean yes the bird is a little charred but, I don’t care I’m proud! And the power went off 2 hours in!

Roast the turkey he said. Use the rotisserie he said. It’ll taste better he said. Um. The power just went off. πŸ™„

Fancy people. They hide circuit breakers with a mirror. God forbid people should know your house works on electricity. 

No eat challenge for me for another two weeks at least. My doctor’s office called this morning and cancelled my physical due to Covid.

Currently roasting a chicken when the power shut off. Where’s the Power breaker, boss? Please call me back. Searching for the power breaker. Searching. Searching...



Grant Imahara dies but this bitch gets to live?? 

Someone text “try your cheese fondue with beer”. So I did. Garlic bath the bottom of the kettle. Beer. Cheese. Yeah no. Threw that fondue out and made a kielbasa for dinner. 

All the Asian ASMR eaters regularly include kielbasa with a ridiculous amount of melted cheese. πŸ§€ I was going to as well for my first eat club video when I do it, but decided on something else after my doctor’s appointment of course. All eaters get a physical before accepting a challenge. Especially at my age. And for good reason.

* I make my fondue with a garlic rub on the bottom of the pot, white wine, and cheese. 

Thank you moron president, Karens, and those who refuse to social distance or wear a mask. You guys are awesome.πŸ™„ 

Just got back from BIG LOTS. Re-doing the kitchen. 

“My mom made the best steaks. I can’t find steaks anywhere like how my mom made them.” 

1. Your mom probably didn’t know how to make a good steak if NO ONE else makes it like her. Your taste buds just acquiesced at a young age. 

2. Then why didn’t you learn how to cook it?  

I don’t go out to eat because I can’t cook dinner items. I most assuredly can if I tried super duper hard. I go out to eat because I like the way YOU make it. That’s why I eat there.❤️

THIS IS GOING IN THE BOOK.. I’ve caught a few Buzzfeed ‘Who Has The Best Recipe’ videos, and once again I’m reminded that people think Americans invented food and cooking. 

Roman or French, AN OMELET is traditionally cooked in the French style. It’s cooked ONE WAY and ONE WAY ONLY. If you bring your American ass to France and be all “Can you cook my omelet with almond milk and American cheese and no butter” you’re still going get the omelet the French way because A: you’re in France, and B: omelets are made ONE WAY. 

Only in the U.S. will customers see an item on the menu and then completely want to change all the ingredients and the way it’s cooked WITH EVERY ITEM ON THE MENU. You irritating sons of bitches. (she says with hugs and kisses) 

I get food trucks. I’ve never eaten off a food truck. But I totally get them. You have the one main thing you cook that people love, you cook it fast, you cook it consistently, and if some irritating son of a bitch in line even tries to get all “But instead of...” the rest of the people in line will beat the unholy crap out of him. 

It’s AMAZING to me how people in this country not only negotiate the way food is cooked, they also negotiate food cost. 

The problem with home cooking shows like ‘30 minute meals’ is, every meal requires new ingredients. What people need, especially now, are home cooking shows that provide how to shop with a tight budget using the same ingredients showcasing the different ways of that ingredient’s flavor. 

The people who go out to eat because they can’t cook, have always irritated me. They’re the ones who need subtracting or special adding or a whole new menu entirely. Fuck off. 


Take your feet off the furniture you animal! 

Yep. For real, ladies. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

If I was 23 years old again, the same reckless 23 year old I was, this pandemic would probably mean something entirely different to me also. But I’m 51 years old, almost a senior citizen, hospitalized 2X in the past for respiratory tract infection from smoking. Almost died the last time in my early 30’s. Ever see someone limp in a hospital from a respiratory tract infection? That was from cigarettes back when I smoked. Obviously I quit. This pandemic would kill me, sure as rain, this pandemic would kill me if I became reckless or if I went somewhere that didn’t follow CDC Covid guidelines, or if the same 23 year old reckless young adult refused to wear a mask. 

My hospitality friends, this is not “bar flu”. Remember when Sergio and I gave Bronchitis back and forth to each other all winter? No one told us to stay home. NO ONE. Bronchitis is a stubbed toe compared to COVID-19. Take care of you. Owners and customers don’t give a single fuck about you. Take care of you. Listen to doctors and scientists, not politicians. 

JULY 12 
I made eggy toast with (you guessed it) bacon. Shocking I know. I mixed heavy cream with the eggs. It gave the soaked bread a donut like flavor when grilled. Perfect for jelly topping in lieu of syrup. And yes I cut the crust off my bread because, why not. 

Back to the mini stepper! Did someone say they were buying a treadmill? πŸ˜ƒ

Does anyone think Betsy DeVos is sane? 

I fried up some shrimp and garlic chicken that was meant to go into separate cream pastas but was “mysteriously” eaten straight out of the pan instead. πŸ˜‚ Oops. ❤️

I tried to make dinner. I TRIED.🀣


Raisin Bran for everyone tonight! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

“Make the turkey in the freezer if you want.” He says.

Cool. I’ll oven bake it. Use the left over meat for other things. 

“Why the oven? Use the roaster.” He says.

HA πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ He seems to think I know how to use a roaster!

Like, um? 

Riiiiight about here when I got kicked out of culinary sch...

Look, I make breakfasts and lunch. Restaurants are what dating and dinners are for. Which is why I eat mostly Raisin Bran or Jello for dinner these last 4 1/2 🀬 months. 

Today I made nothing fancy. Just a home made eggy sandwich and seasoned sweet potato fries. 

The only Republican in this country with a backbone who voted to impeach Trump. 

Not long ago there wasn’t much separating Dems from Republicans other than money, abortion, and traditional values. Meh. The same fights people have with their lovers behind closed doors. But Trump, he screams “Fuck you!” to everyone, every day. There’s absolutely NOTHING conservative about Trump. Nothing.

Up until 4 years ago, who he voted for was one of the least reasons to not go out with a guy. Now it’s the first reason because of that psychopath Trump. Do presidential medical examinations include a psychiatric one? I mean, it has to, right?

I would have been a Never Trumper, except the Republican Party was already spiraling out of control. Trump just tipped it over and all y’all hopped on board. 

Biden is my fourth choice guy. America didn’t want my first three progressive picks. So be it. For the love of FAMILY (something Republicans used to care about) do not put kids in cages. Do not tear gas the American people. Have some core family values. Human values. Not incest. Real family values. 

FYI republicans, you can be a gay couple and still have family values. Remember when republicans lost their minds with the absurd particular thought of gays and sexual abuse...


Today we live in a world where THIS represents the Conservative party...


Bet you Dems wish Romney would have run against Trump in 2016 now dontcha. I know I do.

JULY 10 
I CAN’T STOP! Omg I love this stepper! I do almost everything on it! Mini step, watch tv. Mini step, prep cook. Mini step, go online. Mini step, social media. I even mini step, ate a small bowl of Raisin Bran for dinner. πŸ˜‚ it’s a great workout though. I’ve been sweating like a beast all day. I just got out of the shower or I’d hop back on it. I can’t wait to mini step tomorrow. I mean yeah, the ocean is right there, but so is Coronavirus, and from what I’ve been reading about how the virus attacks different blood types, scary AF, I’m not going anywhere unless I absolutely have to! 

Midwest question #24

If you grew up in the 80’s, especially in the Midwest, roller rinks were a thing. Girls had white skates with big boofy color pom poms. Same with ice skates. Bear in mind we didn’t have cell phones, internet, or social media in the 80’s. We had to go someplace to meet people. The mall. The rinks. Drive ins. Etc. Roller skates never go out of style! 

I t

I made potato pancakes from scratch and fried up regular bacon. Can’t take credit for the fruit. Thank Mother Nature for that. Bon appΓ©tit. 

It arrived this morning. Thank

Made red Jello this time. You guys know what Jello is made of, yes? It’s made out of animal tissue. Pig. Cow. Skin. Bone. Tendons. Dried. Ground into a powder with an acid mix. Mmm. And everyone loves it. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked, “Is there Jello?” And my response every time (but one) has been, “Do you see Jello? Do you see Jello anywhere? No? Then I guess it’s no.” 

What kills me is, it’s the easiest thing to make at home! 


We did our grocery shopping. 1 out of 10 people out and about were wearing masks. Good grief. 😷
People still think you can’t catch COVID from an asymptomatic carrier while outside. WRONG. Thousands of health experts around the world are in agreement we all need to wear masks when we leave our houses (in CA) to get a grip on COVID. 

Is this right? I have A-positive blood.😳

I wear a mask and rubber gloves and wash my hands/change my clothes when I get home BECAUSE if/when we get back to work, if I then test positive for COVID, I will lose my ever loving god damn mind. 
When/why did Subway stop making seafood salad sandwiches? 
It’s ok. I made seafood salad on toasted flatbread when I got home. Ruffles potato chips. 

In the morning I’m making potato pancakes with apple sauce and sour cream. I’m coming for you Bobby Flay! No kidding. More like, I’m coming for you Bob’s Big Boy! No kidding. My reasons for going into Burbank are limited and (no offense) Bob’s Big Boy, isn’t among them. 

Betty Broderick is the new conservative party. 

(Click the link to hear her story)

Remember June 19 (Juneteenth) when I blogged “Leave it up to Trump to destroy the innocence of little kids. Pattern?”

Yep. A definite pattern.

Send your kids back to school. G’head. 
Good luck. 

Oh nothing. Just watching DIRTY JOHN: The Betty Broderick story, and eating green Jello I made earlier today. Chef has boxes of Jello in his cupboard. BOXES. His house is pure food magic. Wish for something and it magically appears. 

Chef bought a mini stepper for me last night. I’m super excited. 

Because of COVID I can’t go outside and get my run/walk in. I think Chef said it arrives Friday. From Amazon of course. Pink of course. With a mileage meter and timer. Can’t wait. I can cook and step. Watch movies and step. Not go to that job I can’t go to and step. Thank you #ripjeffbezos I’ll be thinking of you every time I step. I’m sad you’re gone.

Maybe you haven’t heard, but there’s this pandemic that keeps surging in CA because no one wants to wear a face mask, or wash their hands, you bunch of filthy fucking animals. (She scolds affectionately.) I was not approved for unemployment. The state of CA said get on social security. Social security said I had to go through the state to get it because I’m only 51 years old, and able to work. Only I can’t work because THERE’S A FUCKING PANDEMIC and my business is closed. SO... all the PPP loans in the world won’t help any employees get back to work when doors are closed because THERE’S A FUCKING PANDEMIC you filthy fucking animals. (She says again with oodles and oodles of affection.) 

Beth was recently at Universal CityWalk. It’s outside. The place was open but nobody else was there (NOBODY) but Beth and a straggler here and there. It was a ghost town. Why, you ask?




No, really?

And the best part is, all you filthy fucks who STILL REFUSE to wear a mask but then wonder why the doors are shut. 

Hmmmmmm πŸ€” Hmmmmm πŸ€”

If all you filthy fuckers wore a face mask and washed your hands WE COULD ALL GET BACK TO WORK. Life would be beautiful. We could all harmoniously sing the sound of music. La La La! 🎢🎡 But until then NO SOUP FOR YOU! No haircut, or bar, or beach, or park....


Ever have bacon with chocolate drizzled on top? My brown sugar bacon tasted like that. Sorry Gordon Ramsay, I failed. This time. When at first you don’t succeed, buy more bacon πŸ₯“ until you get your shit together. I did Ramsey’s hashbrowns with onion, drained well. A little flour, an egg, and it’s a potato pancake yes? Yes. Next time.

Drained Water from ONE potato.

I like my fried potatoes crispy. The first brown sugar bacon batch came out too caramelized. Motherf🀬ck. I put a few on our plates anyway. See it? I made the rest of the bacon like normal. It was still good. He doesn’t eat baked eggs. Scrambled.

Midwest question #23

I don’t hunt. I’ve never worn camouflage. It’s tacky AF. 

Dude, is anyone happy with our Federal government? 

I don’t know about you, but they’ve been taking social security out of MY paychecks since I was 16 years old. I’m 136 now. Do the math. You fucks, yes YOU FUCKS, want to keep raising state/federal taxes without question. 

“Defund the police!” 

I’m not 100% against it. If my tax money (truly) goes towards funding the police... I’m ok with being refunded. For every time cops do their jobs shitty bad I want a refund. How about that? 

The few times I needed the police...

EXAMPLE: 1990 San Francisco, when my boyfriend strangled me to near unconsciousness for picking up overtime at work and not being home when I was supposed to, the police officer who arrived after I called when I got to my girlfriend’s house, said, “I’m getting off work in ten minutes. I’m not filing a domestic abuse report when you guys will probably just get back to together tomorrow.” And then left. My boyfriend’s hand prints clearly bruising on my neck. And no, we didn’t get back together. 

WTF am I getting for my tax money??? What??? This is why you Democrats drive me crazy. You scream “defund” without questioning where your tax money goes to begin with. Give me 100% of my paychecks. I’m an adult. I’ll decide where my money goes. Like my medical needs. But no, no. Keep taking money out of my paychecks. I won’t ask for what. Der’p ok. WTF why not, let’s raise more taxes. You know. Just because. 

Give me my money back! No? Then STFU. 

Social security!

You betcha.


He liked it! He liked it! He really liked it! He liked my chicken mashup! πŸ˜€

“If you could have anything to eat, anything in the whole world, what would you eat right now?” Asked the iron chef.

After some thought

A snow cone. Remember those? Shaved ice. With cherry and blueberry sauce. Got a snow cone machine? 

And he said... 

With cherry sauce, blueberry sauce, and sweet red bean.πŸ˜‹

“I’m going to the Japanese market. Want anything?” He asked.

Well, if you don’t mind could you please pick up one box of...

I am blessed to know several professional chefs, but never one with his own snow cone machine! 😳 Until now. 

My next dish, a little something I saw Gordon Ramsay make on YouTube. Wish me luck. You know who has to eat it. πŸ˜‰

I think I know which food challenge I’m going to try. Did you see Boki’s new one? 


Ah to be in our 20’s again eh? Not doing the donuts. I can eat (maybe) three donuts in one sitting. Maybe. 

I might do the kielbasa & shrimp challenge, or make up one of my own. We’ll see.  

Are you watching DIRTY JOHN, the Betty Broderick Story? Holy shit. Reminds me EXACTLY like my dad and his first wife. What a train wreck my dad’s first marriage and divorce was. Police were called on my dad’s ex wife regularly. It’s creepy AF the similarities. My dad was lucky he was able to walk away eventually and live his life. Here’s a YouTube clip in case you’re unfamiliar. Click the links.

DIRTY JOHN : story of Betty Broderick


Saw this Tweet. Made me laugh. 

How many times have I said “yeah no” Just on here? It’s a Swedish Norwegian thing. “No yeah dontcha know?” 


Good night eh πŸŒ™ 


TRUMP supports sexual assault on women, befriended a convicted pedophile, tear gassed the American people for a photo op, put innocent little children in cages because they’re not white, thinks racism is acceptable, breaks treaties with Native Americans for a fireworks show, supports spreading coronavirus by not wearing masks or social distancing, makes attempt after attempt to divide our nation, has no idea where (or what) Finland is, has never read the American constitution, furthermore Trump is quite possibly the dumbest man in America... and the list goes on and on. 

And republicans continue to support him. WHY?

Trump is a horrible human being. 
Anyone with a grain decency can see what a god awful horrible person Trump is. And the republicans keep supporting him. WHY? If you support Trump, that imbecile orange rot of a human being, you can just fuck all the way off.

Chicken mashup! Random ingredients from the cupboard, fridge, and freezer...

Frozen chicken breasts, gnocchi, tomato, succotash, garlic cloves, olive oil, little butter, salt, pepper... I threw more random veggies from the fridge on top after cooking. We’ll see if my dear iron chef friend eats it. He likes my breakfasts. He’ll probably dress up my chicken mashup. Rightfully so. Needs more salt?

I was hungry after binge watching season three of STRANGER THINGS. (Sergio!!!) 

I love all the homages to...
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Evil Dead 
Lord of the Rings
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Red Dawn
The Shining
Scooby Doo
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 
The Thing
Star Wars
Back to the Future 
Karate Kid
The Fly
Indiana Jones
Jurassic Park, etc., etc
Total movie lovers like me. 
Who else sang POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME every time Billy Hargrove entered a scene? HANDS! 

Oh you know, the usual 4th of July stuff.


Let that be a lesson to you children. When you do this with convicted pedophiles... 

It makes you this....

KFC tradition y’all

Better than catching coronavirus.😷

VOTE. It’s the most American thing you can do. 

My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. 

He’s all “Lets go get breakfast burritos.”

Why? Is your kitchen broken? 

I got eggs! 

These are my breakfast burritos. 🌯🌯

His burrito with salsa. And home made iced tea I brewed yesterday.

Mine without salsa, and smaller. 

Eggs, turkey bacon, green peppers, cheddar cheese, sour cream. 

I follow my first non-Asian eater. KATINA EATS KILOS. 


Big bites
Eat clean
Look pretty eating

I can’t follow Matt Stonie. He always looks like he’s going to vomit. It’s ugly eating. Katina eats fast, but pretty. If I wanted to watch ugly eating I’d attend a family reunion. BAM! Kidding. Kidding. You couldn’t pay me to attend a family reunion.

That’s right ladies. That’s right.

Fuck it. Him too. Drag ‘em all until someone starts talking.

Good morning starshine. The earth says hell...

WHOOO!!! 🍾πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ 

Remember last month? 26 days ago actually when I blogged... (Click on photo to enlarge)

At last! Finally. We get to wake up to some good news for a change. Social Security has been badgering me to get off social security and return to work during a pandemic in a state that has been closed since March. Additionally I’m on my THIRD or FOURTH case worker since then. A higher employee turnover rate than a Miami Beach McDonalds. Way to take care of American citizens during a crises. What makes this even more ridiculous is, the state of CA told me to get on social security. And social security is pushing me to get off it, my own money. They want me to stop receiving my own money that I’ve worked all my life for. 



They have Ghislaine Maxwell in custody so the day is starting off pretty decent.

Noooooo!!!! First order of business ASAP should be making her explain this shit.



Trump wants to give the Great Sioux Nation of South Dakota, coronavirus. I 

Trump wants to break the government treaties between US and the Great Sioux Nation, just to have a flyover and blast fireworks in his name. What a dick. 

Hello July! Can everyone just wear a mask 

What’s that? No? 

Damn it, Karen!

CA is spiking with coronavirus again? 6,000 new cases yesterday. Possible second shut-in order because people won’t wear masks? 
My friend recently took me Johnnie’s french dip. 

We ordered cheese on our pastramis, and fries, but we forgive them for mixing up our order since we should have checked the bag before we left, that’s on us... Plus they had these signs posted. Awesome! Thank you. 

Additionally Johnnie’s was operating in a strange way, to go only, cash only, business operating only at the front doors, keeping everyone outside and 6 feet apart. 
We’re all adjusting.
Hear that Karens, we’re all adjusting. That means you too. Calm your asses down. Put the guns down. Keep your hysteria in check. Put on a mask. Wait your turn. Stop spreading COVID-19!!! 
#BLM ❤️😷

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