Monday, June 1, 2020

Player 1: level June (UPDATE JUNE 30)


“The president wasn't briefed.” Kayleigh McEnany is an idiot. 


“WHITE POWE.... ZZZzzzzzz”

Not everyone was exposed to the same culture and sophistication in the late 1800’s as you fancy kids today with your refined XBOX and gold diamond teeth.

Today we live in a world where THIS represents the Conservative party. Just smell that well-bred upper class, ladies. My, my, how times have changed.



FIRST OF ALL, you ought fact check a few things, like where the money came from, and the year certain statues were erected, before making a blank statement regarding art history. Yes YOU, non art person.

SECOND, it seems up until now only artists questioned/criticized other artists on their subject matter. 


As an artist, this statue... 

Makes as much sense to me as this statue fountain...

I don’t see any creative, human, or pleasing value in either statue. NONE. But here they both are.

Apparently Mr. Weisman couldn’t find anything more worthy to spend $500,000 on other than a giant spoon and cherry, and that’s what really offends me.

I ❤️ NY. I do. I really do. In part thanks to you Mr. Glaser. You will always be my Andy Warhol. Bless.

Sometimes he lets me cook. Remember when I based how good my cappuccinos were if Europeans drank it? I do the same thing with my cooking. If chefs eat my cooking I feel validated.πŸ˜‰

I made us a simple breakfast this morning.

                  THIS πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

October 1, is the new full CA reopen goal date, or so I’m hearing. But y’all refuse to wear masks, refuse to social distance, refuse to wash your hands, so I doubt even that reopen date is going to happen. 

7,000 plus new corona virus cases in CA in one day. ONE DAY! WTF is wrong with people? Wear a mask!

It’s sad watching the governors of Florida and Texas bow their heads in shame on national tv as they have to closely watch their states and admit in defeat people must now wear masks. A part of me really hoped their states would thrive mask-free, but no. Reality is a bitch with corona virus.

On the plus side, my friend, an amazing cook, who actually cooks super healthy Japanese food, makes me lunch. Yummers!πŸ˜‹ 

And to my my friends in the restaurant & bar businesses, when the state reopens, until there’s a proof positive vaccine, NO MASK, NO SERVICE!!! Customers don’t give a single fuck if you get sick, or if you’re out of work. Are any of them paying your rent and bills while the country is being murdered because Trump is a worthless president? NOPE. Therefor NO MASK, NO SERVICE. I care. I want you alive and healthy. Please take care of you.❤️

Oh. What’s that? You’re allergic to gluten? How about corona virus? Are you allergic to corona virus?

Hey guys, did you know two little kids with YouTube channels get paid MILLIONS to play with toys? Millions! As in 18-27 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. Where did we go wrong?πŸ₯Ί

As I’m watching past EAT WITH BOKI videos I’m reminded my uber distant Korean “cousins” from afar really will eat just about anything.😳 If you eat anything while it’s still alive THAT’S JUST WRONG so please don’t ever do it BOKI. I enjoy ASMR when well done really is quite soothing. 

I’m still searching for the right foodie challenge. I think I found it. In about 14 days I’ll record the challenge accepted. 

STAY SAFE out there. It’s not just the virus we’re battling, it’s the nonstop dangerous stupidity of some people also.

❤️ 😷

DIOS!!!!! πŸ˜‚

AND THEN there’s this idiot.



Regarding statues, this is nothing new.

The amazing artwork in the Sistine Chapel has been censured with fig leaves being painted over genitalia, and then the fig leaves were removed, and then painted back on, and then removed, and then painted back on, etc., etc., for generations depending on the sensitivities of the sitting Pope. 

Historically speaking...

In days of yore no punishment was greater than your existence being removed from history. But then again, that punishment was handed down to those still living for them to witness their families and their own lives being erased. 

The greatest American tragedy was done to Native Americans. Following that of course was every other shitty thing white man has done to people of color. I.e. slavery, encampment, murder...


What will you tell your children when they ask, “How did we get here?” Man will rewrite history books to fit his own agenda as been done for generations. Sure, YOU can tell stories of early America the way you think it should justly be told but it is only human nature to want proof. Validation. Something to corroborate your story. Because not all children blindly believe what they’re told simply because you said so. Most humans are smarter than that. We have questions that demand answers.

Creative value isn’t removed from art simply because you don’t like the subject. Likewise vice versa. You don’t get to say (whatever) and it automatically becomes true. Where’s the proof? 

Rather than destroying the work of art history, commission artists to depict the present, for this too will go into history. 

EXAMPLE: Satan. The very definition of pure evil. Painted. Sculpted. Drawn. The subject of artists since damn near dawn of time. 

If you don’t like the story of one artist, hire another artist to tell a different story. That’s what we’re here for. 

7,000 new Corona virus cases in California. WINNING!


Trump wants to stop testing because (in his mind) that’s how to stop positive test results. Um? 

The what virus?

I was hungry for egg salad but don’t have bread and wasn’t about to hit the market mid day. The internet suggested this...

Dear internet, I want to speak to your manager! Egg salad and fried tofu was ok. Egg salad and cucumber was ok. Egg salad, fried tofu, and cucumber was... I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!

Looked at my phone and saw Ron Jeremy trending for... Wait... Wut?? Really??


My friend made beef sukiyaki for dinner last night. 

Mmm so good.πŸ˜‹

That easily made up for making me watch APOCALYPTO last week or whenever it was. 

I know right! Sad and depressing but very artsy and well done. 

It’s weird that such a hateful angry man can direct a film so masterly masterfully. But then again, director.πŸ˜‰

More people attended my nephew’s tenth birthday party.

Just how small is your penis Mister President?

To all you dads. Feather babies count.❤️

Unemployment, this pandemic, along with Coronacon, Coronapocalypse, people not wearing masks, and this much needed pro racial movement has changed my life forever. For the better. It’s opened my eyes to people. How they truly are. How they treat others. How they treat people of color. 

I’ve made excuses for your disgusting racist behavior for too long. I was complicit. No more. You know who you are. Enough. 

Some people think they can buy you. Buy people of color. Sound familiar? Buy women of color and treat them like property. Talk down to them. Treat you like a servant. Like a slave. That’s how they think people of color should be treated. Look who their other friends are. Fucking racists. Fuck those people. 

The ugly racist truth of people are being exposed. GOOD. 

I made so many excuses for him. I so wanted to believe there was good in him. Even after everyone told me for years and years to cut him loose, I kept making excuses for him. 

He’s lonely
He’s sad
It’s not his fault
He has no one to laugh with 
(Be kind to those with no one)
He’s had a hard day
No one understands him
Poor guy
Poor baby 
Poor poor baby

The final straw was when my medical insurance called me to see if I received my medical package. 

Nope. Didn’t get it. But that’s on me. I trusted him. 

When I got back to LA in March he said, “You can use me for a mailing address until you get settled.” 

Thanks. So did I get any mail?

“Nope.” He always said. “No mail for you.”

Strange. Really. No mail? 

“No mail.”

God I’m dumb. No more. 

I’m done making excuses for his pathetic ass. 

Mental illness? 
Anger issues?

Or maybe...

He has no clue how to treat people. Deep down I knew he was this way all along. I was just in denial. 

You guys were right about him. I was wrong. My fault for not wanting to believe it. I blame only myself. Feel free to do the ‘I told you so dance’ Aramis. I totally deserve it. 

I had to file all that theft paperwork and get all new cards, documents, bank stuff, etc.

This pandemic, unemployment, this pro racial movement, forced me to see who my friends really are. It’s forced everyone to look at those closest to us a little harder. But it’s also allowed us to make new friends. Better friends. Better friends who drink beer and eat sushi! 

Eating the same food is so bonding. It’s so important. How much of our lives are spent eating and drinking? I absolutely love when we cook together. I love joking around and laughing in the kitchen! 

My friend turned me on to skinny Asian women eating. I’m hooked! 

Until CA gets back to the way it was, we must entertain ourselves. 

Boki is my favorite eater. (Click the link!!)
Sio is my second favorite. He doesn’t eat as clean as Boki but for a guy he’s pretty clean. 

(Click the link!!)


Ever watch Americans eat? πŸ˜ Especially in eating contests? They’re so messy!

Three important rules of Muckbang 

Eat clean
Look pretty while eating 

Women in their 50’s make terrible Muckbang eaters but I’m prepping for the challenge!

We all have to step away from the tv from time to time. Especially now. Do things that make us laugh with loved ones we laugh with. And though it may seem wrong to laugh with your friends during this nonsense of a year 2020, you gotta laugh and love, or they win. 

While waiting for my new medical insurance info/card to arrive (just getting a physical, I’m sorely overdue) but in the meantime I’m picking out my Muckbang dishes. 

For banchan (aka Korean side dishes) my personal picks are...

Seaweed salad
Water chestnut 
Stir fry cucumber 
Stir fry Bok Choy 

Normally that’s a meal in itself! 

For main dishes however... 


Still deciding.

My homemade spam MUSUBI πŸ˜‹

We turned the tv on a few times yesterday but we pretty much just slept all day. Why? Did something interesting happen? No? That’s what I thought. 

Just finished having morning tea and watching GRACE OF MONACO. I really liked it. Who cares if it’s accurate or not. If I wanted a biography, I’d watch a biography. Tim Roth needs to make more movies. Love him. 


Leave it up to Trump to destroy the innocence of little kids. 



Y’all have a legal team yes? Maybe do a little background check on Klobuchar’s defense record before praising her. 😏

PREACH! Don Lemon! ✊🏼


Fucking pathetic and despicable. Like ex’s who steal your mail. STALKER!!!

Scumbag. DROP DEAD. 

In a perfect world we’d all bow down before King baby kangaroo. Awww!! I’m so in love!!


In another episode of ‘The World According to Trump’ that orange moron thinks he educated the world on Juneteenth. WRONG. 

If you didn’t already know the significance of Juneteenth, our iPhone calendar apps educated us back whenever smartphones came out with the calendar app... 2006? 

Even my cell phone calendar app is smarter than Trump. 

What a pathetic excuse for a man. 


Not everything in the country right now is about you. 



You don’t get to destroy art to get your point across simply because you disagree with its content, Reverend Shaw Moore. (That’s right I just Footloose’d you!)

Some Jews think JOJO RABBIT is offensive. I didn’t think so. I’m not Jewish. 

There is a very fat line between hate speak and being offensive.

“All art is political, Johnson. Otherwise, it would just be decoration. And all artists have something to say. Otherwise, they’d make shoes. And you are not a cobbler, are you, Johnson?”

— (movie) ANONYMOUS 

Dear ESPN, In the absence of professional sports, I thoroughly enjoyed your recent coverage of Skee-ball, Mini hole, foosball, and cornhole tournaments. Kudos to your sports commentators! Seriously. Those guys are amazing! May I please please please make a few suggestions? 

WHACK-A-MOLE tournament


Adult EASY-BAKE OVEN, bake-off for men


LINE DANCING competitions

(I love line dancing!)

I'm obsessed (OBSESSED!) with watching skinny Asian women eat. Obsessed! My friend turned me on to their YouTube clips recently. Obsessed! I read somewhere these girls can make upwards to $15,000 per YouTube clip just to eat. I even read some of these girls pre-eating daily exercises and preparations they do before a big eat. These girls are serious! Lots of practice. Regimented dietary routines. This is my favorite girl. She eats with a real sound mic that picks up every slurp and swallow. This is 100% food porn.

Korean represent!

(Get out of my head Jo Koy!)

Korean represent!

You have to see this girl eat. Its absolutely mesmerizing. Keep your skin flicks, I want to see skinny Asian women eat!

(Click the link!!) 

Boki’s YOUTUBE clips are called... guess?



WHAT is your issue with GREEN BOOK?!

This is another one of those times when if you were not brought up in this country, you will not understand just how special this movie is.

I wouldn't go to another country I wasn't raised in, and then criticize their films about what it was like being brought up in their country. -- That's just wrong.

I don't want to hear it. You do not get to ruin this movie for me. I love this film. I know what it was to be Dr. Donald Shirley, all while growing up. I laughed at their jokes, shook their hands, smiled when they wanted me to smile. Looked pretty when they wanted me to look pretty. And when I did something they liked, they applauded me, just before spinning on their heels and patting themselves on their backs for being so "open minded" liking something I did.

If I'm not black enough, if I'm not white enough, and if I'm not man enough, then tell me Tony, what am I?!

You do not get to ruin one the few movies that totally got me. 

Remember 3 years ago when I was a Republican? Sure you do. I’ve had this dumbass blog since 2013 where I spewed my dumbass opinions back then as a registered Republican to 1 reader, or to 3,000 readers depending on the content. SOLO HAIRY DADDY BEARS!!! Sorry no. Just wanted a few more clicks. 

But the Republican Party has become the elite whine and dine party for the stupid and hateful until I could tolerate it no more. 

Tucker, yet again, spent seven minutes complaining about Google’s use of monopoly...

Meanwhile your fearless leader is this guy...

Who’s minions, like Rand Paul, doesn’t believe lynching is a hate crime, who tear gassed American citizens for a photo op with a Bible.

So like yeah, I’d love to get back to blogging my usual dumbass material but, you guys, you soulless heartless mindless Republicans, got me beat. For now. Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon Biden will be the next president and I can go back to posting mind numbing material with my one of a kind saucy brand of panache and savoir faire you‘ve all come to know and love.

Oh hey. Hi. So THE DAILY SHOW with Trevor Noah made this brilliant clip exposing Fox News hypocrisy regarding “Law & Order”.

Enjoy! I sure did. Click the link!

"Working from model destroys the talent. I said goodbye."

(Sculptor) StanisΕ‚aw Szukalski

STRUGGLE, The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski, documentary now on Netflix. 

When his father died, Szukalski said he dissected his body. When people ask Szukalski how he learned anatomy, Szukalski replies, "From my father."

Hey Robert, heeyyyy, Raymond James FIRED YOUR ASS for being a total Karen like your wife, Lisa, who Oops, got cancelled from Birchbox. Do people seriously not know what cameras do? 

Kim, might want to reconsider who you’re photographed with. You know what they say about Karens of a feather. They get racist together. In public. On camera. 
Will Mary Trump’s tell-all book explain why her uncle is such a horrible human being and failure of a man? 



Makin' their way; the only way they know how; that's just a little bit more than the law will allow...

“I hate California!”

No one’s stopping you from leaving.

“Why don’t just sick people wear masks?”

Everyone has the answers until they go someplace where suddenly servers, bartenders, the person who cuts your hair, your dentist, etc., are all wearing masks because they’re sick and then, of course, you’ll complain “Why don’t sick people just stay home?!” 

Uh-huh. Hello genius my old friend. πŸ™„

Miss sports? Mini Hole and Foosballers on ESPN! With Sportscasters!



Don't be such a cracker Barrel. I've never been. Aramis has. Are there actual barrels filled with crackers? Otherwise I don't get the name.

We had a sawdust on the floor joint chain eatery in MN called the Ground Round. Every table got refillable peanuts and popcorn. Dad loved that place. Peanut shells and sawdust an inch thick on the floor. Back when you could still smoke in restaurants and give everyone lung cancer. Good times. Still, we all went there once a month for years and years. A name like Ground Round, you know what to expect, meat.

That's a kid's meal! So much meat your kid will moo. 

Meat is a very big deal in MN. Meat. Potatoes. Corn. Curse your "liquid smoke". Make real smoke, amateurs. I just looked up the Ground Round website and it seems they bailed out of MN. 😩 Ok well, if you're in oshkosh, go to the Ground Round.

Seriously though, no barrels of crackers at the Cracker Barrel? None? Not even one barrel of crackers? So then like what's the poin... t?

My Sensibilities are little more delicate at my old age than others it seems. I never saw 12 YEARS A SLAVE. The name alone put me off. Sins and treachery against man. I heard it's based on a true story. Everyone knows I love documentaries. Still, I don't want to see it for the same reason I didn't want to see APOCALYPTO though my friend insisted we watch it last night. (sigh). It's a good film. Artsy. Depressing AF. Which is why I didn't want to see it. But a good film. I did however see DJANGO UNCHAINED when it came out mostly because Christoph Waltz is in it and I'm a fan. Plus if anyone was going to beautifully trainwreck the original DJANGO tv series it's Quentin Tarantino. And he did not disappoint.

Movies are movies. Nothing more. Nothing less. They're art, entertainment, truth mixed with color fabrics of the world, or lack thereof. IDIOCRACY is a movie, not a how-to guide, though goodness knows some of you try.

I think I own a copy of GONE WITH THE WIND. I mean, Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. He's dreamy. Of course Scarlett O'Hara is a total Karen, but so what? Almost every movie has a bitchy Karen, yes? And Mammy, is played by a black woman, not a black-face white woman, so...

Man will re-write history again and again to fit his needs and political agendas. And sad as it is, the future of the world may in fact one day rely on movies to give them an idea of what was.

And what should never be.

Should Edge still be wrestling? 46.

On a totally unrelated thought...

Why are white men suddenly emasculating themselves?

Tucker, you’re such a Karen.

Wasn’t Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos sending a bunch of white people to Mars? That’s still the plan right? I made a list if that helps. Not so much a list, more like a plea. 

This is how afraid many white people are of minorities. That’s what happens when you refuse to associate with, or have any as friends. I’m not talking about Oprah Winfrey, cash money 2020, type of minority friends. I’m talking about Oprah Winfrey, keeping it real 1974, type of minority friends. Keep that in mind Oprah. None of these people would bother with you back in 1974. You hear and read what they all saying right?

And now a few words from Mrs Trump, er, I mean, Ivanka.

(Click the link!)


If you or a child you know is being abused please call THE NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE at 1800-4-A-CHILD (1800-422-4453)

I wonder if Senator Romney is doing the I TOLD YOU SO dance? Back in March he was the ONLY republican with the backbone to stand up against Trump. Congratulations Senator, welcome to the pack of underdogs.

How do so many Christians not know righteousness?

"That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep to the paths of the righteous."

You know what's righteous? 

Standing up to oppression. 


HEADLINE: Fat white man makes death threats on minorities if Trump isn’t re-elected. Hey Jim Waurishuk, you wanted gyms to open up so bad, like you know, GO JOIN ONE. 

Karen mad a woman of color was in line before her. 

I could watch Karen getting slapped in the face on loop all day. Touch me bitch, you get what you get.

I’m watching JEFFREY EPSTEIN: Filthy Rich, on NETFLIX. 

Holy shit. 

Where the fuck is Ghislaine Maxwell? Find her guilty ass!

Why I love European men.

If you’re white and complaining about BLACK LIVES MATTER you’re part of the reason why this protest became a global movement. Just stay home and watch the cornhole playoffs. God knows there won’t be any football for a while.

Is Ivanka Trump’s wife or daughter? I forget.

Oops! Voter fraud AND he tried to vote by mail. Dumbest criminal ever.

Trump said it’s a great day for George Floyd. And that’s all you need to know about this administration.


I was a conservative for the whole of my adult life, until now. 

America is the land of the free. Trump wants to turn it into one big military state. Look who his pals are. Fuck him.

Because of this rathole administration, this pathetic excuse of a president, I am no longer a member of the Republican Party. Many conservatives have left.

I will not excuse your racism, white entitlement, or shitty behavior towards people of color anymore. In doing so all these years, making excuses for you, I was complicit. Never again. To all the minority communities, I’m sorry. 

D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser authorized BLACK LIVES MATTER to be painted on the road to the White House. 

Trump can lock himself away, put up walls, but he WILL SEE these words and a country who absolutely hates him every time he leaves OUR White House. 

Explain to me again why you want them to take a knee with you?


Binge watched FREUD past two days on Netflix. Amazing. 



110,000 DEAD 

Trump’s entire presidency can be summed up right here, poisoning American citizens with tear gas when they peacefully protest against racism (#GeorgeFloyd) for a photo opp of him holding a bible, upsidedown. 

What Trump tried to rally...

What Trump got...

I much rather be murdered by hostile aliens than in the hands of a white person. 


Brick it up, honey!! All the way up!!

No one can hijack racist whites online faster then KPOP fans and their fancams. Their swarms can take down murder hornets. MURDER HORNETS!

If you’re a mixed baby who grew up among whites then perhaps you too have been reflecting on your own ethnicity (especially) these past ten days. I’ve been reflecting all year. 

When I re-look at the people I’ve known and trusted who in turn treated me more like property rather than a person, including family, my ex-husband, recent ex-boyfriends, the common denominator is, they’re all white. But I don’t blame them. I blame myself. I take responsibility for my god awful bad decisions choosing them.

I have zero issues with scream-o white women having grievances with white men and women of color. Fine. Want your white men all for yourself? That’s cool. The crappy ones can treat you like shit. I got no problems with that. 

Like that asshole Don Wallace of Newport Beach who reportedly tried to run down protesters with his car. You bet your white Lilly ass trust fund he’s white!

Whites are important. Car horns in Hollywood bumper to bumper traffic at 6pm Monday were made for y’all. “Don’t you know who I am! See this Bentley! I have to be in Orange County in 5 minutes!"

Go ahead, hashtag how important you think you are, KPOP fancams will take you out faster than a white woman on SNAPPED!


We haven't seen Melania for months and months, and suddenly she's by his side?Holding his hand? *cough*human shield*cough*

Is there anyone anywhere who doesn’t know Trump is a clown? 


I didn’t think so. 

VOTE BIDEN!!!! He addressed the nation this morning with hope, compassion, and strength. Because that’s what a real president does. That’s what a real man does. 

My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 


Double oops!!





That’s no bible!

Trump’s entire presidency can be summed up right here. 

Chris Meloni is my president of Law & Order! You’re nothing but a rotting orange. Go fuck yourself. 


Congratulations player 1! You made it to the next level!

Super exciting!

Trump doesn’t want peace. He wants war. 

The more people loot, start fires, the more civil unrest, the stronger Sauron becomes. 

Did 100,000 hours of LOTR not teach you people anything? 

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