Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ghetto at the grotto

It'll be finished tonight. I just have do a few hours work on the infinity serpent. 

(Click link for art wip)

Greetings from shitkickerville. The barren wasteland. Slophopheaven. Where every white woman over the age of 40 refuses to laugh, or smile, or act kind, or be happy.

"I refuse to be happy Grrrrrrrr!!"

In their defense I get why they're angry. Their men are cheap as fuck!

I had a beer with one guy recently who quite possibly was the cheapest MF'er on the planet.

How cheap was he?

We were going to have lunch. A few drinks. We grabbed a table at the Pub. The nice waitress came by and said what the drink specials were. I thanked her. But he wanted to know if the $5 drink specials was the best she could do. Not the drinks. The $5, part.

Red flag! Red flag! Danger! Danger!

I nervously laughed and motioned for the waitress to flee, free herself and just go. He got mad that I did that and said he didn't want lunch anymore. Fuck him. I was ready to go home, leave, eat lunch some place else by myself. But he insisted we drink the drinks we ordered.

We spent an hour at this nice waitress's table when I should have just left. He insisted on paying for the drinks which came to $16 for both. When he saw the bill he got mad again and was an asshole to the waitress. "I thought you said our drinks were $5 each." To which the waitress confirmed had we ordered the drink specials they would have been. But we did not. I already knew I didn't order a drink special. I knew it the moment I ordered it. Because I'm an adult. I didn't want the drink special. I wanted what I drank. Whereas he assumed it was the waitress's job to inform him that the drink he ordered was not one of the drink specials. And so he began to argue with her senselessly before paying the bill.

When it came to the tip he left $4. I said he should give her more (for being an asshole) and because we sat her table for an hour just talking. She lost money. You don't needlessly take up a server's table and not tip them for it. To which he informed me that that wasn't his problem. He said he tips based on what he ordered not how long he sat at a table.


I left.

Fucking asshole.

I should have bought my own drink. I should have insisted on it. I didn't have cash. I could have put her tip on the card.

So I get why white women over 40 are angry, white men over 40 in Las Vegas are cheap as fuck! 

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