Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I’m from Minnesota. I may have mentioned that before. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. It was a different time. A different place. Kids were raised harder then. Parents weren’t afraid to beat some sense out of their kids, their spouses, their siblings, when they deserved it, and you knew when to get involved, and when to mind your own business (which was most of the time). 

EXAMPLE: Yesterday, Las Vegas, NV. I saw a very quick domestic altercation take place on the sidewalk. The guy was trying to walk away from the girl, but the girl kept grabbing his shirt to make him stay. The harder he tried to walk away, the more fierce she became grabbing at his shirt. First with one hand. Then with two. At one point she ripped his shirt completely off him still holding on to his shirt. When he yanked his shirt out of her hand, she jumped on his back and started hitting him on the head. He tried to throw her off but lost his balance. They both tumbled onto the sidewalk with her still on his back hitting him on the head. She dropped his shirt when they fell to the ground. While they were both on the ground he rolled one way, then the other until she got off his back. He stood up to get his shirt. She yanked it out of his hand before he could collect his shirt and his balance. He had had enough and just said “fuck the shirt” because he got up and walked away without a shirt on his back. She started chasing after him but by now she was out of breath, too overweight, and couldn’t keep up. He took off running even though she was the one attacking him. 

SIMILAR SCENARIO: St. Paul, Minnesota, 1985. Adam’s older brother (I forget his name) is about 6’3. His then girlfriend stood about 5’5. They were both 19 years old at the time and back then the legal drinking age was 19. She drank a lot. Spent every night and weekend at the bars. When she drank she loved to fight: verbal, fists, bats, at home, in public, she didn’t care. Naturally she had been arrested more than once for fighting, and for DUI (back then it was called DWI and you were allowed two before going to jail on your third). On this one particular summer night, Adam and a group of our friends were hanging out at his brother’s house. We heard a car squeal up into the front yard. She was drunk, again, driving like a crazy person with the lone destination of picking a fight with Adam’s brother. He met her outside and immediately she began punching, slapping, and kicking him while loudly accusing him of sleeping with other girls. He was but that’s not the point. Minutes after she barreled into his front yard to start the fight, police showed up. Someone called the police or they were already pursuing her, who knows? But the police found her with her car sideways in the front yard, once more assaulting Adam’s brother. When the police tried to stop her and calm her down, she turned her anger towards the police officers and began physically assault them: kicking, punching, spitting, and screaming profanities. At first the police were just trying to calm her down. They were very patient, but their patience has limits with the end result of hog tying her and throwing her in the backseat of their squad car. I had no idea there are that many levels of assault on a police officer. But I learned that day there are quite a lot. — We just watched. And did our best not to laugh. 

Today, people with their cell phones would snap video of the police hog tying her and throwing her in the backseat of the squad car. Just like they would snap video of that guy yesterday rolling around on the ground trying to get that girl off his back. Social media would unfairly blow up with anti-cop and #metoo. 

In part how can you not disfavor the suckers, the fools who make bad choices with friends and lovers, both men and women? The media however, will make villains out of whoever they are paid to make villains out of, which always seems to be the police and men. Somehow women are instantly immune. Perfect. Entitled. 

I’m not saying rape and violence against women doesn’t happen. It does. It’s horrible. And those women need help getting justice and support. 

I’m merely expressing that some women are unhinged to begin with, however permanent or temporary, and therefor must be held accountable for their actions. 

My dad was a scoundrel with the ladies. They loved him. He loved them right back. His then wife took her frustrations out on me to the point she put two life insurance policies on me before the age of twelve. Had a curious file clerk, and agent, not eventually contacted my dad, he would have never known about the strange life insurance policies put on a healthy kid. 

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had therapy, or currently requires it. We all need someone to talk to unrelated.

12 months of mental therapy is a process of recovery. Lifelong mental therapy is something else entirely. 

These days you’re better off reading books or watching movies for peace of mind. I need a good book to read. Suggestions? Audio even. I can listen to it while I’m drawing. 

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