Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My little darlings

I’m not one of those old women thirsty for physical compliments. I’ve earned plenty in my lifetime. Nothing a stranger says to me carries a grain of weight compared to what my loved ones think of me. Same goes for sex. I’ve had plenty of that too and find it rather boring these days without a connection. Being 49 years old in this body, I want a man who is (for starters) my age around 50 years old. 

It never occurs to those many years younger than myself that, among other reasons, perhaps I maintain my younger appearance to attract a man my own age. 

“But you look so young. You could get a younger man, easy.” 

Why? What for? Guidance counseling? You’ve read my articles. Think I’d make a good role model, do ya? You know what I do.

There are men my age who, like me, know the secrets of looking young for years and years beyond biological aging. And some men just don’t age as fast as others. 

I can be friends with anyone. I have friends based on one commonality. The one thing. It happens. I just don’t find younger men sexually attractive.


Channing Tatum

Because he can dance

If he couldn’t dance the way he does I wouldn’t look twice.


He did (you know) the other thing. 

“Blood pudding?”


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