Monday, April 30, 2018

nuts and butts

People who say Summerlin, Nevada, is like Beverly Hills, clearly have never been to Beverly Hills. There is nowhere in Summerlin that resembles even close to Rodeo Drive. However, in between Peace and Tropicana on Fort Apache, beyond the (what I call) sand houses, it just feels like there should be an ocean. There’s a familiar kind of breeze that reminds me of Venice, an ocean breeze. I miss Venice, sometimes. My 1 bedroom apartment here in Las Vegas, is still $1,500 cheaper than a 1 bedroom apartment in Venice. And if I ever return to Los Angeles, I could only live by the ocean.

Since December, 2017, I live by the Las Vegas strip. I don’t dig it AT ALL. I miss living in an actual neighborhood but for now it is what it is. And if I get this job that’s near my apartment I have no reason to move.

I tell men the same thing I tell all men who are looking for love in Vegas, meet a girl who’s Vegas born and happy living here. Why? Because women like me who moved to Vegas, especially from LA., moved to Vegas for one reason, and one reason only, to make money. That’s it. That’s the only reason why I live here, to make money and save money. Technically I guess that’s two reasons. 

I advise men in Vegas who are looking for girlfriends to ask women they are interested in these three questions. 

  1. How long have you lived in Vegas?
  2. What do you do for a living?
  3. Where do you do it?

That’s it. These three things will tell a man in Vegas everything he needs to know about any girl here.

That’s why #Vegasborn is a thing. So locals can find other locals. 

In my older age, I’m a hostess, in the traditional sense. I like hosting. I like making sure everyone’s glass is filled, everyone is happy, I introduce this person to that one, and surround myself with beautiful things and beautiful people. 

This is where I am in my life. To some it may sound superficial but it’s better for everyone to know what’s up right out the gate, right?

Friday, April 27, 2018

Young Turks!

Well, maybe not so young. 11:00am. More like young senior citizens eating a late breakfast.

Friday, April 20, 2018


“People are so enamored by equality that they’d rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”

Like father, like daughter. Just like my dad I spent YEARS listening to someone else, doing whatever they wanted to do, doing things their way, allowing them to order me around, controlling, using love and friendship to possess and own, when in actuality their way only hurts you more than failing. But that’s their plan. And we only have ourselves to blame for allowing it to happen.

My dad knew it.
I knew it.

You know it.

Some people need that crutch. What’s that saying? “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” It makes them feel good knowing someone is in need. POWER. And they’ll use whatever they can just to say, “Look at how great I am! Look at all the swell things I’ve done! Look what I did for that person!” Me. Me. Me. Me. I’m so awesome! They need accolades. They need to be worshipped. They need approval. And they’ll get it any way they can manipulate you into giving it to them. And once the praise is gone, they don’t need you. It’s a sickness.

But, like my dad, like myself, you have to walk away. Freedom!

Power is a drug. Being loved and praised is a drug. They need you to make them feel good for their shortcomings. Stop! Walk away. Kindness and love is fuel, use it to power those who are worthy. Control freaks will lash out at you because you choose freedom over them, but even death is better than one more day being controlled. Dig?

Where one door shuts, another will immediately open, because you’re free, you’ll see all the opportunities around you.

Being a control freak is a sickness. Love and kindness is fuel. Don’t fuel sickness.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Liberal white women 😣

They hate white “privileged” men so yay!! I love me some white privileged men!!! 

Here’s the thing, MOST white women go downhill fast after the age of 40. White women don’t usually age well. Men know this. So do women of fabulous color. It’s their skin. White women don’t produce natural skin oils (like women of color) that keep skin young looking. So unless white women made or married into serious money, their skin is going to quit on them around 40, especially on the west coast. Which means more privileged white men for us!!!! 👍🏻


Liberal white women of a certain age go completely insane - commonly around 40 years of age. 

Turning 40 is a death trap for most white liberal women. They have all this hatred and jealousy for other women due to chromatic design, add menopause into the mix and BAM!!! they hate white men too, their husbands. Aaaaaaaaaand then they’re both on the next episode of SNAPPED! Its why many divorces between whites end when she’s around 40. Don’t believe me? Check the legal books. 

Women who date white “privileged” men WANT to keep white men so-called privileged, OBVIOUSLY.

In conclusion, you batshit crazy white liberal women, THANKS!!! 👍🏻


Nutjob white liberal women over 40, are yet another reason why ALL American colored women should own at least one gun. As soon as a white liberal woman turns 40, the craziness begins with stalking. White chicks love to stalk other women. It’s a white girl thing. 


Monday, April 16, 2018

What in the AFF is going on?

Being single is the ability to have a shitty day and not tell anyone about it.

Ok, well, I don’t have that ability, so...

WHY do swingers bother getting married? Tax breaks? Religion? I think I received an all time record high today for married/attached men writing me from couples profiles insisting they are single. 😂


So I haven’t checked out AFF in a while. Just did. Holy dick pics. It took all of 5 seconds to say NEIN!!! Gaaaahhhhh put it away!!!! My eyes!!!! My eyes!!!!

You know it really shouldn’t be this hard. Have a few suit and tie photos, guys, because if by 40 years of age you don’t own a closet full of ties, nice button down shirts, jackets and matching dress shoes, we are so NOT going to hang out socially. 

And I know Vegas is hot in the summer therefor everyone has beachy photos, me too, still, unless you’re going to show up at a Wynn lounge, naked, erect, with a giant winky emoji over your face, put some damn clothes on! 


(I don’t do lazy.)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Original. No one’s ever called me that before. Nope. No one. Never.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Butt, vag, boobs, dick, butt, vag

Good lawd.

You don’t have to be naked and spread eagle to get work.🙄

Put some clothes on!

Monday, April 2, 2018

OMG whaaaaaat? Chan!

I'm not sure how I feel about this?? On one hand I'm like Yeeeeeeee!!! See you at Magic Mike!! (I say jokingly unless he's into little old women with white hair.)

But then, on the other hand I'm like Nooooooooooo!

Oh lookee

31 degrees and snowing in Minnesota today, and it’s only APRIL!

I’d rather deal with a few months of Las Vegas dragon skin, than snow in April. Coconut oil is your friend out here. I massage myself with it up to 4 times a day. Someone also suggested a eat a teaspoon of it once a day.😝 Once you grease up your toes with something, even food based, it’s hard to fathom the idea of also eating it.

Seriously, coconut oil.