Friday, January 26, 2018

nation masturbation

Oprah said she doesn't have the DNA to be in politics. That's an understatement. At my age I'm very tame compared to when I was young, nonetheless while on autopilot my genetic thrill-kill knee jerks into action at the mere breeze over its trigger, imagine what the rest of the country young eager and hungry for blood would do to her. They would comb over every single one of her interviews, her tv shows, go over her taxes with a fine tooth comb, investigate her friends, her families, note every person she's insulted, dig so far into her past as to know what tampons she used with her first menstrual cycle, and what day she bought them. Welcome to politics.

That's the thing about fame, your biggest threat are non famous people. You'll never truly know who got you... unless it was me. I strongly put into human policy live and let live, NONETHELESS if you fuck me, I want you to look me in the face, directly in the eye when I make the final political kill. I'm still that kind of asshole.

Democrats repeatedly fuck their own party. They do it because they honestly think this country is sustained on fame. Did Lady Gaga not teach you people anything year ago last November? People may love her music but they SO couldn't care less for her politics supporting Hillary Clinton, or any Democrat, and seriously I have to come up with a new I TOLD YOU SO dance, I've exhausted the one I currently have.

Oh Stormy Daniels, we could have had some fun but now going on Kimmel? Ok first of all, Kimmel? Someone put that dude in your grandma's dress already. He's got about as much manhood left in him as a thrown out bra. Some girls like cuckolds, Kimmel is your bitch, the entire nation's cuck.

Personally, I'm still into masculine men.

(Seriously network, are you just letting Kimmel run out his contract??)

Internet has Stormy Daniels at 38 years old. What are you going to do for money at 48 years of age assuming you (any of us) live that long? What's rule number one for famous people? For the one millionth time it's STAY OUT OF THE MEDIA. You were brilliant to not talk and milk it for every dollar it's worth, but go in front of the camera and talk, and you're no longer a buzz, plus people will be afraid to do business with you. You talked. No one wants to do business with someone who talks.

Even people in politics get wrapped up in their own heads with their own game, they don't step out. I love Vegas for several reasons, but always because I can step out, do anything, anytime, any day of the week I need a distraction. It's beautiful.

I'm 49 years old. In my late 40's, I don't have to like you to write for you, or vote for you. I just have to believe in you. Democrats still think this is high school. No kiddos, it's not. If you're my age how many years do we have left to live? Your popularity means shit to me.

All I care about is if you can get the job done.

Can you get the job done? So far country, you have yet to present a democrat who can get the job done. When it comes to Dems we are currently in nation-masturbation. Trademark!

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