Saturday, October 14, 2017

Friday night pictu....

Oh what?? Right. Saturday.

That's cool. I'm too irritated right now to post all those pictures anyway.

Amazon Prime "two day delivery" really means 4 day delivery. It's been windy as fuck outside all day, and now. I looked at my cell phone bill tonight for the first in (ever!) What a mistake that was! I was happier not knowing what I was paying each month. And the whole Harvey Weinstein scandal hurts my brain.

Men are assholes. There. Harvey Weinstein scandal complete. These Hollywood actresses act like sexual harassment ONLY happens to them. No, Rose McGowan, it happens to women everywhere. It's been happening to women everywhere for years and years. P.S. jumping on the bandwagon isn't going to jump start your failed career. Bitch.

And to all these people who are (gasp!) shocked that a big time Hollywood guy like Weinstein, sexually harassed women, NEWSFLASH cigarettes cause cancer, that's why we called them cancer sticks when we were ten years old, and men are assholes. We've known men are assholes since kindergarten back when they were asshole boys, that's why back then we called them stupid asshole boys. It just AMAZES me how out of touch Hollywood women are. (Meme that shit!)

Soooooo what else...

The lease on my house ends in December. Hopefully transferring to a different casino at the end of November. NFL players can suck my cock. White people who support kneeling NFL players are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet if you think NFL players give a shit about whitey.

I just love it when white people take up black political causes AS IF those black people give a shit about white people!  

That's it.

Going back to writing my cannibalism campaign.

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