Friday, March 3, 2017

We're all running out of

She has a photo of her sitting on a picnic table in a bikini holding a soccer ball between her knees, and so I ask her, "You play soccer?" (Because I started to play soccer in high school before I took up track) and her reply was, "No." Ok. And so then I ask her, "Modeling gig for soccer balls?" And she replied, "No." Ok. And so I point to the picture and ask, "Soccer ball?" And she replied, "Well I'm hoping people don't notice the soccer ball. I AM wearing a bikini!" And so I ask her, "Does your boyfriend play soccer?" To which she observed, "You're obsessed with that soccer ball."


This is how my brain works...

Of ALL the photo props in the world, why a soccer ball if you don't play soccer? Were you sitting on that picnic table next to a friendly soccer game and happen to catch a stray ball, followed by the introduction of your now boyfriend? Because at least THAT would make an interesting story, for about 15 seconds.

If one day I randomly drew mallards, friends would curiously ask, "Because we're from Minnesota??" (State bird.) To which I would simply reply, "No." And then they would ask, "Because you've never drawn birds before and you're trying something new?" And again I would simply reply, "No." And they would go crazy wanting to know what's with the mallards? --That's me and this chick's soccer ball.

I ask women questions in further detail more than men, for the simple fact that, I expect more from women on a cerebral level than I do from men. I look for their story. I look for their hidden artistic detail. Not saying women are more intelligent or interesting, only that I expect more from them. It is why I detest most feminists. Their politics seem intellectually lazy to me. They don't support independent thought, and they're very translucent about their obvious feelings of entitlement merely for being born with a vagina. How boring. Having a vagina is no more impressive than having a penis and these days I find both terribly dull more often than not.

I need MORE


The older I get the more I need.

I woke up at 3am and suddenly needed to learn about bee-keeping.

I was never that little kid asking "Why?" every five minutes, but I am that adult who observes things in a challenging inquisitive way. --Which is why I'm thrilled to read that students from multiple Montebello unified school districts are asking all THE RIGHT questions! Only next time kids, don't walk out of class, stay in class and continue asking the right questions like, "Where's the money going?"

This whole "let's walk out and protest to get noticed" does nothing more than, at best, gets you noticed. That's why "Hollywood fame" attend protests, to boost their careers. Trust me, Hollywood has NO idea what you're going through. If you have questions that demand answers, go to where those people are who have those answers. Nobody on the 10 freeway can give you resolve other than perhaps running you over and killing you.

"Let's go down to Venice and watch all the hippies protesting Snapchat."

No thanks. I live here and couldn't care less about Snapchat.

It's the false business of news to make this world seem more insane and fantastic than what it is, when really that's OUR job, artists and writers. But here we are 2017 humans have mastered destruction. When will it stop? When there's nothing left to destroy. When all the children are dead I suppose. Idiocracy. Weather channel guys make millions of dollars to tell you what the weather is outside, as if all our doors and windows are broken.

I'm waiting for Amazon to deliver my work bench, and then, enjoy the day. Chill on the beach. Bike ride around the ocean perhaps. I need it. I freaked myself out yesterday. I walked past a construction site and kinda liked the smell of fresh laid tar.

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