Wednesday, April 15, 2015

But they couldn't convict OJ Simpson

Guilty at 25 years old. Life in prison.

The one time I served on a jury, the two charges against the defendant were for prostitution and pandering. I knew the defendant was in trouble when...

On the day of the jury tutorial, the large pool of potential jury members were split into two rooms. The speaker of the tutorial spoke in the other room, and my room had a camera/television hookup to the other room so we could hear what the speaker was saying. My room watched the speaker on TV. At the end of the tutorial the speaker (directing her comment to the room she was in, obviously) asked if there were any questions to raise your hand. And my room, geniuses, some of them were, actually raised their hands to the television. I kid you not.

These are "the people" who sit on a jury. I have said many times before, there should be an IQ test before people are allowed to sit on a jury.

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