Sunday, August 10, 2014

Girl with Gummy Worms

On the way back to Los Angeles, I sat next to a co-ed wearing her boyfriend's flannel-like shirt. Up until I fell asleep, she was watching videos on her IPhone.

When I woke up, my head was on her shoulder. 

"Oh. Sorry about that." I said.
"No worries. Your hair smells like apples." She replied.

Paul Mitchell Hair Serum.  Love this stuff. One bottle lasts 2 years.

"Want a Gummy Worm?" She said, offering the bag of candy.

"No thank you." I replied. "Hey, I think I got some make up on your shirt. I'll give you my phone number in case you need to dry clean it, you can send me..."

"No worries. I don't think you did, but if something's on there, next time I need my boyfriend to do something, I'll just yell at him about the make up." And then she casually popped another worm in her mouth. Worm. She reminded me of
my friend just then.

"Do you like Country music? You can have the other ear bud if you want." She offered.

Very sweet girl.

Glad I'm not her boyfriend.

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