Friday, January 10, 2014

COCK(tail) blocking!

I had 45 minutes to kill.

There was a sandwich shop nearby. I went in.

I'm early, no worries, I'll grab a Diet Coke, order a sandwich, pick at it, hang out for 45 minutes, drink my soda and read my book.

The restaurant was empty. I took a table in the far back.

Soon after I sat down with my veggie sandwich and Diet Coke, a very lovely and attractive woman who worked at the restaurant started cleaning the table to my left with a dishrag. I knew she was there, working, but I kept my nose in my book and minded my own business...

When she was done cleaning that table, she left...

Minutes later she came back with her dishrag and started cleaning the table to my right. Again I knew she was there but I kept my nose in my book and minded my own business...

When she was done cleaning the table to my right, she left...

Then she came back again with a cleaning rag and (I guess?) sanitizer spray and started scrubbing the table to my left...

When she was done scrubbing the table to my left, she went directly to the table to my right and started scrubbing that table...

By now she was a little hard to ignore.

I'm alone in the restaurant, and of all the tables she could be working on, she's only working on the two tables where I'm sitting. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but I do know when something is going on.

I looked up from my book and smiled at her. She smiled back. Pretty. Then I stuck my nose back down into my book, minding my own business.

When she was done scrubbing the table to my right, she walked back over to the table to my left and started kicking the chairs under the table...

I looked up at her again.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Good." I replied. "How are you?"

"Good." she said. "It was crazy here a few hours ago!"

We made small chit-chat. Afterwards I stuck my head back down into my book.

She then went to the table to my right and kicked those chairs under the table. Then left.

A few minutes later she came back with a sweeper broom.

"What are you reading?" she asked.

"A book about a serial killer." I replied.

"Oh wow! which one?" she asked enthusiastically.

"It's fiction." I tell her. "Sorry. No one you've heard of."

"Oh." She said sounding a little disappointed, and started sweeping the carpet.

I decided that if she finds another excuse to come over to where I'm sitting, I'm going to ask her out for a cocktail. I don't know what this girl's story is, but I was willing to find out.

When she was done sweeping the carpet, she left.

A few minutes later she came back with a tray of stacked condiments used to refill those on the table and started refilling the condiments on the table to my left.

That's it, 

I was going to ask her if she wanted to hang out some time and grab a cocktail.

But before I could ask her, a guy came up with his lunch and sat down at the table to my right. Apparently these back tables were the place to be!

As soon as he sat down the girl grabbed her condiments and left. I didn't see her again.

Cock(tail) blocked again!  

I know some of you are new to this, but this is how it works, you sit a few tables away and let the girls finish their business and then you make with the small talk once they're done. Ask to borrow the salt. Something discreet and go from there.


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