Saturday, June 22, 2019


“Can you believe they murdered that sweet bear just for being friendly to humans?”

Yup. Sure can. Humans are a disease. A pox. Millions of filthy smelly ugly open sores that do nothing but senseless yip-yap, sloth, shit, and breed. Useless. Wretched. Predictable. Boring. God should plague the human race extinct and start over. It’s what artists do when they don’t like their work. They rid themselves of their regrets and start over. PURGE! 

Are you serious? The only solution you geniuses could come up with regarding how to handle a human friendly bear is to murder it? One job! You wildlife conservationists had one job. Fucking people.

“I wish to be moved. I cannot feel in life. I must have others do it for me here in the theater.” — (movie) THE LIBERTINE 

It was early morning. She was walking in front of me, this very pregnant young black woman, at least eight months along, possibly nine. She wore tight grey sweats and a white tank top. Both items of clothing were once a size 4, as was the woman wearing them. Her now engorged stomach forcibly hung out of her tiny clothes. In her right hand was a gallon of water, less than half full, or rather more than half empty considering her condition. She strutted along in her flip flops humming to herself, plotting, scheming. Ten minutes later I saw her again. She was slouched against an Albertsons grocery store wall, wailing, weeping, inconsolable, and forcing herself to vomit onto the sidewalk. Water. Her vomit was nothing but water. Shame, I thought. She could have had their sympathy had she not forced herself to regurgitate all that water. Her hustle went a little too far. No one stopped to help her. But they would have, had she any premeditated skill. Do not fret, she’ll get a second chance to hustle with her kid once it’s born. “S’cuse me mister. Are you my daddy?” 

I’m curious, who would get more sympathy. A girl and her dog? Or a woman and her baby? 

Whenever I pass posters of lost dogs I haven’t the heart to look at the dog’s picture. No doubt the pup was swiped by a homeless man and is now being used to hustle money, slowly starving to death. Every homeless man in Vegas has a dog. They don’t feed the dog to make it look mange for sympathy. When the dog eventually dies of starvation the homeless just swipe another dog. Take better care of your pets! Don’t let the homeless and mentally ill steal your dogs! 

Wounded Paw Project 🐾

“And what did you do this summer, Jimmy?” Asks the third grade teacher.

“My parents took me to Las Vegas! A sweltering 112 degrees every day! I saw filthy homeless people covered in lice! Business cards of naked hookers littered the sidewalk! Baseball size cockroaches! Drunk people everywhere! I got to jerk the one arm bandit for a quarter! And I learned “pussy” isn’t just a cat!”

“Okaaaay. Neat. And what did you do over the summer, Suzi?” The third grade teacher asks. 

“We went camping, studied wild life, hiked trails, learned about nature, all while visiting my cousins in beautiful clean Montana. Because my parents, you know, are decent people who actually love me.” 

Why would anyone bring kids to Las Vegas? What the hell is wrong with you people?

“Summerlin is just like Beverley Hills!” 

Um. No. There is no place in Summerlin remotely close to Beverly Hills. No where. You clearly have never been to Beverly Hills. At best Summerlin, maybe, compares to Salt Lake City. Maybe. 

I started drinking hard liquor again. Just vodka. The drink of my youth. When you grow up in a German community you start drinking vodka very young in life. And then I was introduced to wine. I drink wine because I enjoy the taste, the mellow buzz, and appreciate the hard work and pioneering spirit it takes to make wine. But when all your many years of studies to reach a higher state of consciousness works on the very last nerve that was somehow spared at the end of a ridiculous day, fuck wine, give me vodka.

FALUN GONG forever!! You can’t kill spirit. 

The most peaceful people, the most docile animals, and all these wretched humans can do towards these loving beings, is murder them. Some from profit. Others just for killing. 

I haven’t gone full blown PETA, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t understand them a little more each day. 

PURGE 2020! 

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