Thursday, March 14, 2019

If you dare

Oh hi. Hello. How you doin’? 

Feeling guilty for throwing my shoes at him yesterday, I went out looking for Miso this morning as I do every morning to feed him. I was determined however not to let Miso into my apartment. Even though the swipe he took at my face yesterday didn’t leave a mark, he’s still food aggressive without any reason to be. He’s the only cat I feed. The only cat I let into my apartment to sleep. 

Around 8am I went outside with a bowl, a can of food, water, and treats. I sat on the side of my building and called for Miso. Within minutes he appeared from across the street. I opened his cat food, put it in the bowl, and fed him outside. Three minutes went by and Miso stopped eating. I put treats in his bowl but he wouldn’t touch it. After trying to coax him to eat more he just flat out refused. Fine. Whatever. I picked up his bowl of food to bring inside. I’d try again later. But as soon as I started walking towards my security gate. Miso followed. I opened the gate and Miso ran up to my apartment. Reluctantly I opened my apartment door to let him in. And before I could take one foot inside my apartment, that fury little shit attacked my leg again. He just “mrow bitch!” And pounced on my leg with all four paws of claws. 

Motherfu.... !!! 

I don’t understand why he’s doing this. 

Once inside my apartment Miso ate the rest of his wet food, some dry food, and his treats. We played a little, I pet him, he headbutt me, all as per usual, and then I let him out. An hour later he came back in, ate some hard food, and went back out. 

He eats fine. His mouth doesn’t seem to hurt him. He doesn’t growl when he eats. His appetite seems fine. He’s gaining weight and growing fast. I don’t know? He’s just so hyper and aggressive with his initial feeding. I don’t even want to look to see what his claws are doing to the legs of my jeans. 

I guess this is just his thing now? Whenever he’s about to eat he just attacks my legs. He’s so sweet and affectionate otherwise. But the moment he knows he’s about to eat, LOOK OUT! 

He’s the only cat I feed. I feed him twice a day when he’s around. Sometimes more if I’m off. WTF? 

As I ponder my kitty woes I walked up to the post office. Glad to see people are just as patient as ever standing in line to mail packages.😜🤪

Anyway, sooooo anyone interested cat sitting on occasion when the weather’s too hot? Just wear jeans when you feed him and I’ll pray for you. 

Our lord who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name 
Thy Kingdome come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven... 

Laziest red dot catcher ever.

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