Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Work it hard

Like it’s your profession...

I finished binge watching all five seasons of ‘Grace and Frankie’ on Netflix, and saw my life/near future flash before my eyes. That’s been happening more and more as of late. The end is nigh. If I keep having menstrual cycles one can only hope sooner than later. I just can’t take it anymore. It’s like I’m going crazy every time it happens. Every 28 days for 37 years. Fuck. Enough! Although I did have three months of blissful menstrual peace prior to this month. What is the point of having periods at the age of 50? It’s not like we’re making babies at 50. Or at least that should NEVER be an option. 

I have a new downstairs neighbor. He makes his presence known. He’s one of those guys who absolutely must talk to you if he sees you. And he absolutely must tell you and everyone in the room that he’s a military vet, just for the attention. You know the type. 50 or 60 something, fat, disheveled, and who knows if he’s really a vet. I hate men who lie and say they are, when they’re not. That’s one of the biggest Vegas con jobs out here to get free stuff, scream you’re a military veteran with zero proof. Fuck that. I grew up with older brothers. I’ve mastered the art of avoidance. “Ok then have a nice day!” If that asshole messes with my kitty I’ll burn him to the ground. 

TV shows like NCIS where all the older military vets are hot, have ruined me for Las Vegas fake veterans. Every man so far in Vegas who’s loudly and proudly announced he’s a military vet with zero proof or knowledge of the military have all looked like a fat Sid Caesar, just before he died. You have Google. Look him up. 

Do we really need to hear anymore about Ellen Paige? She’s just another hysterical lesbian named Ellen. Chris Pratt is hot, and Paige thinks slamming him will get her some recognition and street cred with... 

Well I don’t know who with but she’s definitely on the brink of a Juliette Lewis style nervous breakdown. Go warm up your car cam, Ellen. We’ll wait. 

“You wanna live fancy? Live in a big mansion? Party in France? You better work bitch, you better work bitch... “

Let it go, Ellen Paige. Let it GO. You lost. Whackjob. 

I’ve been meaning to go a lot of places since moving to Vegas. One of those places was The Other Room, on the strip. When I finally made it down I discovered it had already closed. Too bad. The one on Abbot Kinney was a cool little hang. 


Why do security at Caesars Palace look like 1980’s Canadian Mounties?

Ok well...

I’m feeling it today. Back to Mandalay Bay? 

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