Saturday, February 9, 2019

FU February

Men and their getting up at the crack of dawn, I don’t get it. Unless you’re being paid, WHY are you up that crazy early? I actually get paid to be places at 2pm and I’m still grumpy AF until the very last second before I arrive. I’m grumpy AF immediately after but I fake it because I’m getting paid to. We’re all whores in the end. 

I like my day to start about 4pm and go until dawn next day. 4pm-2am are great work hours for me. Great social hours too. 

I’m not digging the whole “see you at noon” schedule people have been throwing at me lately. Knock it off. 


I’m grumpy because I went three whole months without a menstrual cycle, and BAM, February decided to mess with my happiness, my zen. Nothing like peeing a quadruple homicide crime scene. This whole month so far has been complete bullshit and it’s only the 9th. And I’m not even anti Valentine’s Day with the fever of some ya’ll. Valentine’s Day is a money marketing tool for businesses, whatever, I much rather have every day, or any day be Valentine’s Day, rather than this ONE designated time of year. But I digress. Point is, this month has completely sucked so far. 

My only reason for being alive is for this one particular neighborhood kitty cat I’ve fallen in love with, and...

No that’s pretty much it. And I haven’t seen the kitty since yesterday afternoon though I’ve gone looking three times since.

CRAMPS! Can you OD on Ibuprofen? Lord knows I’ve been trying to for the past 5 hours. 


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