Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Day 4. Laryngitis.

Everyone is giving me advice on how to get rid of laryngitis, and I’m doing it, all of it. You could tell me to bury a potato every three hours while facing east, and damnit I’m on top of the hour with a giant spoon and a bag of spuds. Does it matter what type of potato I bury? No? Yukons, it is! 

And yes

I quit smoking back around 2001/2002, just before I got married and after my second lung infection, more specifically after my respiratory infection. It took two bodily infections before I quit smoking. And then I married a smoker. Smart. Some say chronic lung and throat infections are the result of smoking. My dad died of throat cancer years after he quit smoking. Others argue throat and lung viruses are the result of not having your tonsils taken out. I still have my tonsils, and I’m an ex smoker, plus I was married to a smoker. Second hand smoke. — With all these things under consideration, is not still possible that I got laryngitis because people don’t cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze? 

I should have been a lawyer. 

Day 4 of laryngitis is the sore throat, nagging dry cough, and every 23rd syllable uttered has actual volume. 

Two people I work with said, “Vicks vapo rub, rub it everywhere, even on the bottoms of your feet, then put on a pair of socks and continue rubbing Vicks everywhere on your body. Do it just before you go to bed.”

On the bottoms of my feet? 

I’m pretty sure they’re just messing with me but fuck it, I did it anyway.

Theraflu and Vicks rub.

You bet. On the bottoms of my feet and all over. I got 6 hours of undisturbed sleep. I’m doing it again tonight.

A coworker told me to do shots of tequila to get rid of the junk in my lungs. I don’t drink tequila but damnit I’m getting faced on Patron tomorrow night! If you need me Thursday I’ll be in my bed drowning in a pool of Vicks vapo rub, salt, lime juice, and quite possibly my own vomit and urine. 

Last Saturday I couldn’t even get out of bed but to pee and drink theraflu. I binge watched ‘Bates Motel’ season 5. Their version of the iconic ‘Psycho’ shower scene was cool. Unexpected until the water started running. Sucks there’s no season 6. 

I also tried watching ‘Sea Of Trees’. 

I tried. 

No. Just no. 

I wanted to like the movie so bad, but I couldn’t. Didn’t. 

I live in a second floor walk-up. I must have blogged about it. I’ve lived here now going on four months in December. I share a heavy iron security gate with the person across from me. As in, when I look through my peep hole, I can see their door. I’ve had two different neighbors in these four months, and the apartment is now empty, or so I heard one of my neighbors say recently. Which is odd considering I hear people in that apartment all the time. 



There’s a guy who lives across the street with a rice burner for a “motorcycle”. He’s very proud of it. Revs it up at least three times a day.

How do deaf people get release from wanting to yell at people? By throwing rocks? Broken bottles? Old school. I like it.

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